40 research outputs found

    Actinide-rich and Actinide-poor rr-Process Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars do not Require Separate rr-Process Progenitors

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    The astrophysical production site of the heaviest elements in the universe remains a mystery. Incorporating heavy element signatures of metal-poor, rr-process enhanced stars into theoretical studies of rr-process production can offer crucial constraints on the origin of heavy elements. In this study, we introduce and apply the "Actinide-Dilution with Matching" model to a variety of stellar groups ranging from actinide-deficient to actinide-enhanced to empirically characterize rr-process ejecta mass as a function of electron fraction. We find that actinide-boost stars do not indicate the need for a unique and separate rr-process progenitor. Rather, small variations of neutron richness within the same type of rr-process event can account for all observed levels of actinide enhancements. The very low-YeY_e, fission-cycling ejecta of an rr-process event need only constitute 10-30% of the total ejecta mass to accommodate most actinide abundances of metal-poor stars. We find that our empirical YeY_e distributions of ejecta are similar to those inferred from studies of GW170817 mass ejecta ratios, which is consistent with neutron-star mergers being a source of the heavy elements in metal-poor, rr-process enhanced stars.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, Submitted to Ap

    The Influence Of Neutron Capture Rates On The Rare Earth Region Of The r-Process Abundance Pattern

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    We study the sensitivity of the r-process abundance pattern to neutron capture rates along the rare earth region (A~150 to A~180). We introduce the concepts of large nuclear flow and flow saturation which determine the neutron capture rates that are influential in setting the rare earth abundances. We illustrate the value of the two concepts by considering high entropy conditions favorable for rare earth peak production and identifying important neutron capture rates among the rare earth isotopes. We also show how these rates influence nuclear flow and specific sections of the abundance pattern.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Uncertainty Quantification of Mass Models using Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging

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    Developments in the description of the masses of atomic nuclei have led to various nuclear mass models that provide predictions for masses across the whole chart of nuclides. These mass models play an important role in understanding the synthesis of heavy elements in the rapid neutron capture (rr-) process. However, it is still a challenging task to estimate the size of uncertainty associated with the predictions of each mass model. In this work, a method to quantify the mass uncertainty using \textit{ensemble Bayesian model averaging} (EBMA) is introduced. This Bayesian method provides a natural way to perform model averaging, selection, calibration, and uncertainty quantification, by combining the mass models as a mixture of normal distributions, whose parameters are optimized against the experimental data, employing the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method using the No-U-Turn sampler (NUTS). The average size of our best uncertainty estimates of neutron separation energies based on the AME2003 data is 0.48 MeV and covers 95% of new data in the AME2020. The uncertainty estimates can also be used to detect outliers with respect to the trend of experimental data and theoretical predictions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Composition Effects on Kilonova Spectra and Light Curves: I

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    The merger of neutron star binaries is believed to eject a wide range of heavy elements into the universe. By observing the emission from this ejecta, scientists can probe the ejecta properties (mass, velocity and composition distributions). The emission (a.k.a. kilonova) is powered by the radioactive decay of the heavy isotopes produced in the merger and this emission is reprocessed by atomic opacities to optical and infra-red wavelengths. Understanding the ejecta properties requires calculating the dependence of this emission on these opacities. The strong lines in the optical and infra-red in lanthanide opacities have been shown to significantly alter the light-curves and spectra in these wavelength bands, arguing that the emission in these wavelengths can probe the composition of this ejecta. Here we study variations in the kilonova emission by varying individual lanthanide (and the actinide uranium) concentrations in the ejecta. The broad forest of lanthanide lines makes it difficult to determine the exact fraction of individual lanthanides. Nd is an exception. Its opacities above 1 micron are higher than other lanthanides and observations of kilonovae can potentially probe increased abundances of Nd. Similarly, at early times when the ejecta is still hot (first day), the U opacity is strong in the 0.2-1 micron wavelength range and kilonova observations may also be able to constrain these abundances