4 research outputs found
Studi Kondisi Fisik Rumah Tinggal Permukiman Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Di Kawasan Pusat Kota Palu
Low Income Society dwelling forms as city villages , generally placed in center city area, high population density, without enough yard also lack physic infrastructure environment. That function of housing for shelter, settle, on going process, social interaction, and asset for life. Indicated that resident using rooms in their environment dwelling as maximal as they can to dwelled activity, social interact and working. Open rooms is the most dominant area used to the activities which stand receding livings. Because lack of area, living house build appropriate with citizen needs and ability without considering to safety factor, healthy and dwelling environmental condition which suitable to settle. To develop the housing use material and construction non standard, but ten percent housing used material and construction with standard quality for techni
Pusat Pertokoan dengan Konsep Pedestrian Mall di Kota Palu
Perkembangan Kota Palu diiringi dengan pertumbuhan perekonomian yang semakin meningkat. PusatPertokoan Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin merupakan salah satu pusat perdagangan di Kota Palu dengan sistempertokoan linear (shopping street). Perkembangan kegiatan perdagangan di Kota Palu yang semakin pesatmenyebabkan masyarakat beralih ke pusat perbelanjaan modern yang menawarkan suasana baru denganfasilitas yang lengkap, sehingga kegiatan perdagangan pada kawasan pusat pertokoan Jl. SultanHasanuddin mengalami penurunan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mewujudkan konsep perancangan dalammendesain kawasan Pusat Pertokoan Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin di Kota Palu dengan konsep pedestrian malldengan suasana berbelanja yang rekreatif, aman dan nyaman bagi pengunjung. Penelitian menggunakanmetode kualitatif, yang menunjukkan bahwa kawasan Pusat Pertokoan Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin memilikikarakteristik yang mendukung untuk ditetapkan sebagai kawasan pedestrian, karena memiliki potensikawasan dan indikasi atau kecenderungan pada kawasan yang dikaitkan dengan prinsip‐prinsip dalam penerapan konsep pedestrian mall, maka tipe pedestrian mall yang dapat diterapkan pada kawasan iniadalah tipe full pedestrian mall. Penerapan full pedestrian mall ini dititik beratkan pada perbaikan danpeningkatan identitas dan kualitas kawasan melalui penataan ulang kawasan
Setting Ruang Permukiman dalam Pengembangan Ruang Bermukim Di Kepulauan Togean Sulawesi Tengah
Togean the islands are cluster of the small islands located in the district of Tojo Una-una and the very excited tourist attraction in Central Sulawesi Province. Some of the cluster of the islands is the settled place Bajo communities who occupied the coastal areas and the small islands. The islands are formed from the volcanic activity with the fertile plants as well surrounded by the rocks formations. Piles of the rocks to forms and functions as a place to living. Togean the islands has an area of ±362,000 ha and has been designated as one of the Marine National Park in the Indonesia. Case study research approah used with multiple cases, naturalistic quantitative data collection with analysis techniques in exploration.The islands in the islands Togean as a shelter the coastal communities particularly in the settlements on the islands of Enam/Enau (district Togean) and the island Kabalutan (district Walea the island). The two these islands setting show a very specifically lived spaces because it is strongly influenced by of nature physical factors, socio-economic conditions, and the local wisdom there. The development of the settlement spaces setting formal due to : (a) the limited land areas as a dwelling allocation, (b) presense of land potential that can be developed to support the economic life and the preservation of natural environment, and (c) the environmental suistainability of its settlement that a unique and specific. Keywords : Setting Space, Housing, Development Settlemen