1 research outputs found

    Analisis Usability Sistem Aplikasi Kredit Digital Dengan Pendekatan Use Questionnaire dan IPA

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    Online loan applications are a form of cashless transaction with the number of users continuing to increase every year, especially in Indonesia. Various online credit and loan applications are born as if they are in demand by offering banking solutions and various promotions. One of the online loan and credit applications is the Kredivo application. This application has many features not only as a payment method, but also as a tool for making cash and credit payments to the markets that work with this application. So far, this application has never been analyzed, so researchers want to conduct research to obtain new findings about the usability of the Kredivo application system and as proof or testing of the correctness of existing knowledge, namely use questionnaire analysis and importance performance analysis. The results of his research show that the variables tested on the respondents are still not in accordance with the expectations of the respondents.Abstract— Online loan applications are a form of cashless transaction with the number of users continuing to increase every year, especially in Indonesia. Various online credit and loan applications are born as if they are in demand by offering banking solutions and various promotions. One of the online loan and credit applications is the Kredivo application. This application has many features not only as a payment method, but also as a tool for making cash and credit payments to the markets that work with this application. So far, this application has never been analyzed, so researchers want to conduct research to obtain new findings about the usability of the Kredivo application system and as proof or testing of the correctness of existing knowledge, namely use questionnaire analysis and importance-performance analysis. The results of his research show that the variables tested on the respondents are still not in accordance with the expectations of the respondents. Keywords – Usability, Questionnaire, Credit Intisasi – Aplikasi pinjaman dan penggunaan pinjaman online merupakan salah satu bentuk transaksi cashless dengan jumlah pengguna yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya terutama di Indonesia. Berbagai aplikasi kredit dan pinjaman online lahir seolah-olah diminati dengan menawarkan solusi perbankan dan berbagai promosi. Salah satu aplikasi pinjaman dan kredit online adalah aplikasi Kredivo. Aplikasi ini memiliki banyak fitur tidak hanya sebagai metode pembayaran, tetapi juga sebagai alat untuk melakukan pembayaran tunai dan kredit ke pasar yang bekerja dengan aplikasi ini. Selama ini aplikasi ini belum pernah ada yang menganalisa sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh penemuan baru tentang usability sistem aplikasi Kredivo dan sebagai pembuktian atau pengujian tentang kebenaran dari pengetahuan yang sudah ada yaitu analisis use questionnaire dan importance performance analysis. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan variabel diuji pada responden masih ada yang belum sesuai harapan responden. Kata Kunci— Usability, Questionnaire, kredi