3 research outputs found

    Etude comparative de la rentabilité de deux types d'apiculture au Nord Ouest Cameroun

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    Comparative Study of the Profitability of Two Types of Bee Farming in the North West Cameroon. The present study examines the financial profitability of beekeeping in Cameroon. The global objective is to compare the profitability of two types of bee farms in the North West Region. The main hypothesis, however, is the following: there is a significant difference in output and in net benefit between traditional and semimodern bee farms. As regards the methodology used, a two stage stratified random sampling technique was used to select 100 bee farmers. Primary data was collected on elements of costs and revenue. The technique of cost benefit analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings showed that traditional beekeeping and semi-modern beekeeping (using Kenyan hives "KTBH") farms have an average production of 77.46 and 112.68 liters of honey per year respectively, for the respective average total revenue of 86 832.39 FCFA and 143 791 FCFA. The average annual value of their ratio Net Benefit/Total Cost is 1.168 and 1.193 respectively. The semi-modern bee hives perform better than the traditional one. Even with some difficulties faced by some farmers, bee farming in the North West Cameroon remains profitable. Despite the static character of this study, we suggest that beekeepers should adopt the semi-modern (Kenyan) hives

    Etude comparative de la rentabilité de deux types d'apiculture au nord ouest du Cameroun

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    La présente étude examine la rentabilité financière de l’apiculture au Cameroun. Son objectif global est de comparer la rentabilité des deux types d’apiculture pratiqués au Nord Ouest Cameroun. L’hypothèse globale est qu’il existerait une différence significative en rendement de miel et en bénéfice net entre les exploitations apicoles traditionnelles et celles améliorées. Un sondage à deux degrés de stratifications a été utilisé pour obtenir un échantillon de 100 exploitations apicoles. Les données primaires portaient sur les éléments de coût et de revenu. Le modèle d’analyse B/C a été utilisé. A la suite des analyses faites à l’aide des logiciels Excel et SPSS, Les principaux résultats suivants ont été obtenus: les exploitations apicoles traditionnelles (avec les ruches traditionnelles) et les celles semi modernes ou améliorées (avec les ruches kenyanes «KTBH») produisent respectivement 77,46 et 112,68 litres de miel par an en moyenne, pour des revenus totaux respectifs de 86 832,39 et 143 791 FCFA. La valeur annuelle moyenne respective de leur ratio de bénéfice net sur coût total est de 1,168 et 1,193. Malgré quelques difficultés, l’apiculture au Nord Ouest Cameroun est rentable. En dépit du caractère statique de l’étude, nous suggérons aux apiculteurs d’adopter les ruches améliorées. Comparative Study of the Profitability of Two Types of Bee Farming in the North West Cameroon The present study examines the financial profitability of beekeeping in Cameroon. The global objective is to compare the profitability of two types of bee farms in the North West Region. The main hypothesis, however, is the following: there is a significant difference in output and in net benefit between traditional and semimodern bee farms. As regards the methodology used, a two stage stratified random sampling technique was used to select 100 bee farmers. Primary data was collected on elements of costs and revenue. The technique of cost benefit analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings showed that traditional beekeeping and semi-modern beekeeping (using Kenyan hives «KTBH») farms have an average production of 77.46 and 112.68 liters of honey per year respectively, for the respective average total revenue of 86 832.39 FCFA and 143 791 FCFA. The average annual value of their ratio Net Benefit/Total Cost is 1.168 and 1.193 respectively. The semi-modern bee hives perform better than the traditional one. Even with some difficulties faced by some farmers, bee farming in the North West Cameroon remains profitable. Despite the static character of this study, we suggest that beekeepers should adopt the semi-modern (Kenyan) hives