3 research outputs found

    Abstract Concurrent Garbage Collection Using Program Slices on

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    We investigate reference counting in the context of a multithreaded architecture by exploiting two observations: (1) reference-counting can be performed by a transformed program slice of the mutator that isolates heap references, and (2) hardware trends indicate that microprocessors in the near future will be able to execute multiple concurrent threads on a single chip. We generate a reference-counting collector as a transformed program slice of an application and then execute this slice in parallel with the application as a “run-behind ” thread. Preliminary measurements of collector overheads are quite encouraging, showing a 25 % to 53 % space overhead to transfer garbage collection to a separate thread.

    Real Time Behavior Of Multithreaded Processors

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    We find that the processor response greatly depends on the cache configuration and main memory throughput. For simple cache design, the conflict misses reduce RT response below 55%. The only way to guarantee RT performance in multithreaded processors is to increase the memory bandwidth by employing pipelining. This way misses are serviced faster and near 100% performance can be achieved. Introduction Multithreading has been proposed as a technique for tolerating latency in computer systems. In uniprocessor systems, multithreading has been proposed by Hirata [4], Gupta [13], Eggers [11] and others, to tolerate the latency caused by a cache miss. Multithreading has also been studied both in multiprocessor systems such as the APRIL [5], the Tera Computer [6], and the HEP [14], as well as in data--flow machines such as the *T [3], the Monsoon [15], and others, to tolerate the latency caused by long memory access through interconnection networks. It will not be long before multithreaded p..