9 research outputs found

    An Annoted Translation of Mulla Sadra\u27s “All Return to God”

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    Mulla Sadra (d. 1050/1640) is a great mystic philosopher in the Safavid Iran and the author of a monumental work, The Transcendent Theosophy concerning the Four Intellectual Journeys of the Soul (al-Hikmah al-muta‘āliyah fī al-asfār al-‘aqlīyah al-arba‘ah).Here presented is a Japanese translation of its safar IV, bāb 11, fasl 13, (Tehran 1379AH Edition, vol. IV-ii, pp. 243-272) with a brief introduction, a summary and notes.This section (fasl) deals with an eschatological problem of the Congregation (hashr).In his understanding not only rational souls but animal and vegetative ones, even natural bodies return to and congregate with, God.This idea contrasts sharply with that of the philosophers (falāsifah) and of the theologians (mutakallimūn) in Islam.He adopts neither the narrow doctrine of the spiritual resurrection of the former nor the dogma of the atomistic bodily resurrection of the latter.Based on his theory of the tripartite development of soul, he allows animals on a higher stage their individual (not specific) survival in the world of Soul (‘ālam al-nafs), or the intermediate world (barzakh) which is not purely spiritual yet.Quoting as proof several passages from the [pseudo-] Aristotelian Uthūlūjiyā and Ibn ‘Arabī\u27s al-Futūhāt al-Makkīyah, he demonstrates the existence of irrational beings in the hereafter and the permeation of the Divine life into lifeless bodies.His thesis that the higher form comprehends all the lower forms in itself enables him to claim the novel idea of the all-inclusive Congregation

    Teosofi Islam : manifestasi-manifestai ilahi

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    Buku ini menelaah mengenai persoalan dan masalah-masalah ilmiah dengan mengacu pada ayat-ayat Al-Quran serta memuat rangkuman yang dihasilkan dari perjalanan spiritual.243 hlm.; 21 cm

    Manifestasi-Manifestasi Ilahi:risalah ketuhanan ...

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    Manifestasi-manifestasi ilahi : risalah ketuhanan dan hari akhir sebagai perjalanan pengetahuan menuju kesempurnaan/ Sadra

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    xi, 289 hal.; 21 cm

    Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind: Light and luminous being in Islamic theology

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    For theologians, to conceive of God in terms of light has some undeniable advantages, allowing a middle-of-the road position between the two extremes of thinking about God in terms of a purely disembodied, unfathomable, unsensible being, and of crediting Him with a body, possibly even a human(oid) body. This paper first reviews the reasons why God, in early medieval Islam, was never fully theorized in terms of light. It then proceeds to discuss light-related narratives in two major, late-medieval compilations of hadiths about the afterlife, by al-Suyuti (Ash’ari, Egypt, d. 1505) and al-Majlisi (Persia, d. 1699), suggesting that eschatology was the area in which God’s light continued to shine in Islam, and the backdoor through which a theology of light, in the thought of al-Suhrawardi (Syria, d. 1191) and his followers, made a triumphant re-entry into Islamic thought