918 research outputs found

    Monitor Energy Markets 2007 - Analysis of developments on the Dutch wholesale markets for gas and electricity

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    The Dutch wholesale markets for energy are still impeded by various bottlenecks, as a result of which the costs for energy consumers are higher than they should be in well-functioning markets. Simply making more efficient use of the import infrastructure could save energy consumers several tens of millions of euros. The bottlenecks occur primarily in the gas market, where various impediments are impeding the quicker introduction of competition.Monitoring, electricity, gas, competition, infrastructure

    Market Monitor: Development of the Wholesale Electricity Market in 2006

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    Competition in the Dutch electricity market is stagnating. The market remains concentrated, with relatively high prices. The north-west European market must be further integrated by expanding the available interconnection capacity in order to achieve a structural improvement. That could cut consumers’ annual energy bills by several dozen euros per household. Consumers would also benefit indirectly since electricity prices for business would also fall, putting downward pressure on prices of other products. In order to achieve these benefits for consumers, the TSO’s must make headway with the expansion of the available interconnection capacity.Monitoring, electricity, competition, infrastructure

    Węzeł wartowniczy w raku jelita grubego

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    StreszczenieWstępW pracy dokonano przeglądu na podstawie piśemiennictwa badań na temat przydatności identyfikacji węzła wartowniczego w ocenie stanu zaawansowania klinicznego raka jelita grubego. Przeprowadzono analizę wyników badań w tym zakresie wykonanych w różnych ośrodkach chirurgicznych. Zwrócono uwagę na te elementy które mają zasadnicze znaczenie w rokowaniu u chorych na raka jelita grubego oraz na prawdopodobne przyczyny błędów jakie są popełniane przy kwalifikacji chorych do określonej grupy zaawansowania klinicznego. Potwierdzenie przerzutów w węzłach chłonnych warunkuje zastosowanie terapii uzupełniającej i daje większe szanse na osiągnięcie dobrych wyników leczenia. Dotychczas stosowane techniki badawcze nie zawsze dają pewność właściwie postawionego rozpoznania w zakresie stopnia zaawansowania choroby, stąd poszukiwanie nowych metod, które zwiększyłyby szansę na precyzyjne określenie stadium choroby i umożliwiłyby zastosowanie odpowiedniego, skutecznego leczenia.Materiał i metodyOmówiono koncepcję „węzła wartowniczego” oraz korzyści jakie może przynieść jego identyfikacja w ocenie zaawansowania choroby. Przedstawiono techniki wybarwiania węzłów chłonnych, rodzaje barwników i sposób nastrzyknięcia tkanki.WynikiUwzględniono skuteczność diagnostyczną tej metody badawczej w różnych badaniach oraz ocenę patomorfologiczną węzła wartowniczego opartą na barwieniu hemoatoksylinowo-eozynowym, metodach immunohistochemicznych, a także przy zastosowaniu technik molekularnych. Dokonano oceny wyników dodatnich oraz fałszywie ujemnych prowadzonych badań.WniosekStwierdzono przydatność nowej metody diagnostycznej w raku jelita grubego wymagającą jednakże dalszych badań oraz uwidoczniono korzyśći jakie może przynieść zastosowanie tej metody w praktyce.SummaryIntroductionIn the paper a review of the literature on the usefulness of the sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification in clinical staging of the colorectal cancer was performed. Studies conducted In different surgical departments were analyzed. Crucial elements in prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer and mistakes made in clinical staging of theses patients were pointed out. Lymph nodes metastases warrants the adjuvant therapy and improves results of treatment. The diagnostic methods used at the moment are not very accurate in clinical staging, therefore a search for the new methods, which would enable more precise staging and at the same time the suitable treatment is being made.Material and methodsThe sentinel node concept and the benefits of its identification are discussed. Techniques of the SLN dying (dyes, application) are presented.ResultsThe diagnostic efficacy of the method in different studies and the detailed pathological examination (haematoxylin-eosin, immunohistochemistry, molecular techniques) is being analyzed. Positive and false negative results in the studies are evaluated.ConclusionThe usefulness of the method and application in the clinical setting in colorectal cancer is shown, still further studies are needed

    Burn-Induced Local and Systemic Immune Response: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Animal Studies

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    Contains fulltext : 284423.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access

    Sound Level Monitoring at Live Events, Part 2 - Regulations, Practices, and Preferences

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    This paper considers existing regulations, practices, and preferences regarding the measurement, monitoring, and management of sound levels at live music events. It brings together a brief overview of current regulations with the outcomes of a recent international survey of live sound engineers and evaluation of three datasets of sound measurement at live music events. The paper reveals the benefit of a 15-min time frame for the definition of equivalent continuous sound level limits in comparison to longer or shorter time frames. The paper also reveals support from the live sound engineering community for the application of sound level limits and development of a global certification system for live sound engineers.N/

    Sound Level Monitoring at Live Events, Part 3 - Improved Tools and Procedures

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    This is the final installment in a series of three papers looking into the subject of sound level monitoring at live events. The first two papers revealed how practical shortcomings and audience and neighbor considerations (in the form of sound level limits) can impact the overall live experience. This paper focuses on an improved set of tools for sound engineers to ensure a high-quality and safe live event experience while maintaining compliance with local sound level limits. This includes data processing tools to predict future limit violations and guidelines for improved user interface design. Practical procedures, including effective sound level monitoring practice, alongside resourceful mixing techniques are presented to provide a robust toolset that can allow sound engineers to perform their best without compromising the listening experience in response to local sound level limits.N/

    Sound Level Monitoring at Live Events, Part 1–Live Dynamic Range

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    Musical dynamics are often central within pieces of music and are therefore likely to be fundamental to the live event listening experience. While metrics exist in broadcasting and recording to quantify dynamics, such measures work on high-resolution data. Live event sound level monitoring data is typically low-resolution (logged at one second intervals or less), which necessitates bespoke musical dynamics quantification. Live dynamic range (LDR) is presented and validated here to serve this purpose, where measurement data is conditioned to remove song breaks and sound level regulation-imposed adjustments to extract the true musical dynamics from a live performance. Results show consistent objective performance of the algorithm, as tested on synthetic data as well as datasets from previous performances.N/

    A case study on sound level monitoring and management at large-scale music festivals

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    Sound level management at live events has been made immeasurably easier over the past decade or so through use of commercially-available sound level monitoring software. This paper details a study conducted at a large-scale multi-day music festival in Chicago, USA. The focus was twofold: first to explore how the use of noise monitoring software affects the mix level from sound engineers and second on how crowd size, density and distribution affect the mix level. Additionally, sound levels at various points in the audience were monitored to indicate audience sound exposure over the duration of the festival. Results are presented in relation to those from previous studies with key findings pointing towards recommendations for best practice.N/