41 research outputs found

    Managing Quality in Health Care: Involving Patient Care Information Systems and Healthcare Professionals in Quality Monitoring and Improvement

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    It is no longer possible to ignore the issue of quality in health care. Care institutions strive to provide all patients with effective, efficient, safe, timely, patient-centered care. Increased attention for quality is also found in discussions regarding use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in health care processes. In these discussions, ICT is almost always brought into a direct relationship with improving the quality of care, especially ICTs that professionals use directly in patient care, which are also known as patient care information systems (PCIS) [1-4]. Well-known quality reports from the US Institute of Medicine, such as To Err is Human [5] and Crossing the Quality Chasm [6], identify the lack of and delay in ICT development and implementation as a partial explanation for quality problems in existing healthcare systems. Both reports call for wider-scale imple

    Of blooming flowers and multiple sockets: infrastructure Integration and the Technological Imaginary

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    We analyze and discuss the use of two metaphors for integration work in the development of Zorgportaa

    Lessons for Employing Participatory Design When Developing Care for Young People with Cancer: A Qualitative Multiple-Case Study

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    Purpose: Participatory design (PD) is a collective creative design process involving designers and nondesigners. There is limited reporting on the experience of using PD for adolescent and young adult (AYA) care. This study summarizes lessons from employing PD to develop care for AYAs with cancer. Methods: A qualitative multiple-case study method was conducted of three PD processes addressing food (FfC), intimacy and sexuality (I&S), and integrative medicine (IM) in caring for AYAs with cancer. Results: Local key stakeholders, who were exposed to a problem and had not been successful at solving it individually, were recruited to ‘‘dream’’ together. Through this synergy, a shared understanding of the problem and a joint mission emerged to find a solution. PD tools were used to develop a problem definition. An open mind and explorative research helped to understand the problems, and stakeholders were managed such that idea-sharing and learning were enabled. Designers translated ideas into prototypes. The PD process was prolonged due to the hierarchical hospital environment, business considerations, and additionally required evidence. The FfC program produced an effective new food service for the whole hospital. The I&S initiative developed a podcast, two articles, and a prototype website. The IM project developed a pilot study. Conclusions: For a PD process to successfully develop care for AYAs, one needs to use designers and skilled people, PD tools, and an open-ended approach to visualize an

    An ontological model for the (digital) patient

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    Ontologies and uniform language are needed to be able to compare large sets of patient data, specifically when applying computer based analyses [1,2]. “Patient” is a frequently used object in healthcare but it lacks a clear definition that can easily be translated into data systems, such as the Electronic Health Record [3], which is needed for interoperability or analysis. The first step in this process is to define an ontological description of the object patient although patient is frequently used in disease ontological descriptions. The work here described is the initial phase in creating a high level ontological description for the patient. It complements the research efforts in clinical decision to

    Adopting Patient Portals in Hospitals: Qualitative Study

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    BACKGROUND: Theoretical models help to explain or predict the adoption of electronic health (eHealth) technology and illustrate the complexity of the adoption process. These models provide insights into general factors that influence the use of eHealth technology. However, they do not give hospitals much actionable knowledge on how to facilitate the adoption process. OBJECTIVE: Our study aims to provide insights into patient portal adoption processes among patients and hospital staff, including health care professionals (HCPs), managers, and administrative clerks. Studying the experiences and views of stakeholders answers the following question: How can hospitals encourage patients and HCPs to adopt a patient portal? METHODS: We conducted 22 semistructured individual and group interviews (n=69) in 12 hospitals and four focus groups with members of national and seminational organizations and patient portal suppliers (n=53). RESULTS: The effort hospitals put into adopting patient portals can be split into three themes. First, inform patients and HCPs about the portal. This communication strategy has four objectives: users should (1) know about the portal, (2) know how the portal works, (3) know that action on the portal is required, and (4) know where to find help with the portal. Second, embed the patient portal in the daily routine of HCPs and management. This involves three forms of support: (1) hospital policy, (2) management by monitoring the numbers, and (3) a structured implementation strategy that includes all staff of one department. Third, try to adjust the portal to meet patients' needs to optimize user-friendliness in two ways: (1) use patients' feedback and (2) focus on optimizing for patients with special needs (eg, low literacy and low digital skills). CONCLUSIONS: Asking stakeholders what they have learned from their efforts to stimulate patient portal use in hospitals elicited rich insights into the adoption process. These insights are missing in the theoretical models. Therefore, our findings help to translate the relatively abstract factors one finds in theoretical models to the everyday pragmatics of eHealth projects in hospitals

    Cohort profile:the 'Biomarkers of heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes' study-a national prospective cohort study of clinical and metabolic phenotyping of individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes in the Netherlands

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    PURPOSE: The 'Biomarkers of heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes' study cohort was set up to identify genetic, physiological and psychosocial factors explaining the observed heterogeneity in disease progression and the development of complications in people with long-standing type 1 diabetes (T1D). PARTICIPANTS: Data and samples were collected in two subsets. A prospective cohort of 611 participants aged ≥16 years with ≥5 years T1D duration from four Dutch Diabetes clinics between 2016 and 2021 (median age 32 years; median diabetes duration 12 years; 59% female; mean glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) 61 mmol/mol (7.7%); 61% on insulin pump; 23% on continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)). Physical assessments were performed, blood and urine samples were collected, and participants completed questionnaires. A subgroup of participants underwent mixed-meal tolerance tests (MMTTs) at baseline (n=169) and at 1-year follow-up (n=104). Genetic data and linkage to medical and administrative records were also available. A second cross-sectional cohort included participants with ≥35 years of T1D duration (currently n=160; median age 64 years; median diabetes duration 45 years; 45% female; mean HbA1c 58 mmol/mol (7.4%); 51% on insulin pump; 83% on CGM), recruited from five centres and measurements, samples and 5-year retrospective data were collected. FINDINGS TO DATE: Stimulated residual C-peptide was detectable in an additional 10% of individuals compared with fasting residual C-peptide secretion. MMTT measurements at 90 min and 120 min showed good concordance with the MMTT total area under the curve. An overall decrease of C-peptide at 1-year follow-up was observed. Fasting residual C-peptide secretion is associated with a decreased risk of impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia. FUTURE PLANS:Research groups are invited to consider the use of these data and the sample collection. Future work will include additional hormones, beta-cell-directed autoimmunity, specific immune markers, microRNAs, metabolomics and gene expression data, combined with glucometrics, anthropometric and clinical data, and additional markers of residual beta-cell function. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04977635.</p

    Agile Co-Creation for Robots and Aging (ACCRA) Project

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    __Introduction__ Worldwide population is getting older. The older persons want to stay independent and wish to increase their engagement in social activities to tackle loneliness, depression, and isolation. Starting from these assumptions, we developed the ACCRA project (Agile Co-Creation for Robots and Aging) with the aim to enable the development of advanced ICT Robotics-based solutions for extending active and healthy aging in daily life by defining, developing and demonstrating an agile co-creation development process. __Methods__ ACCRA robotics solutions will be designed and developed to be tested in three different domains: mobility, daily life, socialization support in four countries (i.e., France, Netherlands, Italy, and Japan). The proposed approach identifies four different phases: (1) needs analysis, (2) agile co-creation, (3) experimentation, and (4) sustainability analysis. Currently, the first two phases were almost completed. For the needs phase, we have used the following recruitment criteria: (1) for mobility: age ≥ 60 years, the and presence of mobility issues assessed by Older Mobility Scale (EMS) with a score > 13; (2) for daily life: age ≥ 60 years, and the presence of difficulties engaging in housework assessed by Autonomie Gérontologie Groupes Iso-Ressources (AGGIR) with a GIR score ≥ 4; (3) for socialization support: age ≥ 60 years, and the absence or mild level of cognitive impairment assessed by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) with a score ≥ 24. __Results__ The needs analysis and first co-creation sessions focus attention on the experience of older in the four countries. Preliminary results showed how, in all the pilot sites, many expectations were raised from older, formal and informal caregivers about the application of the technology into their life. Minor concerns existed about privacy, real efficacy and modularity in a real-world environment. Overall, a good attitude was recorded towards the use of technologies to support life and promote independent living. Moreover, the older engaged in our studies showed a great interest to be actively involved in the developing phase of something built based on their needs. __Conclusions__ The availability of new solutions to increase independence and quality of life in a sustainable manner appears to be mandatory in the actual society considering the actual socio-economic situation over the industrial countries