5 research outputs found

    Opportunities Threats and Challenges in Anarchistic and Autarkic States-Utopian States versus Dystopian States-Plight of Communities and Individuals in the Modern World

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    This research looks at the hypothetical state of no governments and no external trade, the autarky situation as well as the ideal utopian democratic state juxtaposed as Utopia versus Dystopia. This essay is motivated by the current world situation of global internet connectivity which transcends borders and defies government regulation. The essay focuses on examining what opportunities would be presented in a situation of no government and also what challenges and threats would exist in such an instance bordering on Dystopia. The paper comprises findings that have been drawn from analyzing the different opinions, facts and findings from researchers on the topic of public policy. It fundamentally addresses the question from an assumption that there were no governments and concludes by drawing on the importance of public policy and why this is essential in order to avoid anarchy that arises as a result of not having laws and regulations to control the behaviors of societies and individuals in those Hobbesian societies. The findings in the paper are that a state of no government presents itself as a state of confusion and that it descends into the extreme form of a totally unregulated free market capitalist approach for communities and societies. This, in the end, results in lawlessness that to an extent permits the emergence of anarchist states where the rich take advantage of their power and become more powerful than societies or states as exemplified by the MNCs. The purpose of government is to provide essential services and ensure that the rights of individuals are protected. Without the regulatory and protective umbrella of government, the concept of protection and extending the benefits of external trade become the preserve of rich individuals who may brutally exploit and assault the poor to the point of enslavement and exploitation

    The Impact of Youth Unemployment on the Zambian Economy

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    This research looks at the issue of youth unemployment and how this affects the Zambian economy. The paper focuses on examining how the productive age in Zambia has been disadvantaged by the introduction of some regulations and policies. The paper brings into perspective the shrinking employment opportunities for the youth and how this effects productivity in key economic sectors such as mining, agriculture and the private sector. The findings indicate that the increase in the pensionable age disadvantages the youth and further increases the unemployment rate for the youth and women. The findings have also brought out the challenges that are faced by the unemployed youth and how they have been forced to engage in crime and political violence in order for them to make a living. The youth in Zambia represent 60% of the total employable age yet instead of being in well-paying and productive jobs; they are involved in crime, prostitution, drug abuse and alcohol abuse. The research outcomes also indicate that the definitions of a youth in the Zambian youth policy and the definitions of a youth by the United Nations are different and this may pose a challenge in terms of statistics and planning purposes. The paper takes a secondary research approach by reviewing research findings that have been drawn from analysing the different opinions, facts and findings from researchers on the topic of youth unemployment and government policies and laws on youth employment. Indicators from the findings are that youth unemployment is a global problem, which affects even rich countries such as the UK that has a huge GDP than that of Zambia. The conclusion in the paper is that there is a direct connection between youth unemployment and economic growth and that governments must ensure that they put youth employment at the centre of national economic planning. Keywords: unemployment, youth, government, economy, policy, labour, productivity DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-6-09 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Leveraging Digital Analytics for Enhanced Marketing Outcomes: A Comprehensive Analysis

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    Digital analytics enhances marketing performance as it allows firms and businesses to perform online segmentation and grow their business across geographic boundaries. This research provides a comprehensive analysis of how marketers can leverage digital analytics to enhance marketing outcomes. The article is a desktop review that looks at secondary data from publications of other researchers in different scholarly journals and makes a conclusion based on the findings. The article brings in different literature from perspectives of analytics and dives into issues of the relevance for managers as well as marketing professionals. The article provides critical analysis concerning the use and place that digital analytics occupies in modern marketing practice. The benefits of digital analytics cannot be under stated especially in the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has enhanced the use of digital analytics and brought a different dimension to the use of data in marketing decision making.The analysis of scientific information and empirical findings makes a conclusion that digital analytics is highly beneficial in enhancing marketing performance but also brings out the need for justification of spending on the marketing performance and measurement of ROI for marketing activities. Keywords: Marketing, Model, Performance, Institution, Digital DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/16-3-12 Publication date: April 30th 202

    COVID-19 Destructive Aftermath with Greater Opportunity for Innovation and Marketing in Zambia's Industries

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    COVID-19 is perhaps the most feared pandemic of the 20th century not because of its mortality rate but rather because of its impact on the world economies. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), COVID-19 has so far claimed one million lives world over against an accumulated 38.4 million infections globally(World Health Organisation, 2020). Although the mortality rate of COVID-19 cannot be quantified yet it is said to be relatively low.Health experts still argue that the pandemic is ongoing and we might see an increase in thenumber of infections. However, with the possibility of a vaccinebeing developedlooming, it may not be the case. It is predicted not to surpass the mortality of earlier pandemics such as the Spanish flu and others(Visitsak , et al., 2020).IJSRED-International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Developmen

    A Measurement of the 2022 Budget Allocations on Marketing Performance Across Key Economic Sectors: A Zambian Perspective

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    The Ministry of Finance in Zambia announced a 173 billion national budget with an increase of CDF funds. The increase in CDF funds is expected to result into high economic growth and ultimately increase marketing performance across the key economic sectors which are Agriculture, Tourism, Mining and commerce. This research measures the impact of the 2022 resource allocations on the marketing performance in each key economic sector. There has been no measure of the relationship between budgetary allocations and marketing performance across the key economic sectors particularly for the 2022 national budget. The research used a survey with 110 respondents who provided answers to address the research questions. The major finding was that there is a relationship between resource allocation and marketing performance across the economic growth sectors