49 research outputs found

    Barriers and impact of disclosure of HIV status to children at the National Hospital, Abuja Nigeria

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    Background: HIV infected children survive to adolescence because of anti retroviral therapy, however, only a small proportion know their diagnosis. Disclosure is critical to long-term disease management, yet little is known about if, how, and when disclosure takes place and the barriers associated with it, and its impact on children in resourcelimited settings. Objective: This study set out to determine the process of and barriers to HIV disclosure in children as well as the immediate impact of this on children and their caregivers. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done June-July 2016 using a structured questionnaire, convenience sampling and quantitative methods at the infectious disease clinics of National Hospital Abuja. A sample of 164 caregivers of HIV positive children aged 5 to 16 years receiving antiretroviral therapy for at least one year were enrolled. Results: Prevalence of full disclosure was 24.5%, partial 22.7% with overall prevalence of 47.2%. Main barrier to disclosure was child’s age and fear of informing others. The impact of disclosure on caregivers was relief in 45.5% but emotional and difficult for others. Immediate reactions by children were sadness; tearfulness and worry in 28.6%, some showed no reaction while others even expressed relief. On a longer term, disclosure had several effects. Main predictors of disclosure on regression were the child’s age and caregiver’s opinion on disclosure. Conclusion: The prevalence of full disclosure is low and several barriers affect disclosure. Caregiver’s and HCWs need empowerment and support with culturally appropriate skills and platforms to deal with the barriers, process and impact of disclosure

    Are mobile phones of health care workers portals of pathogenic organisms causing hospital acquired infections in intensive care units? A mini systematic review

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    Background: Health care workers at the bedside of critically ill babies freely carry their mobile phones in between procedures and handling  patients. Concerns are rising as this may contribute to nosocomial infections with pathogenic bacteria. Aim: To determine if mobile phones of health care workers in Intensive care units carry potentially pathogenic bacteria leading to hospital acquired infections. Design: Systematic review.Data sources: Electronic databases (Medline via ovid, CINAHL, Web of science) and hand Searching of references and citations were done to identify studies. Screening and inclusion criteria were used to identify studies with a cross-sectional or cohort design. The search was limited to journal articles published between 2008-2015 and to English language. Quality assessment was done using the National Institute of Health tool for observational studies. Data was extracted on to excel sheets and analysed using SPSS version 22.Results: Six studies with a cohort (1) or cross-sectional design (5) involving 1, 131 health care workers were reviewed. The overall quality of the studies was fair, and a narrative synthesis was done. The colonization rate of the mobile phones ranged between 46.3 % and a 100% with 13-50% carrying potentially pathogenic multidrug resistant microorganisms. Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Vancomycine resistant enterococci, acinobacter and coagulase negative staphylococci were reported across all studies and were recognized as leading causes of morbidity and mortalityin the ICU. Conclusion: Mobile phones Of HCW are portals of potentially pathogenic microorganisms, which could result in morbidity and mortality.Although no causal relationship could be established, strong associations have been reported. Guidelines by hospital infection control committees are needed on restriction, care and routine cleaning of mobile phones as well as further research. Key words: Health care worker, Intensive care unit, Hospital Acquired Infections, mobile phone

    Survey of Umbilical Cord care and Separation time in Healthy Newborns in Kano

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    Background: The interval between delivery and umbilical cord separation varies worldwide. Some maternal, foetal and perinatal factors includingcord care practices are known to affect this interval. Objectives: To establish the mean umbilical cord separation time and the effect of maternal and infant characteristics, perinatal factors and cord care practices on this time among healthy babies in northern Nigeria. Methods : An interviewer questionnaire was administered on mothers of healthy babies at Child Welfare Clinics of a tertiary and secondary level hospital in Kano.In each case, information was obtained about mother's parity, place of antenatal care and delivery, gestational age, birth weight, time of umbilical cord separation after birth and cord treatment practices. Results: Five hundred and seventy seven (96.2 percent) of 600 mothers interviewed, took part in the study, four of these mothers had twin gestation. Responses showed that cord separation time ranged from 2 -14 days (4.20 1.70)Three hundred and forty nine (60.9. percent ) mothers applied methylated spirit, 145 (25.3 percent) used hot compress, while50 (8.7 percent) applied toothpaste on the cord. Twenty (3.5 percent)others applied herbs, while nine (1.6 percent) applied dusting powder to the umbilical stump. Cord s epa r a t ion t ime wa s significantly shorter among babies whose mothers were of high parity, unbooked, and of low educational status. In addition, the use of razor blade, thread, hot compress or application of herbal preparations or toothpas te s igni f icant ly shortened the separation time (P<0.05). Conclusions: Cord separation time and cord care practices varied. Nigerian mothers often use unorthodox interventions to shorten cord separation time; however, therisk of omphalitis that may result from this is real. We recommendthat each centre should adopt and teach mothers a standard hygieniccord care practice while discouraging the use of herbs and untested materials.Keywords: Umbilical cord, Separation time, Cord care, Kan

    Evaluating the Potency of Selected Antibiotic Medications Dispensed in Community Pharmacies in Gwale, Kano, Nigeria

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    The worsening of antibiotic resistance is a multifactorial process. One aspect of this is the counterfeiting of antibiotic medications. This is supposed to be particularly high in developing countries, including Nigeria. Therefore, the potency of some antibiotic drugs dispensed in community pharmacies in Gwale, Kano, Nigeria, was investigated in this case study. Three products, each from different manufacturers, with the active ingredients of ceftriaxone, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, and metronidazole, respectively, were included in this study. By means of a disc-diffusion assay, the effect against the typed strains Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) as well as Clostridium tetani isolated from soil was tested. Clinical isolates of S. aureus and E. coli were also used. While antibiotics, with the exception of ciprofloxacin-containing preparations against C. tetani, showed acceptable efficacy against the typed strains by comparison with the clinical science laboratory references, a predominant failure was observed with the clinical isolates. Thus, the investigated drug preparations can be considered of acceptable quality for the treatment of susceptible bacterial infections. This excludes counterfeits in the sampled preparations. However, the insufficient efficacy against clinical isolates further documents the severity of nosocomial bacteria

    Awareness and knowledge of mother-to-child transmission of HIV among mothers attending the pediatric HIV clinic, Kano, Nigeria

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    Background: Nigeria accounts for about 10% of all HIV/AIDS cases in the world. Globally women constitute 48% of adults infected with HIV; in Nigeria, they constitute 57%. There is an increase in the number of children infected with HIV in recent years as the number of HIV-positive women has increased. However, more than 90% of HIV infections in children aged less than 15 years are due to mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Objective: To evaluate the awareness and knowledge of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, HIV/AIDS and the methods to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Methods: This is a descriptive study. The study was carried out at the pediatric HIV clinic of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital from 1 st July 2006 to 30 th December 2006. Mothers included in the study were mothers in first contact with HIV facilities, which was at our center, before any form of counseling. The instrument used was a questionnaire designed to assess awareness of the mothers about HIV/AIDS, evaluate their knowledge of possible routes of transmission and measures to prevent vertical transmission. The questionnaire was then pre-tested for comprehensibility, appropriateness of language, sensitivity of questions and average duration of administration. Results: A total of 164 mothers brought their children for treatment to the pediatric HIV clinic. The level of awareness about HIV/AIDS among mothers was very high (100%), and the main sources of information were radio (48.8%) and television (37.8%). Ninety-one percent of mothers were aware of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Transplacental route (41%) was the commonly identified route of transmission. The level of knowledge and perceptions of mother-to-child transmission of HIV is inadequate. Conclusion: There is a need to scale up education about mother-to-child transmission of HIV in our health facilities

    Pentalogy of Cantrell - A Case Report from Nigeria

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    FB was delivered at home to a para three low income mother, at term after an unsupervised pregnancy. At birth she was noticed to have an anterior chest wall defect with a protruding pulsating mass. Further examination revealed a defect from the suprasternal notch to the xiphoid process (bifid sternum) with the heart exposed and pulsating (ectopia cordis). The pericardium was absent and the great vessels were exposed. There was an epigastric omphalocoele and a ventral diaphragmatic defect. The diagnosis of Pentallogy of Cantrell was made. The challenges involved in the evaluation and management of this case in a Nigerian setting are discussed. Keywords: Pentallogy, Cantrell, Nigeri

    Hypomelanosis of Ito: Case report of a rare neurocutaneous syndrome in a neonate and review of the literature.

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    Hypomelanosis of Ito (HI) though said to be the third most common neurocutaneus disorder, is rarely reported in paediatric practice in Africa. A high index of suspicion must be maintained in children with cutaneous lesions as a seizure may be the first symptom that may bring the child to attention. A case of HI in a neonate is hereby reported to sensitize clinicians about this relatively uncommon disorde

    Unexplained massive subdural haematoma in a newborn delivered by elective caesarian section: a case report

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    Symptomatic subdural haematoma (SDH) in term infants typically occur following traumatic vaginal delivery. Emergency Caesarean Section (EmC/S) carried out after failed attempts at vaginal delivery may also be complicated by symptomatic SDH but spontaneous symptomatic SDH complicating Elective Caesarean Section (ElC/S) is a rarity. We describe a case of massive SDH in a term baby delivered by Elective C/S in the absence of risk factors for intracranial haemorrhage. The aim of this presentation is to highlight the significance of acute subdural haematoma in the diagnostic work up of neonates presenting with acute neurologic symptoms in the absence of traumatic delivery.Key words: Symptomatic subdural haematoma, Caesarean section, severe birth injuries, neonatal seizur

    Paediatrician workforce in Nigeria and impact on child health

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    Objective: To determine the number and distribution of paediatricians in Nigeria. It also aims to determine the association between paediatrician workforce and under five mortality (U5MR) and immunization coverageacross the six geopolitical zones of the country.Methods: The part II fellowship examination pass list of the West African College of Physicians and the National Postgraduate Medical College and the register and financial records of the Paediatric Association of Nigeria were searched for the purpose of the study. Using a structured questionnaire, personal and professional data was obtained frommembers at the 2011 Annual Paediatric Association of Nigeria Conference or via the Association’s website, email network and phone calls to Departments of Paediatrics in institutions (private and public) across the Country. Data on the paediatricians residing within Nigeria was then extracted from the comprehensive database and subsequently analyzed.Population data, mortality and immunization rates were obtained from the National Population Commission census and their most recent National Demographic health survey in Nigeria. Correlations were drawn betweennumber of paediatricians and U5MR and diphtheria-pertussistetanus(DPT) vaccine coverage.Results: There were 492 practicing paediatricians in Nigeria at theend of year 2011, comprising 282 (57.3%) males and 210 (42.7%)females; 476 (96.7%). Majority (84.7%) worked for the governmentwith 97% of them in hospital settings, mostly tertiary centres (344=88%). Lagos State had the highest number (85; 17.9%) of practicing paediatricians followed by the Federal Capital Territory with 37 (7.8%) paediatricians. More than two thirds of the paediatricians (336; 70.6%) were practicing in the southern part of the country. The average child:p a e d i a t r i c i a n r a t i o wa s 157,878:1for the country. TheNorth East zone had the highest chi ld- to-pa ediat r ician rat io (718,412:1) while South West had the lowest ratio (95,682:1).Higher absolute numbers of paediatricians in each zone were associatedwi th lower U5MR (Spearman ñ=-0.94, p=0.0048), accounting for 84% of the variability among zones. Higher ratios of child-to-paediatrician were significantly associated with higher U5MR (Spearman ñ=0.82, p=0.04,linear R2=0.73) and marginally with lower DPT coverage by geopoliticalzone (Spearman ñ=-0.77, p=0.07, linear R2=0.59).Conclusion: The study reveals that the number of paediatricians inNigeria is grossly inadequate with a huge child-to-paediatrician ratio.There is also an uneven distribution of the paediatricians with higher numbers in the southern states. Zones of the country with lower child-to-paediatrician ratios also experienced lower U5MR. There is a need to train more paediatricians in Nigeria and promote an even distribution of the paediatrician workforceKey words: Paediatrician, workforce, child-to-paediatrician ratio, under-5 mortality, immunization, childhealth, Nigeri