741 research outputs found

    Finite Size Correction In A Disordered System - A New Divergence

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    We show that the amplitude of the finite size correction term for the nnth moment of the partition function, for randomly interacting directed polymers, diverges (on the high temperature side) as (nc−n)−r(n_c - n)^{-r}, as a critical moment ncn_c is approached. The exponent rr is independent of temperature but does depend on the effective dimensionality. There is no such divergence on the low temperature side (n>nc)n>n_c).Comment: 8 pages, Revtex, 5 figures. For figs, send mail to [email protected]

    Spacetimes with Longitudinal and Angular Magnetic Fields in Third Order Lovelock Gravity

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    We obtain two new classes of magnetic brane solutions in third order Lovelock gravity. The first class of solutions yields an (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional spacetime with a longitudinal magnetic field generated by a static source. We generalize this class of solutions to the case of spinning magnetic branes with one or more rotation parameters. These solutions have no curvature singularity and no horizons, but have a conic geometry. For the spinning brane, when one or more rotation parameters are nonzero, the brane has a net electric charge which is proportional to the magnitude of the rotation parameters, while the static brane has no net electric charge. The second class of solutions yields a pacetime with an angular magnetic field. These solutions have no curvature singularity, no horizon, and no conical singularity. Although the second class of solutions may be made electrically charged by a boost transformation, the transformed solutions do not present new spacetimes. Finally, we use the counterterm method in third order Lovelock gravity and compute the conserved quantities of these spacetimes.Comment: 15 pages, no figur

    From p-branes to Cosmology

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    We study the relationship between static p-brane solitons and cosmological solutions of string theory or M-theory. We discuss two different ways in which extremal p-branes can be generalised to non-extremal ones, and show how wide classes of recently discussed cosmological models can be mapped into non-extremal p-brane solutions of one of these two kinds. We also extend previous discussions of cosmological solutions to include some that make use of cosmological-type terms in the effective action that can arise from the generalised dimensional reduction of string theory or M-theory.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, no figur

    Loop-corrected entropy of near-extremal dilatonic p-branes

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    It has recently been shown that for certain classical p-branes, where the dilaton is regular on the horizon, the entropy and temperature satisfy the ideal-gas relation S\sim T^{p} in the near-extremal regime. We argue that by taking string and worldsheet loop corrections into account, the validity of this entropy/temperature relation may be extended to include those cases where the dilaton classically diverges on the horizon, thereby opening up the possibility of giving a microscopic interpretation of the entropy for all near-extremal p-branes

    On the Bekenstein-Hawking Entropy, Non-Commutative Branes and Logarithmic Corrections

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    We extend earlier work on the origin of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy to higher-dimensional spacetimes. The mechanism of counting states is shown to work for all spacetimes associated with a Euclidean doublet (E1,M1)+(E2,M2)(E_1,M_1)+(E_2,M_2) of electric-magnetic dual brane pairs of type II string-theory or M-theory wrapping the spacetime's event horizon plus the complete internal compactification space. Non-Commutativity on the brane worldvolume enters the derivation of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in a natural way. Moreover, a logarithmic entropy correction with prefactor 1/2 is derived.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures; refs. adde

    Magnetic Branes in (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity

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    We construct two new classes of spacetimes generated by spinning and traveling magnetic sources in (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity with Liouville-type potential. These solutions are neither asymptotically flat nor (A)dS. The first class of solutions which yields a (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional spacetime with a longitudinal magnetic field and kk rotation parameters have no curvature singularity and no horizons, but have a conic geometry. We show that when one or more of the rotation parameters are nonzero, the spinning branes has a net electric charge that is proportional to the magnitude of the rotation parameters. The second class of solutions yields a static spacetime with an angular magnetic field, and have no curvature singularity, no horizons, and no conical singularity. Although one may add linear momentum to the second class of solutions by a boost transformation, one does not obtain a new solution. We find that the net electric charge of these traveling branes with one or more nonzero boost parameters is proportional to the magnitude of the velocity of the branes. We also use the counterterm method and calculate the conserved quantities of the solutions.Comment: 15 pages, the last version to appear in PR

    Counterterm Method in Lovelock Theory and Horizonless Solutions in Dimensionally Continued Gravity

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    In this paper we, first, generalize the quasilocal definition of the stress energy tensor of Einstein gravity to the case of Lovelock gravity, by introducing the tensorial form of surface terms that make the action well-defined. We also introduce the boundary counterterm that removes the divergences of the action and the conserved quantities of the solutions of Lovelock gravity with flat boundary at constant tt and rr. Second, we obtain the metric of spacetimes generated by brane sources in dimensionally continued gravity through the use of Hamiltonian formalism, and show that these solutions have no curvature singularity and no horizons, but have conic singularity. We show that these asymptotically AdS spacetimes which contain two fundamental constants are complete. Finally we compute the conserved quantities of these solutions through the use of the counterterm method introduced in the first part of the paper.Comment: 15 pages, references added, typos correcte

    Vicinal Surfaces, Fractional Statistics and Universality

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    We propose that the phases of all vicinal surfaces can be characterized by four fixed lines, in the renormalization group sense, in a three-dimensional space of coupling constants. The observed configurations of several Si surfaces are consistent with this picture. One of these fixed lines also describes one-dimensional quantum particles with fractional exclusion statistics. The featureless steps of a vicinal surface can therefore be thought of as a realization of fractional-statistics particles, possibly with additional short-range interactions.Comment: 6 pages, revtex, 3 eps figures. To appear in Physical Review Letters. Reference list properly arranged. Caption of Fig. 1 slightly reworded. Fig 3 (in color) is not part of the paper. It complements Fig.

    Cosmological solutions, p-branes and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation

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    The low energy effective actions which arise from string theory or M-theory are considered in the cosmological context, where the graviton, dilaton and antisymmetric tensor field strengths depend only on time. We show that previous results can be extended to include cosmological solutions that are related to the E_N Toda equations. The solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in minisuperspace are obtained for some of the simpler cosmological models by introducing intertwining operators that generate canonical transformations which map the theories into free theories. We study the cosmological properties of these solutions, and also briefly discuss generalised Brans-Dicke models in our framework. The cosmological models are closely related to p-brane solitons, which we discuss in the context of the E_N Toda equations. We give the explicit solutions for extremal multi-charge (D-3)-branes in the truncated system described by the D_4 =O(4,4) Toda equations.Comment: 11 pages (2-column), Revte

    Cosmological Solutions in String Theories

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    We obtain a large class of cosmological solutions in the toroidally-compactified low energy limits of string theories in DD dimensions. We consider solutions where a pp-dimensional subset of the spatial coordinates, parameterising a flat space, a sphere, or an hyperboloid, describes the spatial sections of the physically-observed universe. The equations of motion reduce to Liouville or SL(N+1,R)SL(N+1,R) Toda equations, which are exactly solvable. We study some of the cases in detail, and find that under suitable conditions they can describe four-dimensional expanding universes. We discuss also how the solutions in DD dimensions behave upon oxidation back to the D=10D=10 string theory or D=11D=11 M-theory.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, a reference adjuste
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