38 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted in Modo village, Bukal sub-district, Buol regency. The location was selected purposively based on that this village has produced the highest cornyield among villages in the sub district. The research took place since August to October 2015. The sample was all population members including 55 respondents. Primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed using Cobb-Douglas production function analysis to determine the relation between variables studied. The dependent variables included land, seed, fertilizer, and labor(X) whereas the dependent variable was corn production (Y). The results of this research showed that land, seed, fertilizer, and labor significantly affect the hybrid corn farm production in Modo village. The average costs incurred is IDR 7,387,839/1.18 ha equal toIDR 6,260,881/ha, while the income of the farming obtained is IDR 13,372,500/1.18 ha equal toIDR 11,332,627/ha, and the respondent income is IDR 5,984,661/1.18 ha equal to IDR 4,071,746/ha.Keywords: Income, Hybrid Corn Farm, Production

    Sustainability framework for palm oil mill

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    Palm oil mill has been regarded as a profit making industry for the past decades. Besides revenue from the palm oil production itself, the abundance of biomass could generate high economic return to the palm oils mill by converting it to value added products. However, the palm oil industry currently suffered various criticisms and negative reports from the international non-government organisations on the sustainability issue. This paper presents the development and the applicability of sustainability index (SI) for palm oil mill in order to enhance the competitiveness of the industry. The methodology will include the index development and identify area of weaknesses (hotspot). The index will be able to identify performance of the mills in sustainable aspect against benchmarks and differentiate every mills performance. By this, the mills can easily identify its hotspot and take necessary steps to improve. The system will also benefit the marketing team to market its products (CPO, PKO etc.) to niche markets that seek uptake from mills with lowest footprints (Carbon, water, energy etc.). The results can be used not only to evaluate the performance of an operating process against standard benchmarking but also to establish the best sustainable practices among palm oil industry. It is anticipated that the development of sustainable index will be an important instrument for supporting sustainable operation for palm oil mill

    A sustainability performance assessment framework for palm oil mills

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    The palm oil industry has had to undergo rapid development in order to cope with the increasing demand from consumers year by year. The palm oil industry is receiving criticism from various parties on the issue of sustainability. This paper presents the development of a Palm Oil Mill Sustainability Index that enables millers to assess the sustainability performance of palm oil mills against benchmarks, and to differentiate between the performance of each mill. The assessment was performed via the adoption of a Proximity-to-Target approach that measures the current sustainability performance of the industry relative to policy targets. The industry's comparable performance was observed in terms of sustainability and indicators through a graphical method. The resulting Palm Oil Mill Sustainability Index scores were translated into a five-point rating system to describe the sustainability performance levels for different mills i.e. excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor. Based on the Palm Oil Mill Sustainability Index scores and rating system, weak performance indicators were identified, for example, excessive use of water consumption due to inappropriate operation of hydrocyclones. By identifying the weak performance indicators, practical recommendations and measures for improvement can be proposed and the Palm Oil Mill Sustainability Index scores recalculated to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed sustainability performance strategy. Selected palm oil mills in Malaysia were used as a case study to demonstrate the applicability of the framework. The results provide empirical evidence to support a decision-support-system for enhancing palm oil mill sustainability performance, so as to achieve a balance between environmental, economic, and social aspects in the palm oil mill sector

    Cost benefit analysis of composting and anaerobic digestion in a community: A review

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    Currently, population and urbanisation are rapidly growing which causes a tremendous amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) being generated. The MSW management in Malaysia can be considered relatively poor and disorganised. The most preferred MSW disposal method in Malaysia is through landfilling. To address this and to respond to increasing global environmental concerns, composting and anaerobic digestion have been hailed as an environmentally and economically friendly alternative besides landfilling. By capturing the organic materials from MSW and putting it to a more beneficial use as feedstock for composting and anaerobic digestion sounds very ideal. Focusing on the waste landfilling prevention for a small community, this paper discusses on whether composting or anaerobic digestion might be a feasible alternative to landfilling. Both solutions differ in various aspects. The purpose of this study is to know whether composting or anaerobic digestion is more beneficial by performing cost benefit analysis on both situations. In this study we estimated the cost benefit analysis of three different scenarios. First scenario is the baseline for the current practice of solid waste management where the wastes are dumped to landfill. Second scenario is the installation of composting plant and the third scenario will be estimated on the installation of anaerobic digester

    Metals impact into the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (Brazil) during the exceptional flood of 2011

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    Abstract Particulate and dissolved metal concentrations were determined after the largest flood in the last 30 years on the east-west axis of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (PEC) and compared to the those of the dry period at two stations. Results confirmed that the flood greatly affected riverine outflows and the behavior of metals in the PEC. In particular, a sharp decrease in salinity was followed by extremely high SPM concentrations leading to a decrease in DO concentrations at both stations. For the dissolved phase, ANOSIM analysis showed a significant dissimilarity at each station between the sampled periods, whereas for the particulate phase this dissimilarity was found only for the samplings taken at the Antonina Station. KD values suggested dissolved Cu behavior was related to the presence of organic complexes and dissolved Mn had sediment resuspension of redox sediments and or/pore water injection as sources. Metal concentrations were lower than in polluted estuaries, though high enrichment factors found after the flood pointed to the influence of anthropogenic sources. In conclusion, the flood's influence was more evident at the Antonina Station, due to its location in the upper estuary, whereas in Paranaguá a high SPM content with low metal concentration was found, following the common pattern generally found in other marine systems subject to heavy rainfall events

    Carbon emission pinch analysis: An application to transportation sector in Iskandar Malaysia 2025

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    Energy sector had growth significantly over the year which cause serious global warming issues. This problem arises from the results of carbon emission. Thus, a proper mitigation strategies are needed to tackle this issues. This paper is aim to apply carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA) for transportation sector in Iskandar Malaysia (IM). The modified method is applied to study the minimum requirement of electricity need to be generated to implement electric vehicle (EV) based on current policy available and to reach the new emission target by year 2025. The road transportation and rail transportation were considered in the transport composite curve. The alternatives available to reduce emission in IM are by increasing public transport modal share, fuel switching from petrol and diesel to natural gas and biofuels, and increase transport efficiency by plug-in hybrid and EV. As a results, the estimated total amount of 0.25 TJ of electricity is needed for EV to be implemented

    Integrated mitigation strategy model for carbon accounting and sustainability index to encounter palm oil mill weaknesses holistically

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    Palm oil industry has received criticism from various parties on the issue of sustainability and greenhouse gases. Effective mitigation plan is needed to improve the process performance and to counter criticsm towards palm oil mill. However, the current framework has limitation to consider sustainability as a whole and may resulting inaccurate selection of further mitigation. This study aims to develop mitigation strategy model based on palm oil mill carbon accounting (POMCFA) and sustainability (POMSI) performances. A result from integrated palm oil mill carbon footprint accounting (POMCFA) and palm oil mill sustainability index (POMSI) framework has been used for the model development in this study. This model is able to predict the best selection to improve the weak performance, forecast new score of palm oil mill carbon accounting (POMCFA) and sustainability (POMSI). A series of mitigation options are selected which impacted any changes to the indicators (in terms of environment and economy aspect). The model is developed and computed using the General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS). The analysis from integrated assessment shows that highest carbon dioxide equivalent emission was contributed by palm oil mill effluent followed by diesel consumption and water consumption. In terms of sustainability scoring, the results show that the environmental aspect achieved the lowest scores compared to other aspects (social and economy). Weaknesses identified include dust concentration, palm oil mill effluent and boiler emission. The mitigation model been developed shows the optimal mitigation for the weaknesses is to implement high technology boiler. The assessment analysed in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent and sustainability scoring demonstrates its potential to provide comprehensive mitigation selection purposes

    Multi-stage carbon emission pinch analysis of an integrated power generation and electric vehicle system

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    The introduction of electric vehicles to the transportation fleet has merged the power generation and transportation sectors into an integrated system. Rather than fuel sources, electricity is used to charge electric vehicles, so these vehicles play a vital role as an important green technology that could reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector. This study aimed to extent carbon emission pinch analysis for an integrated system to optimise the energy mix for electricity generation in Malaysia. In the first stage, the minimum number of electric vehicles required to reduce transportation emissions was determined. In the second stage, the optimal energy mix for the power generation sector was determined while including the electricity demand for the electric vehicle. Four scenarios namely S1, S2, S3, and S3 were developed based on Peninsular Malaysia as a case study, to analyse the impact of different mitigation strategies based on the performance of the integrated system (number of vehicles, fuel consumption, and energy mix) and economic evaluation based on total cost and total cost per emission reduction. The emission reduction is based on the 45 % target based on 2005 level for the transportation and power generation sector. The results reveal that S1 has the lowest total cost (MYR 1.73×1012) and S4 has the highest total cost (MYR 3.13×1012) compared to other scenarios proposed. However, in term of total cost per emission reduction, S4 shows the lowest (MYR 9.36×106) while S1 being the highest with MYR 13.1×106. The results generated from the scenarios proposed give a clear visualisation on how the policies affect the demand growth. Pinch analysis technique is proven to be a suitable tool in targeting and planning for emission reduction target and energy demand management