849 research outputs found

    Magnetic inflation and stellar mass. V. Intensification and saturation of M-dwarf absorption lines with Rossby number

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    In young Sun-like stars and field M-dwarf stars, chromospheric and coronal magnetic activity indicators such as Hα, X-ray, and radio emission are known to saturate with low Rossby number (Ro lesssim 0.1), defined as the ratio of rotation period to convective turnover time. The mechanism for the saturation is unclear. In this paper, we use photospheric Ti i and Ca i absorption lines in the Y band to investigate magnetic field strength in M dwarfs for Rossby numbers between 0.01 and 1.0. The equivalent widths of the lines are magnetically enhanced by photospheric spots, a global field, or a combination of the two. The equivalent widths behave qualitatively similar to the chromospheric and coronal indicators: we see increasing equivalent widths (increasing absorption) with decreasing Ro and saturation of the equivalent widths for Ro lesssim 0.1. The majority of M dwarfs in this study are fully convective. The results add to mounting evidence that the magnetic saturation mechanism occurs at or beneath the stellar photosphere.Published versio

    Quantum Phase Transitions in Anti-ferromagnetic Planar Cubic Lattices

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    Motivated by its relation to an NP\cal{NP}-hard problem, we analyze the ground state properties of anti-ferromagnetic Ising-spin networks embedded on planar cubic lattices, under the action of homogeneous transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields. This model exhibits a quantum phase transition at critical values of the magnetic field, which can be identified by the entanglement behavior, as well as by a Majorization analysis. The scaling of the entanglement in the critical region is in agreement with the area law, indicating that even simple systems can support large amounts of quantum correlations. We study the scaling behavior of low-lying energy gaps for a restricted set of geometries, and find that even in this simplified case, it is impossible to predict the asymptotic behavior, with the data allowing equally good fits to exponential and power law decays. We can therefore, draw no conclusion as to the algorithmic complexity of a quantum adiabatic ground-state search for the system.Comment: 7 pages, 13 figures, final version (accepted for publication in PRA

    Friends of Hot Jupiters II: No Correspondence Between Hot-Jupiter Spin-Orbit Misalignment and the Incidence of Directly Imaged Stellar Companions

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    Multi-star systems are common, yet little is known about a stellar companion's influence on the formation and evolution of planetary systems. For instance, stellar companions may have facilitated the inward migration of hot Jupiters towards to their present day positions. Many observed short period gas giant planets also have orbits that are misaligned with respect to their star's spin axis, which has also been attributed to the presence of a massive outer companion on a non-coplanar orbit. We present the results of a multi-band direct imaging survey using Keck NIRC2 to measure the fraction of short period gas giant planets found in multi-star systems. Over three years, we completed a survey of 50 targets ("Friends of Hot Jupiters") with 27 targets showing some signature of multi-body interaction (misaligned or eccentric orbits) and 23 targets in a control sample (well-aligned and circular orbits). We report the masses, projected separations, and confirmed common proper motion for the 19 stellar companions found around 17 stars. Correcting for survey incompleteness, we report companion fractions of 48%±9%48\%\pm9\%, 47%±12%47\%\pm12\%, and 51%±13%51\%\pm13\% in our total, misaligned/eccentric, and control samples, respectively. This total stellar companion fraction is 2.8 σ2.8\,\sigma larger than the fraction of field stars with companions approximately 50−2000 50-2000\,AU. We observe no correlation between misaligned/eccentric hot Jupiter systems and the incidence of stellar companions. Combining this result with our previous radial velocity survey, we determine that 72%±16%72\% \pm 16\% of hot Jupiters are part of multi-planet and/or multi-star systems.Comment: typos and references updated; 25 pages, 7 figures and 10 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Mortality and cancer incidence following occupational radiation exposure: third analysis of the National Registry for Radiation Workers

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    Mortality and cancer incidence were studied in the National Registry for Radiation Workers in, relative to earlier analyses, an enlarged cohort of 174 541 persons, with longer follow-up (to 2001) and, for the first time, cancer registration data. SMRs for all causes and all malignant neoplasms were 81 and 84 respectively, demonstrating a ‘healthy worker effect'. Within the cohort, mortality and incidence from both leukaemia excluding CLL and the grouping of all malignant neoplasms excluding leukaemia increased to a statistically significant extent with increasing radiation dose. Estimates of the trend in risk with dose were similar to those for the Japanese A-bomb survivors, with 90% confidence intervals that excluded both risks more than 2–3 times greater than the A-bomb values and no raised risk. Some evidence of an increasing trend with dose in mortality from all circulatory diseases may, at least partly, be due to confounding by smoking. This analysis provides the most precise estimates to date of mortality and cancer risks following occupational radiation exposure and strengthens the evidence for raised risks from these exposures. The cancer risk estimates are consistent with values used to set radiation protection standards

    Characterization the Cool KOIs. II. The M Dwarf KOI-254 and its Hot Jupiter

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    We report the confirmation and characterization of a transiting gas giant planet orbiting the M dwarf KOI-254 every 2.455239 days, which was originally discovered by the Kepler mission. We use radial velocity measurements, adaptive optics imaging, and near-infrared spectroscopy to confirm the planetary nature of the transit events. KOI-254 b is the first hot Jupiter discovered around an M-type dwarf star. We also present a new model-independent method of using broadband photometry to estimate the mass and metallicity of an M dwarf without relying on a direct distance measurement. Included in this methodology is a new photometric metallicity calibration based on J – K colors. We use this technique to measure the physical properties of KOI-254 and its planet. We measure a planet mass of M_P = 0.505 M_(Jup), radius R_P = 0.96 R_(Jup), and semimajor axis a = 0.030 AU, based on our measured stellar mass M_* = 0.59 M_☉ and radius R_* = 0.55 R_☉. We also find that the host star is metal-rich, which is consistent with the sample of M-type stars known to harbor giant planets

    Raman Spectroscopy : an effective thermal marker in low temperature carbonaceous fold-thrust belts

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    Special Publication title- Fold and Thrust Belts: Structural Style, Evolution and Exploration Acknowledgments Z. Crawford and A. Marpino were funded through the University of Aberdeen, School of Geosciences for MGeol and MSc project work. Bond, Butler and Watkins were supported through the Fold-Thrust Research Group, sponsored by Oil Search, Santos and Interoil.Peer reviewedPostprintPostprintPostprintPostprintPostprintPostprintPostprintPostprin

    Effective Temperatures of Low-Mass Stars from High-Resolution H-band Spectroscopy

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    High-resolution, near-infrared spectra will be the primary tool for finding and characterizing Earth-like planets around low-mass stars. Yet, the properties of exoplanets can not be precisely determined without accurate and precise measurements of the host star. Spectra obtained with the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) simultaneously provide diagnostics for most stellar parameters, but the first step in any analysis is the determination of the effective temperature. Here we report the calibration of high-resolution H-band spectra to accurately determine effective temperature for stars between 4000-3000 K (∌\simK8--M5) using absorption line depths of Fe I, OH, and Al I. The field star sample used here contains 254 K and M stars with temperatures derived using BT-Settl synthetic spectra. We use 106 stars with precise temperatures in the literature to calibrate our method with typical errors of about 140 K, and systematic uncertainties less than ∌\sim120 K. For the broadest applicability, we present Teff_{\rm eff}--line-depth-ratio relationships, which we test on 12 members of the TW Hydrae Association and at spectral resolving powers between ∌\sim10,000--120,000. These ratios offer a simple but accurate measure of effective temperature in cool stars that is distance and reddening independent.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures and 3 tables. Accepted in Ap

    Magnetic inflation and Stellar Mass. II. On the radii of wingle, rapidly rotating, fully convective M-dwarf stars

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    Main-sequence, fully convective M dwarfs in eclipsing binaries are observed to be larger than stellar evolutionary models predict by as much as 10%–15%. A proposed explanation for this discrepancy involves effects from strong magnetic fields, induced by rapid rotation via the dynamo process. Although, a handful of single, slowly rotating M dwarfs with radius measurements from interferometry also appear to be larger than models predict, suggesting that rotation or binarity specifically may not be the sole cause of the discrepancy. We test whether single, rapidly rotating, fully convective stars are also larger than expected by measuring their Rsin⁡iR\sin i distribution. We combine photometric rotation periods from the literature with rotational broadening (vsin⁡iv\sin i) measurements reported in this work for a sample of 88 rapidly rotating M dwarf stars. Using a Bayesian framework, we find that stellar evolutionary models underestimate the radii by 10 \% \mbox{--}15{ \% }_{-2.5}^{+3}, but that at higher masses (0.18 < M < 0.4 M Sun), the discrepancy is only about 6% and comparable to results from interferometry and eclipsing binaries. At the lowest masses (0.08 < M < 0.18 M Sun), we find that the discrepancy between observations and theory is 13%–18%, and we argue that the discrepancy is unlikely to be due to effects from age. Furthermore, we find no statistically significant radius discrepancy between our sample and the handful of M dwarfs with interferometric radii. We conclude that neither rotation nor binarity are responsible for the inflated radii of fully convective M dwarfs, and that all fully convective M dwarfs are larger than models predict.The authors would like to thank the referee for the thoughtful report, which greatly improved the manuscript. The authors would also like to thank Lisa Prato and Larissa Nofi for IGRINS training, and Heidi Larson, Jason Sanborn, and Andrew Hayslip for operating the DCT during our observations. We would also like to thank Jen Winters, Jonathan Irwin, Paul Dalba, Mark Veyette, Eunkyu Han, and Andrew Vanderburg for useful discussions and helpful comments on this work. Some of this work was supported by the NASA Exoplanet Research Program (XRP) under grant No. NNX15AG08G issued through the Science Mission Directorate.These results made use of the Lowell Observatory's Discovery Channel Telescope, supported by Discovery Communications, Inc., Boston University, the University of Maryland, the University of Toledo and Northern Arizona University; the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) that was developed under a collaboration between the University of Texas at Austin and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) with the financial support of the US National Science Foundation under grant AST-1229522, of the University of Texas at Austin, and of the Korean GMT Project of KASI; data taken at The McDonald Observatory of The University of Texas at Austin; and data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by NASA and the NSF. (NNX15AG08G - NASA Exoplanet Research Program (XRP); Discovery Communications, Inc.; Boston University; University of Maryland; University of Toledo; Northern Arizona University; AST-1229522 - US National Science Foundation; University of Texas at Austin; Korean GMT Project of KASI; NASA; NSF

    Time reclaimed: temporality and the experience of meaningful work

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    The importance of meaningful work has been identified in scholarly writings across a range of disciplines. However, empirical studies remain sparse and the potential relevance of the concept of temporality, hitherto somewhat neglected even in wider sociological studies of organizations, has not been considered in terms of the light that it can shed on the experience of work as meaningful. These two disparate bodies of thought are brought together to generate new accounts of work meaningfulness through the lens of temporality. Findings from a qualitative study of workers in three occupations with ostensibly distinct temporal landscapes are reported. All jobs had the potential to be both meaningful and meaningless; meaningfulness arose episodically through work experiences that were shared, autonomous and temporally complex. Schutz’s notion of the ‘vivid present’ emerged as relevant to understanding how work is rendered meaningful within an individual’s personal and social system of relevances

    Precise Stellar Radial Velocities of an M Dwarf with a Michelson Interferometer and a Medium-resolution Near-infrared Spectrograph

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    Precise near-infrared radial velocimetry enables efficient detection and transit verification of low-mass extrasolar planets orbiting M dwarf hosts, which are faint for visible-wavelength radial velocity surveys. The TripleSpec Exoplanet Discovery Instrument, or TEDI, is the combination of a variable-delay Michelson interferometer and a medium-resolution (R=2700) near-infrared spectrograph on the Palomar 200" Hale Telescope. We used TEDI to monitor GJ 699, a nearby mid-M dwarf, over 11 nights spread across 3 months. Analysis of 106 independent observations reveals a root-mean-square precision of less than 37 m/s for 5 minutes of integration time. This performance is within a factor of 2 of our expected photon-limited precision. We further decompose the residuals into a 33 m/s white noise component, and a 15 m/s systematic noise component, which we identify as likely due to contamination by telluric absorption lines. With further development this technique holds promise for broad implementation on medium-resolution near-infrared spectrographs to search for low-mass exoplanets orbiting M dwarfs, and to verify low-mass transit candidates.Comment: 55 pages and 13 figures in aastex format. Accepted by PAS
