4 research outputs found

    Investigating the Validity and Reliability of WTC Construct In L2 Arabic: A Case Study

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    The main goal of learning Arabic is to develop practical linguistic skills among learners centered around the concept of willingness to communicate (WTC). WTC refers to learners' strong desire and readiness to speak in specific contexts or situations. A critical challenge is how to accurately measure WTC in Arabic language learning using a valid and reliable instrument. Understanding WTC is crucial as it indicates learners' motivation to use Arabic, enhances their speaking proficiency, and creates a supportive linguistic environment. Research on WTC in Arabic language learning is currently limited, necessitating further exploration in this area. Consequently, this study aims to develop a valid and reliable WTC measurement instrument for Arabic language learners using a quantitative approach, incorporating both Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) methods. The participants for this research are 204 Arabic language learners, and a survey was utilized for data collection. The WTC instrument employed in this study is an adaptation of existing instruments, modified to align with the context of Arabic language learning and the specific conditions of Indonesian learners. The findings reveal that the WTC construct has yielded valid and reliable items that can be used to measure WTC among learners in Arabic language learning. Furthermore, there are three main dimensions within this construct, namely, the context of online, classroom, and offline. Thus, it is hoped that the WTC construct developed can be utilized to measure aspects of WTC among Arabic language learners, thereby enabling the determination of further steps in realizing linguistic behavior

    Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Cara Senam Otak Untuk Konsentrasi Dan Daya Ingat Pada Anak Usia 5-12 Tahun

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    ABSTRAKSenam otak atau brain gym adalah serangkaian latihan gerakan tubuh yang sederhana. Gerakan itu dibuat untuk merangsang otak kiri dan kanan (dimensi lateralis), meringankan atau merelaksasikan belakang otak dan bagian depan otak (dimensi pemfokuskan), merangsang sistem yang terkait dengan perasaan/emosional, yakni otak tengah (limbik), serta otak besar (dimensi pemusatan) dan bermanfaat menigkatkan kemampuan berbahasa, konsentrasi, daya ingat meningkat, menjadi lebih bersemangat, lebih kreatif dan efesien, serta merasa lebih sehat. Dengan latihan senam otak, maka sangat berguna untuk meningkatkan keseimbangan dinamis selain itu juga dapat meningkatkan koordinasi dan konsentrasi yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimanakah pengaruh senam otak terhadap konsentrasi dan daya ingat pada anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode presentasi powerpoint dan video senam otak pada klien dan keluarga. Hasil dari presentasi dan demonstrasi yang dilakukan adalah  sebanyak 75 % peserta mengetahui dan dapat melakukan senam otak dan akan mempraktekkan pada eluarganya dirumah.Kata kunci : Senam Otak, KonsentrasiABSTRACTA brain gym or brain gym is a series of simple body exercises. The movement is made to stimulate the left and right brain (lateral dimension), lighten or relax the back of the brain and the front part of the brain (the focal dimension), stimulate systems related to feelings/emotions, namely the midbrain (limbic), and the cerebrum (concentration dimension ) and is useful for increasing language skills, concentration, increased memory, being more enthusiastic, more creative and efficient, and feeling healthier. With brain exercise exercises, it is very useful to improve dynamic balance besides that it can also improve good coordination and concentration. The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of brain exercise on concentration and memory in children. This study uses a PowerPoint presentation method and video brain exercise for clients and families. The results of the presentations and demonstrations carried out were that as many as 75% of the participants knew and were able to do brain exercises and would practice them in their families at home. Keywords: Brain Exercise, Concentratio

    Perawatan Tali Pusat Neonatus dan Manfaat Tali Pusat Terbuka

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    ABSTRAK Kematian neonatal akibat tetanus neonatorum dapat terjadi pada bayi, penyakit ini menginfeksi bayi baru lahir yang disebabkan oleh basil Clostridium tetani. Salah satu perawatan bayi baru lahir yang bertujuan untuk mencegah dan mengidentifikasi perdarahan atau infeksi secara dini adalah dengan melakukan perawatan tali pusat secara benar. Perawatan tali pusat yang dianjurkan adalah menggunakan perawatan tali pusat terbuka karena akan membantu pengeringan tali pusat lebih cepat. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan secara daring tentang perawatan tali pusat dengan baik dan benar dan manfaat tali pusat terbuka sehingga diharapkan dapat mengurangi resiko terjadinya infeksi pada bayi baru lahir. Metode penyuluhan secara online menggunakan presentasi power point mengenai perawatan tali pusat dan manfaat tali pusat terbuka serta demonstrasi cara melakukan perawatan tali pusat pada bayi baru lahir melalui aplikasi Zoom Meeting. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan didapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan ibu-ibu tentang perawatan tali pusat dari 52,94% menjadi 83,33% dan manfaat tali pusat terbuka dari 54,90% menjadi 87,25%. Kata Kunci: perawatan tali pusat, manfaat tali pusat terbuka. ABSTRACT Neonatal death due to neonatal tetanus can occur in infants, this disease infects newborns caused by the bacillus Clostridium tetani. One of the newborn care that aims to prevent and identify bleeding or infection early is to perform proper care of the umbilical cord. The recommended umbilical cord care is to use an open umbilical cord treatment because it will help drain the cord faster. The purpose of this activity is to provide online counseling about proper and correct umbilical cord care and the benefits of an open umbilical cord so that it is expected to reduce the risk of infection in newborns. The online counseling method uses a power point presentation on umbilical cord care and the benefits of an open umbilical cord as well as a demonstration of how to perform umbilical cord care for newborns through the Zoom Meeting application. After counseling, it was found that the knowledge of mothers about umbilical cord care increased from 52.94% to 83.33% and the benefits of an open umbilical cord from 54.90% to 87.25%. Keywords: umbilical cord care, the benefits of an open umbilical cord