119 research outputs found


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    IP-over-WDM networks integrate Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology with Internet Protocol (IP) and are widely regarded as the architecture for the next generation high-speed Internet. The problem of designing an IP-over-WDM network can be modeled as an embedding problem in which an IP network is embedded in a WDM network by establishing all optical paths between IP routers in the WDM network. Survivability is considered a vital requirement in such networks, which can be achieved by embedding the IP network in the WDM network in such a way that the IP network stays connected in the presence of failure or failures in the WDM network. Otherwise, some of the IP routers may not be reachable.The problem can be formulated as an Integer Linear Program (ILP), which can be solved optimally but is NP-complete. In this thesis, we have studied and proposed various efficient algorithms that can be used to make IP-over-WDM networks survivable in the presence of a single WDM link (optical fiber cable or cables) failure.First we evaluate an existing approach, named Survivable Mapping Algorithm by Ring Trimming (SMART), which provides survivability for an entire network by successively considering pieces of the network. The evaluation provides much insight into the approach, which allowed us to propose several enhancements. The modified approach with enhancements leads to better performance than the original SMART.We have also proposed a hybrid algorithm that guarantees survivability, if the IP and the WDM networks are at least 2-edge connected. The algorithm uses a combination of proactive (protection) and reactive (restoration) mechanisms to obtain a survivable embedding for any given IP network in any given WDM network.Circuits and cutsets are dual concepts. SMART approach is based on circuits. The question then arises whether there exists a dual methodology based on cutsets. We investigate this question and provide much needed insight. We provide a unified algorithmic framework based on circuits and cutsets. We also provide new methodologies based on cutsets and give a new proof of correctnessof SMART. We also develop a method based on incidence sets that are a special case of cutsets. Noting that for some IP networks a survivable embedding may not exist, the option of adding new IP links is pursued. Comparative evaluations of all the algorithms through extensive simulations are also given in this dissertation

    Assessing the Impact of Workplace Harassment on Turnover Intention: Evidence from the Banking Industry

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    Workplace harassment is considered one of the main issues in the banking sector, which is subject to major human and labor rights violations. In the current global situation, harassed employees are prone to high turnover and become less productive due to undue stress and unstable mental health. Thus, this study aims to measure the influence of workplace harassment on the turnover intentions of employees in Pakistan's banking industry. This study assessed how workplace harassment affects employees' silence, mental stress, turnover intention, and the moderating role of psychological contract breaches. The study advises significant measures to prevent assault by retaining and empowering workers to work effectively. The data were collected through an adopted questionnaire from 416 respondents from the banking sector in Lahore, Pakistan. Variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used. The results reveal that workplace harassment significantly and positively impacts turnover intention. Additionally, employee silence and mental stress have significantly mediated the relationship between workplace harassment and turnover intention. However, psychological contract breaches have significantly moderated the relationship between employee silence and workplace harassment. This study aims to promote equal employment opportunities where they can raise their voices about misconduct and lower the employee turnover ratio. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-05-016 Full Text: PD

    Association patterns of volatile metabolites in urinary excretions among Type-2 Non-Insulin dependent diabetes patients

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    Background: Patterns of volatile metabolites in urine are important to detect abnormalities associated with diabetes. Present study was conducted to find out the excretion patterns of endogenously produced alcohols in urine for type 2 (Non-Insulin Dependent) diabetes mellitus. A cross sectional analytical study was conducted with duration extended from Jan to Mar 2015.Methods: The current study included 40 patients with chronic type 2 diabetes mellitus. In total, 10 sex and age matched subjects with no history of any disease were considered as controls. Blood sugar was estimated by autoanalyzer using standard kit of Merck following manufacturer`s instructions. Urine sugar was quantitatively detected by biuret reagent using titration technique. Urinary alcohol was identified and estimated by gas chromatography.  Urinary ketone bodies were estimated by urinary strip.Results: It was observed that level of fasting blood sugar was significantly increased (P<0.001) in patients as compared to their controls. The blood sugar and urinary alcohol in patients were 3.0% and 6.0% respectively. Urinary ketone bodies were found to be 2+. On the other hand urine sugar, alcohol and ketone bodies were not detected in the negative control subjects.Conclusions: It is concluded that urinary alcohol is endogenously produced in patients with type 2 diabetes due to uncontrolled hyperglycemia. However further work is needed to find out the ratio of urinary and blood alcohol which may confirm the present findings

    Effect of the learning support and the use of project management tools on project success: The case of Pakistan

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    This study examines the effect of learning support on project success with mediation effect of the use of project management tools. Data were collected form 40 international donor funded projects at federal level in Pakistan. The results suggest that learning support has a positive and significant effect on the use of project management tools which in turn has a similar effect on project success. Results also show that use of project management tools has a significant mediation effect between learning support and the project success. Keywords: Project management, Project management tools, Learning support, International development agencie

    Demand Estimation and Forecasting for DALDA Banaspati in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis from Multan District

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    The main purpose of our study is to estimate the demand equation. By using this equation, we have to forecast the future demand. To forecast demand, we have collected actual data on demand of Dalda, price of Dalda, price of Hoor and total sales from Jan 2013 – Dec 2014. By using the Multiple Regressions, we have formulated the demand equation from actual data, and then we have forecasted the values by using exponential smoothing technique for all independent variables. Forecasted demand for the Jan of 2015 is 2072.2921, Quantity demanded will increase by 272.2921 (15 percent) for Jan 2015 as compared to the Jan of 2013. We find that price elasticity is -0.825279 it means that demand of Dalda lie in inelastic portion, it means that if price increase or decrease, there is less impact on the quantity demanded. Cross price elasticity of sultan is positive, its value is 0.4964 it shows that it is substitute commodity. Cross price elasticity of Hoor should be positive, but according to our result its value is –2.718552, which means that in this specific area people are using Hoor as a complementary product .Cross price elasticity of total sales is 1.7299. Keywords: Multiple Regression Analysis, Demand Estimation and Forecasting, Elasticities, Price of Dalda, Total Sales

    Detection and comparison of light metals in hair among workers of different industries using Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) for forensic casework

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    Background: The study was planned to evaluate the deposition of some metals in the scalp hair of the people working in the particular environment. Scalp hair samples were collected from different industry workers including pharmaceutical, textile and paint industry and analyzed for the determination of aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), potassium (K) and sulfur (S). Hair analysis provides a better assessment of light metals present in the surroundings, as well as monitoring of variation of metals from place to place.Methods: The hair samples were collected from 21-55 years old employees working in industry for more than four years. Workers of the age less than 20 years and less than 4 years working experience were not including in this study. Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) system was used to detect the light metals from hair and probable matches were searched through National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) library.Results: The metals Al, S, K and Ca concentration was found maximum in the pharmaceutical industry workers. i.e., 575.1 µg/g, 190.7 µg/g, 11.1 µg/g and 9.1 µg/g respectively. The minimum concentration so these metals was found in paint industry workers i.e. 103.7 µg/g, 8.87 µg/g, 2.3 µg/g, and 1.7µg/g respectively.Conclusion: Light metal concentrations in hair samples showed a significant positive correlation. Our findings can play vital role for health departments and industrial environmental management system (EMS) authorities in policy making and implementation. Taken all together, the workers were facing minor health implications in these industries and need immediate protective measures to remediate the current situation. Keywords: Forensic, Scalp Hair Analysis, Particle Induced X-ray Emissio

    Scheduling and Sizing of Campus Microgrid Considering Demand Response and Economic Analysis

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    Current energy systems face multiple problems related to inflation in energy prices, reduction of fossil fuels, and greenhouse gas emissions which are disturbing the comfort zone of energy consumers and the affordability of power for large commercial customers. These kinds of problems can be alleviated with the help of optimal planning of demand response policies and with distributed generators in the distribution system. The objective of this article is to give a strategic proposition of an energy management system for a campus microgrid (µG) to minimize the operating costs and to increase the self-consuming energy of the green distributed generators (DGs). To this end, a real-time based campus is considered that currently takes provision of its loads from the utility grid only. According to the proposed given scenario, it will contain solar panels and a wind turbine as non-dispatchable DGs while a diesel generator is considered as a dispatchable DG. It also incorporates an energy storage system with optimal sizing of BESS to tackle the multiple disturbances that arise from solar radiation. The resultant problem of linear mathematics was simulated and plotted in MATLAB with mixed-integer linear programming. Simulation results show that the proposed given model of energy management (EMS) minimizes the grid electricity costs by 668.8 CC/day ($) which is 36.6% of savings for the campus microgrid. The economic prognosis for the campus to give an optimum result for the UET Taxila, Campus was also analyzed. The general effect of a medium-sized solar PV installation on carbon emissions and energy consumption costs was also determined. The substantial environmental and economic benefits compared to the present situation have prompted the campus owners to invest in the DGs and to install large-scale energy storage

    Role of Flavonoids as Wound Healing Agent

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    Flavonoids are found as the most abundant bioactive compounds all around the world. It is found in a number of medicinal plants that are used as wound healing agents in traditional medicinal uses such as Buddleja globosa, Moringa oleifera, Lam, Butea monosperma, Parapiptadenia rigida and Ononis spinosa. Flavonoids nowadays are being used in different formulation and wound healing dressings. Inflammation, proliferation and reepithelialization are involved in wound healing. Most of the wound healing medicinal plants possess multiple flavonoids that act as synergistic effect or combined effect. This chapter briefly reviews the role of flavonoids as wound healing agent in traditional and modern medicine

    DNA Barcoding: Amplification and sequence analysis of rbcl and matK genome regions in three divergent plant species

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    Background: DNA barcoding is a novel method of species identification based on nucleotide diversity of conserved sequences. The establishment and refining of plant DNA barcoding systems is more challenging due to high genetic diversity among different species. Therefore, targeting the conserved nuclear transcribed regions would be more reliable for plant scientists to reveal genetic diversity, species discrimination and phylogeny.Methods: In this study, we amplified and sequenced the chloroplast DNA regions (matk+rbcl) of Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia helioscopia and Dalbergia sissoo to study the functional annotation, homology modeling and sequence analysis to allow a more efficient utilization of these sequences among different plant species. These three species represent three families; Solanaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Fabaceae respectively. Biological sequence homology and divergence of amplified sequences was studied using Basic Local Alignment Tool (BLAST).Results: Both primers (matk+rbcl) showed good amplification in three species. The sequenced regions reveled conserved genome information for future identification of different medicinal plants belonging to these species. The amplified conserved barcodes revealed different levels of biological homology after sequence analysis. The results clearly showed that the use of these conserved DNA sequences as barcode primers would be an accurate way for species identification and discrimination.Conclusion: The amplification and sequencing of conserved genome regions identified a novel sequence of matK in native species of Solanum nigrum. The findings of the study would be applicable in medicinal industry to establish DNA based identification of different medicinal plant species to monitor adulteration
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