4,106 research outputs found

    International Accounting Rate Reform in Telecommunications

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    Twenty European countries came together in 1865 to form an organisation, the predecessor to the International Telecommunications Union and to arrive at mechanisms and agree upon a methodology of distributing the revenues from the international telegraph service. The current accounting rate system is a modified version of the then developed methodology for the International telegraph. This international settlement regime based on accounting rates has long been under attack by economists, policy-makers in developed countries and international trade organisations. The ITU, the OECD, the FCC and other regulatory bodies are pursuing various initiatives to reform or replace the existing accounting rate system. These regulatory initiatives are aimed at reducing the current pricing distortions embedded in the accounting rate system. In the wake of the WTO agreement, a system of traffic compensation that is not ‘cost oriented’ is not only unsustainable, it is also in violation of the regulatory principles set out in the WTO reference paper. The FCC has been at the forefront of the move to decrease accounting rates. In August 1997, the FCC adopted “benchmark” accounting rates for different groups of countries, which it considered more closely related to the actual costs of providing international service between those countries and the US. The benchmark rates range from 0.150.15-.23 per minute, and are far below those currently in practice, particularly for most of the developing countries which are sometimes in excess of $1.00 per minute. If implemented, these rates would significantly reduce international calling revenues of these countries. While the FCC obviously has no direct regulatory jurisdiction outside of the US, it has threatened to deny access to the US market to PTOs from other countries that do not reduce their accounting rates to the benchmark levels. While the future of the existing accounting rate system is being debated in regulatory circles, an increasing proportion of international traffic is bypassing this traditional system of compensation. Facilitated by the global trend towards the liberalisation of telecommunications markets, new technological means for bypassing the accounting rate system are also developing rapidly.

    Freiheitss\"{a}tze for one-relator quotients of surface groups and of limit groups

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    Three versions of the Freiheitssatz are proved in the context of one-relator quotients of limit groups, where the latter are equipped with 1-acylindrical splittings over cyclic subgroups. These are natural extensions of previously published corresponding statements for one-relator quotients of orientable surface groups. Two of the proofs are new even in that restricted context.Comment: 17 page

    An Analysis of Exports and Growth in Pakistan

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    The paper examines the export-led growth (ELG) paradigm for Pakistan, using data of the period from 1970-71 to 2003-04. The paper uses a number of analytical tools, including Unit Root Test, Phillips- Perron Tests, Co-integration Johansen Test, and the Granger Tests. The paper sets three hypotheses for testing the ELG paradigm for Pakistan; (a) whether GDP and exports are cointegrated, (b) whether exports Granger cause growth, and (c) whether exports Granger cause investment. The time series data on GDP growth, export growth and investment GDP ratio (proxy for capital formation), and the labour employed were used. The data were tested for stationarity using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and Phillips-Perron test (1988), and then the relationship between GDP growth rate and the growth rate of other variables was determined using OLS with AR (1). The major finding of the present study is that growth rate of export, total investment, and labour employed have positively affected the GDP growth rate

    Sedimentology and palynofacies analysis of Jurassic rocks Eriksdal, Skåne, Sweden

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    A sedimentlogical and palynological study of samples from the Middle Jurassic Fuglunda Member, Mariedal Formation at Eriksdal, Skåne, Sweden, has been carried out. The section is dominated by sandstone with minor units of coal, claystone, siltstone and conglomerate. The depositional environment has been interpreted as a coastal setting, perhaps a delta system with mixed influences of fluvial, tidal and wave processes. Twenty-four samples processed for the palynological study revealed rich and well-preserved assemblages of dispersed organic matter but their composition varies significantly. Forty-two pollen and spore species were identified. Wood remains, amorphous organic matter, cuticles and fungal spores were also recorded in the samples. The coal samples have almost the same palynomorph content as samples from adjacent clastic sediments, except 23A and 23B, which are devoid of pollen and spores. The Fuglunda member palynoflora is dominated by gymnosperms, most notably Perinopollenites elatoides. Most of the species are long-ranging; however, a few species are stratigraphically significant (Neoraistrickia gristhorpensis, Todisporites minor, Callialasporites microvelatus). These index taxa suggest that the studied samples are of Bajocian–Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) age. The occurrence of the key environmental indices Gleicheniidites senonicus, Cyathidites, Classopollis and Perinopollenites suggests a warm and humid palaeoclimate for the Eriksdal area. The composition of the Fuglunda member palynoflora, together with its Thermal Alteration Index (TAI = 2) and Spore Colour Index (SCI = 4), reveal that the organic matter is gas-prone and is immature to produce hydrocarbons

    Analysis of Secondary Grade Mathematics Question Papers of Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Punjab

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of mathematics question papers of Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) for grade 9 and 10 (secondary level) as per national curriculum 2006. The BISE question papers in the subject of mathematics of grade IX-X for the two academic years 2012 and 2013 were analyzed in terms of the weightage of different cognitive abilities suggested in the national curriculum. The analysis was made on the basis of the basic principles of test item construction found in literature and the weightage of various cognitive abilities narrated in national curriculum. It was found that question papers were largely assessing students’ lower cognitive abilities (knowledge and comprehension); a few items were assessing higher cognitive abilities (application and analysis). Since the cognitive abilities of synthesis and evaluation were not desired to assess in the national curriculum (2006) of mathematics, so these were ignored. Some of the questions were weak in terms of language and format/style. The study suggests that teachers should be aware of the national curriculum document with special reference to assessment and BISE should organize intensive training for teachers in test item construction, especially those involved in developing mathematics question papers for BISE

    Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.): A Genomics Perspective of Salinity Tolerance

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main source of staple food for human population. Salinity is the major problem for agricultural production and it affects rice production globally. Different approaches have been developed and exploited to ameliorate the harmful effects of salinity on crop production. Development of salt-tolerant cultivars is the best option which ensures sustainable crop production. Genomics approaches have the potential to accelerate breeding process for the development of salt tolerant crop cultivars. Molecular mapping techniques are the most promising component of genomics. Molecular mapping approaches have greatly helped in the identification of genomic regions involved in salinity tolerance in different crop plants, including rice. Identified genomic regions associated with salinity tolerance accelerated molecular breeding efforts to develop salt-tolerant rice cultivars. Molecular mapping techniques (both linkage and association mapping) are the main components of genomics and these helped in the identification of genomic regions associated with salt-tolerance in rice. In this chapter, a detailed description of molecular mapping techniques, and major findings made by these techniques is presented. Future prospects of these techniques are also discussed

    Synthesis and Chemical Characterization of Metals (Al, Cr, Co, Mn and VO) Complexes with Acetylacetone (β-diketone )

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    In this Article, we focused on synthesis,chemical reactivity and physical properties of  metal acetylacetone complexes. Metals (Mn,Cu,Co,V,Al) were obtained from their salts, and reacted with acetylacetone acting as a ligand. Products were recrystallized using methanol or pet ether and their  melting point was determined. Synthesis and Metal (acetylacetone) complex structures [AI(CH3COCHCOCH3)3], [VO(CH3COCHCOCH3)2], [Mn(CH3COCHCOCH3)2], [Cu(CH3COCHCOCH3)2], [Cr(CH3COCHCOCH3)3] are discussed in this article. Complexation was confirmed by FTIR as a characterizing technique. UV/VIS spectrum were taken for all complexes and their maximum absorbance as a function of wavelength was taken. Further confirmation was obtained by NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance). Solubilities in different organic solvents were tested. Melting Points and Yields of metal-acac complexes are also given in this article. Material Safety Data Sheet of Urea, Chromium chloride hexahydrate and actylacetone has been discussed in this report. Keywords: Metals (Al, Cu, Cr, Mn, VO), Acetylacetone(acac), FTIR, NMR, UV/VIS, Recrystallization

    Methyl 2-oxo-2H-chromene-3-carboxylate

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    The title compound, C11H8O4, features an almost planar molecule (r.m.s. deviation = 0.033 Å for all non-H atoms). In the crystal, the molecules are linked via C-H...O hydrogen bonds, forming two-dimensional networks lying parallel to (1-21)