1 research outputs found

    Differences in Swim Bladder Histology of <i>Anguilla bicolor bicolor</i> at Various Stages of Sexual Maturity

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    The current study observed the histological differences of the swim bladder of the tropical eel, Anguilla bicolor bicolor, as an adaptation resulting from hydrostatic change. A total of 15 eels were collected from Pasir Puncu, Keburuhan, Purworejo and Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia in June 2017, September 2020, and April 2021. The eels were grouped into 4 stages based on the silvering stage and sex, namely: yellow undifferentiated, yellow female, silver male, and silver female. The average length and body weight of yellow undifferentiated eels were 255.07 ± 45.91 mm and 13.66 ± 8.5 g, respectively; for yellow female, the values were 374.35 ± 41.51 mm and 56.5 ± 12.02 g; for silver male, the values were 432.43 ± 15.15 mm and 140.29 ± 13.85 g; and for silver female were 702 ± 0.00 mm and 545 ± 11.31 g. The present study successfully recorded the histological structure of the swim bladder of A. bicolor bicolor in silver male and silver female stages. Silver males and females displayed a greater significant development of the swim bladder than yellow stages in the gas gland, mucosa, and submucosa layers. These results suggest that an increase in the gas gland thickness allows a greater contribution from gas to gas secretion, the mucosa exerts a mechanical effect on the newly formed gas bubbles, and the submucosa thickness reduces gas conductivity from the swim bladder wall