216 research outputs found
BAYANI EPISTEMOLOGIES IN MODERN INDONESIA: The Contribution of Al Washliyah Ulama to Quranic Exegesis Studies
Abstrak: Studi tentang peran organisasi Islam di Indonesia dalam kajian tafsir belum banyak dilakukan para peneliti. Padahal, kajian ini menarik dilakukan mengingat pengaruh eksistensi organisasi Islam terhadap seluruh aspek kehidupan Muslim di Indonesia. Al Washliyah merupakan organisasi Islam terbesar ketiga di Indonesia yang sangat jarang diteliti para ahli, termasuk perannya dalam pelestarian dan pengembangan kajian tafsir Alquran di Indonesia. Studi ini merupakan studi kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah. Topik penelitian dianalisis dengan teori Max Weber tentang tindakan sosial dan dominasi kekuasaan. Studi ini mengajukan temuan bahwa Al Washliyah mengajarkan sejumlah kitab tafsir Alquran di madrasah-madrasahnya; menerbitkan artikel terkait Alquran dan tafsirnya pada majalah resminya, Medan Islam (juga Dewan Islam); dan ulama-ulamanya juga menghasilkan sejumlah karya dalam bidang Alquran dan tafsir. Kepatuhan Al Washliyah terhadap akidah Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamâ‘ah (Sunni) dan mazhab fikih Syafi‘iyah juga membuat organisasi ini abai terhadap literatur tafsir dari mazhab lainnya. Studi ini berkontribusi terhadap penguatan literatur tentang kajian tafsir di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: tafsir Alquran, Al Washliyah, madrasah, majalah Islam, ulamaAbstract: The contribution of Islamic organizations in Quranic exegesis (tafsîr) in Indonesia has been largely overlooked by researchers. However, this study aims to explore this topic due to the significant influence of Islamic organizations on various aspects of Muslim life in the country. One such organization is Al Washliyah, the third largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, which has received limited attention from experts in terms of its contribution to the preservation and development of Quranic exegesis. This literature-based research adopts a historical approach, and the research topic is analyzed through Max Weber’s theories of social action and dominance of power. This study argues that Al Washliyah ulama have taught various books on Quranic exegesis in its madrasas, published articles on the Quran and its tafsir in its official magazine Medan Islam (also Dewan Islam), and its ulama have produced several works in the field of Quranic exegesis. Moreover, due to its adherence to the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamâ‘ah (Sunni) creed and the Shâfi‘iyah school of jurisprudence, Al Washliyah tends to disregard Quranic exegesis literature from other schools. This study, of course, contributes to the strengthening of literature on Quranic studies in modern Indonesia.Keywords: Quranic exegesis, Al Washliyah, madrasas, Islamic magazine, ulam
Abstrak: Studi ini mengkaji perkembangan terkini karya-karya tafsir di Indonesia dan Iran. Kedua negara ini memiliki perbedaan dari aspek dasar negara dan paham keagamaan penduduknya. Indonesia bukan negara Islam, berasaskan Pancasila, dan mayoritas penduduknya menganut Islam Sunni. Adapun Iran adalah sebuah Republik Islam dan mayoritas penduduknya menganut Islam Syiah. Studi ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan dan data yang diperoleh melalui telaah dokumen akan dianalisis dengan metode analisis isi. Studi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran tentang perkembangan studi tafsir di dunia Sunni dan Syiah di era kontemporer. Studi ini mengajukan temuan bahwa ulama kedua negara sama-sama mengembangkan kajian tafsir, dan telah menghasilkan sejumlah kitab tafsir. Karya tafsir di Iran bercorak Syiah, sedangkan kitab tafsir di Indonesia bercorak Sunni. Tetapi, dalam konteks kontemporer, ulama Iran telah menghasilkan banyak karya tafsir dimana para marja‘ taqlid memainkan peran penting dalam pengkajian tafsir, sedangkan ulama Indonesia saat ini kurang banyak menulis kitab tafsir.Abstract: Perkembangan Kontemporer Studi Tafsir Alquran di Indonesia dan Iran. This study examines the latest developments in Qur’anic exegesis in Indonesia and Iran. These two countries differ in their forms of state and the affiliation of its people. Indonesia is not an Islamic State—albeit based on Pancasila that stresses monotheism—and the majority of its people adhere to Sunni Islam. Iran, on the other hand, is a declared Islamic Republic and the majority of its population adheres to Shiite Islam. This study is a literary review and the obtained data was analyzed using content analysis method. This study found that scholars in the two countries have developed interpretation studies, and have produced a number of Qur’anic exegesis. Naturally, Qur’anic exegesis works in Iran are Shiah in style, while those of Indonesia are Sunni in genres. Apparently, in contemporary context, Iranian scholars have been more productive than their Indonesian counterparts. Marja‘ taqlid plays a very important role in this scholarly enterprise.Kata Kunci: Indonesia, Iran, Sunni, Syiah, Alquran, tafsi
Ulama and Radicalism in Contemporary Indonesia: Response of Al Washliyah’s Ulama on Radicalism
Al Washliyah is a moderate Islamic organization in Indonesia. Ulama (Islamic scholars) have obtained honorable and strategic positions in Al Washliyah organization. As an elite group in Al Washliyah organization, the ulama have responded to socio-religious problems in Indonesia, including issues of radicalism and terrorism. Their responses to these problems should be understood as the Ulama's reflection and a foundation in counteracting radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia. This paper is mainly written to get an insight into the ulama’s responses towards the four issues indoctrinated by the radical and terrorist groups such as the Islamic State, jihādī, takfīrī, and suicide bombers. This research highlights that Al Washliyah ulama give different interpretations of those four doctrines, by prioritizing moderation in religion and firmly rejecting radicalism and terrorism in actions or ideas.Abstrak:Al-Jam’iyatul Washliyah merupakan sebuah organisasi Islam moderat di Indonesia. Para ulama sejauh ini mendapatkan kedudukan terhormat dan strategis dalam organisasi ini. Para ulama sebagai kelompok elit dalam organisasi Al Washliyah memberikan respons terhadap persoalan sosial keagamaan di Indonesia, termasuk masalah radikalisme dan terorisme. Respons mereka terhadap masalah ini perlu diketahui dan menjadi salah satu landasan bagi upaya menangkal paham dan gerakan radikalisme dan terorisme di Indonesia. Artikel ini mengkaji respons para ulama Al Washliyah terhadap radikalisme dan terorisme. Kajian artikel ini difokuskan pada respons mereka terhadap empat isu yang menjadi doktrin kelompok-kelompok radikalis dan teroris yakni negara Islam, jihādī, takfīrī, dan bom bunuh diri. Artikel ini mengajukan temuan bahwa para ulama Al-Washliyah yang menjadi informan terpilih memberikan interpretasi yang berbeda mengenai keempat isu tersebut. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa ulama Al-Washliyah mengedepankan moderasi dalam kehidupan beragama dan berbangsa, dan secara tegas mereka menolak paham dan gerakan radikalisme dan terorisme
PERSIAN PHILOSOPHY IN THE ARCHIPELAGO: The Transmission of Persian Islamic Intellectual Tradition to Indonesia in the Contemporary Era
Abstract: The majority of Muslims in Indonesia adhere to the Sunni school, but a small number of Muslims in this country adhere to the Shia Imamiyah school, which has been actively involved in developing the Islamic intellectual tradition of Persia (Iran), currently the center of intellectual and spiritual Shiism in the world. This study examines the transmission of the Persian Islamic intellectual tradition to the archipelago in the contemporary era. The study is a literature review, employing the social history approach. It argues that translation activities carried out by individuals or groups of Shia Muslims in Indonesia, as well as scientific research conducted by some students and lecturers at Islamic universities in Indonesia, has become the most important factors in the process of transmitting philosophy from Persia to Indonesia. This study enriches the understanding of the history of Islamic philosophy in Indonesia. This study argues that Persian philosophy has influenced the development of Islamic philosophy in Indonesia. Keywords: Islamic philosophy, Persian, Archipelago, Islamic intellectual tradition Abstrak: Mayoritas Muslim di Indonesia merupakan penganut aliran Sunni, akan tetapi ternyata sebagian kecil Muslim di negeri ini menganut aliran Syiah Imamiyah yang kemudian terbukti secara aktif ikut mengembangkan tradisi intelektual Islam Persia (Iran) yang saat ini menjadi pusat intelektual dan spiritual Syiah di dunia. Studi ini mengkaji transmisi tradisi intelektual Islam Persia ke Nusantara pada era kontemporer. Studi ini merupakan studi kepustakaan. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sejarah sosial. Studi ini mengajukan argumen bahwa kegiatan penerjemahan yang dilakoni oleh individu atau sekelompok Muslim Syiah di Indonesia, dan juga riset ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh sebagian mahasiswa dan dosen di perguruan tinggi Islam di Indonesia telah menjadi faktor terpenting dalam proses transmisi ilmu filsafat dari Tanah Persia ke Indonesia. Studi ini menambah gugusan referensi tentang sejarah filsafat Islam di Indonesia. Studi ini berargumen bahwa filsafat Persia mempengaruhi studi filsafat Islam di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: filsafat Islam, Persia, Nusantara, tradisi intelektual Isla
Efforts to Develop Religiosity of State Civil Apparatus through Religious Development in Karanganyar District
This paper aim For explain about development religiosity apparatus State Civil through Assembly Taklim Nurul Iman in the district The most important essay related with create and develop attitude ASN religiosity . Study This generate (1) Condition Religiosity Apparatus State Civil in the District Karanganyar , in general, shows that the social picture of the people of Karanganyar Regency is a plural society, socially, economically and politically very stable . And conditions bureaucracy themselves in general in the district Karanganyar show harmony between superiors and subordinates in the environment office district government So is the Regent in a manner routine give briefing to employee from class on to the very bottom that is done a month once. Besides that, reason Regent fostering religiosity the namely, the Regent want to invite For more fear to Almighty God. (2) Development Religiosity for apparatus State Civil through Assembly Taklim Nurul Iman in the District karanayar followed by all civil servants walk with fine and smooth . Proved with increase faith and piety civil servants in the neighborhood work and society , so matter This impact on the concession socio-cultural public towards. Spirit from religiosity development by praying appropriate time and community is for more civil servants discipline
Peer Review Examining Religious Moderation Of The Al-Jam'iyatul Washliyah Fatwa Council
Al Jam‟iyatul Washliyah was founded in 1930 in
Medan North Sumatera, a plural region religion-wise. Many
consider Al Washliyah maintaining moderate understanding
of Islam. Its Fatwa Council produced considerable number
of fatwas in recent years, including fatwas that test Al
Washliyah‟s position on difficult issues, including issues on
terrorism, non-Muslims, Islamic sects, women leadership,
and LGBTs. By reviewing the organizational documents
using the content analysis method, results showed that not
all fatwas issued by the organization reflected its moderate
claim. Regarding jihad and terrorism, Al Washliyah‟s fatwa
certainly against using terror in achieving religious goals.
Likewise, they consider Shi‟ah as orthodox as Sunni,
although this decision is contentious inside Al Washliyah
since many ulama within the organization opposed it.
However, its fatwas in respect to religious pluralism and
Islamic sects hints its conservative stance as echoed from
their fatwas on interreligious marriage, non-Muslim leader,
Ahmadiyah and LGBTs. This shows that such issues
remain difficult test for many Indonesian Muslims as
religious moderatism increasingly erodes in recent times
BAYANI EPISTEMOLOGIES IN MODERN INDONESIA: The Contribution of Al Washliyah Ulama to Quranic Exegesis Studies
Abstrak: Studi tentang peran organisasi Islam di Indonesia dalam kajian tafsir belum banyak dilakukan para peneliti. Padahal, kajian ini menarik dilakukan mengingat pengaruh eksistensi organisasi Islam terhadap seluruh aspek kehidupan Muslim di Indonesia. Al Washliyah merupakan organisasi Islam terbesar ketiga di Indonesia yang sangat jarang diteliti para ahli, termasuk perannya dalam pelestarian dan pengembangan kajian tafsir Alquran di Indonesia. Studi ini merupakan studi kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah. Topik penelitian dianalisis dengan teori Max Weber tentang tindakan sosial dan dominasi kekuasaan. Studi ini mengajukan temuan bahwa Al Washliyah mengajarkan sejumlah kitab tafsir Alquran di madrasah-madrasahnya; menerbitkan artikel terkait Alquran dan tafsirnya pada majalah resminya, Medan Islam (juga Dewan Islam); dan ulama-ulamanya juga menghasilkan sejumlah karya dalam bidang Alquran dan tafsir. Kepatuhan Al Washliyah terhadap akidah Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamâ‘ah (Sunni) dan mazhab fikih Syafi‘iyah juga membuat organisasi ini abai terhadap literatur tafsir dari mazhab lainnya. Studi ini berkontribusi terhadap penguatan literatur tentang kajian tafsir di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: tafsir Alquran, Al Washliyah, madrasah, majalah Islam, ulamaAbstract: The contribution of Islamic organizations in Quranic exegesis (tafsîr) in Indonesia has been largely overlooked by researchers. However, this study aims to explore this topic due to the significant influence of Islamic organizations on various aspects of Muslim life in the country. One such organization is Al Washliyah, the third largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, which has received limited attention from experts in terms of its contribution to the preservation and development of Quranic exegesis. This literature-based research adopts a historical approach, and the research topic is analyzed through Max Weber’s theories of social action and dominance of power. This study argues that Al Washliyah ulama have taught various books on Quranic exegesis in its madrasas, published articles on the Quran and its tafsir in its official magazine Medan Islam (also Dewan Islam), and its ulama have produced several works in the field of Quranic exegesis. Moreover, due to its adherence to the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamâ‘ah (Sunni) creed and the Shâfi‘iyah school of jurisprudence, Al Washliyah tends to disregard Quranic exegesis literature from other schools. This study, of course, contributes to the strengthening of literature on Quranic studies in modern Indonesia.Keywords: Quranic exegesis, Al Washliyah, madrasas, Islamic magazine, ulama</p
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meneliti dampak dari Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) terhadap nilai perusahaan. Obyek pada penelitian ini adalah perusahaan BUMN yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun 2019-2022. Sampel akhir yang diperoleh peneliti berjumlah 19 perusahaan, dengan jumlah total data diolah 76 data yang memenuhi kriteria penelitan sampel tahun 2019 hingga 2022.Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) diproksikan dengan kepemilikan manajerial, kepemilikan institusional, dan komite audit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepemilikan institusional dan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Sedangkan kepemilikan manajerial dan komite audit tidak memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Kata kunci: Kepemilikan Manajerial, Kepemilikan Institusional, Komite Audit, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Nilai Perusahaan, Perusahaan BUMN
Internship Program of The Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta for Soft Skills Development and Student Competencies
Demand in workplace requires a person not only have a high grade point average but also have sufficient soft skills. The higher demands for labor have prompted UIN Sunan Kalijaga, especially the Faculty of Science and Technology, to make an internship program as a program to equip students with soft skills that will be needed in the workplace. Apprenticeship/internship is a form of education and training that will shape the competence of students. The apprenticeship program is used as an effort to bridge the gap between the theories obtained by students in college and the actual professional conditions in the workplace. This activity should be beneficial for students and alumni because in apprenticeship activities participants have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have learned in college and learn the ins and outs of professional work standards.The apprenticeship program at the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Sunan Kalijga Yogyakarta has been carried out for 3 periods. Many activities have been programmed to support the competence of students at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This paper would disscus and analyse about the program, its achievement and implications for the student’s competency
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