405 research outputs found

    The characterization of mechanical behaviour on kenaf fibre / polypropylene composites

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    Global demand for wood plastic composite (WPC) has increased due to the increase of population and latest applications primarily in Malaysia industry today such as decking, chair and ceiling. However, the current WPC is worth investigating since such materials can be explored by enhancing their strength and quality through the treatment method. The objective of this study is to identify the effect of alkaline treatment on kenaf fibre in WPC system, to investigate the highest strength of kenaf fibre loading on mechanical properties in WPC, and to evaluate the morphology characteristics from fracture specimens related to the mechanical testing via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Specimen was fabricated via injection moulding and hydraulic hot press using kenaf fibre (KF) as filler and polypropylene (PP) as the matrix. A tensile test was carried out to determine the tensile stress of the material. The result revealed treated specimen possesses high tensile stress at 5 wt.% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) compared to 10 wt.% and 20 wt.%. The optimum tensile stress was at 40 wt.% KF (5 wt.% NaOH, 5 wt.% MAPP) with the value 21.38 MPa. Flexural test was carried out on untreated and treated KF which is pure PP, 10 wt.% KF, and 20 wt.% KF by weight to PP. The result of flexural stress showed treated specimen lead better flexural at 20 wt.% PP/KF (5 wt.% NaOH) with 30.25 MPa. Meanwhile 40 wt.% KF (5 wt.% MAPP) give high fatigue life cycles at all stress level 90 %, 80 %, 70 %, 60 % and 50 % as the specimen structure less damage was induced during fatigue test. SEM is used to observe the morphological characteristics of PP/KF. The good interfacial bonding between KF and PP is 5 wt.% NaOH due of less impurities and lignin content. Overall 5 wt. % NaOH with 40 wt.% PP/KF (5 wt.% MAPP) showed the best result and it is worth to replace the current kenaf fibre polymer composites product

    Kampanye Public Relations Program Bandung Tanginas Untuk Menekan Angka Stunting

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    Public Relations Campaign is a planned communication activity within a certain period of time, which aims to provide knowledge and influence the target audience, as well as to create trust and a good impression of the public towards the institution, company or organization that organizes the activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the Public Relations of the Bandung City Health Office in carrying out the pre-campaign stages, planning stages, implementation stages, and post-campaign stages to reduce stunting rates in the city of Bandung. The results of this study illustrate that the public relations campaign strategy used by the Public Relations of the Bandung City Health Office in an effort to reduce stunting rates in the city of Bandung is by 1) identifying problems, 2) collaborating with various sectors, 3) determining the objectives of the campaign implementers, 4) determining target audiences and campaign messages, 5) formulating campaign approaches and channels, 6) packaging campaign messages, 7) direct campaigns, 8) campaigns through the media, 9) monitoring and evaluation, 10) viewing direct campaign responses, 11) viewing campaign responses through the media


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah pengaruh corporate governance, keputusan pendanaan, dan kebijakan dividen berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan LQ-45. Corporate governance diukur dengan komite audit, komisaris independen, kepemilikan institusional, dan kepemilikan manajerial. Sedangkan keputusan pendanaan diukur dengan debt to equity ratio, dan kebijakan dividen diukur dengan dividen payout ratio. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, yaitu pemilihan sampel dengan kriteria-kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Berdasarkan metode purposive sampling tersebut didapatkan sebanyak 18 sampel dari 45 perusahaan LQ-45 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2015-2017. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 24. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komite audit, kepemilikan instituisonal, kepemilikan manajerial, dan keputusan pendanaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan. Sedangkan komisaris independen dan kebijakan dividen berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaa


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    RINGKASANMUHAMMAD HUSIN. Hubungan antara karakteristik fisik, kimia dan jarak Tempat Perindukan Vektor (TPV) dengan Kejadian Malaria di Kecamatan Woyla Kabupaten Aceh Barat. RINIDAR dan REZA FERASYI.Sekitar 74% Kabupaten di Indonesia masih tergolong endemis malaria, dan 45% penduduknya beresiko tertular malaria. Salah satu yang belum terbebas malaria adalah Kabupaten Aceh Barat Provinsi Aceh. Adanya faktor lain seperti curah hujan yang tinggi , perubahan cuaca, menyebabkan terbentuknya tempat perindukan vektor (TPV) sebagai habitat nyamuk Anopheles. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik fisik, kimia dan jarak tempat perindukan vektor (TPV) dari pemukiman penduduk dengan kejadian malaria di Kecamatan Woyla Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Desain penelitian menggunakan metoda observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di tiga desa, yaitu Alue Sikaya, Rambong dan Pulo Ie, Kecamatan Woyla Kabupaten Aceh Barat, sedangkan kejadian malaria diambil dari data rekam medis Puskesmas di Kecamatan Woyla tahun 2017. Sebagai variabel independennya adalah karakteristik fisik dan kimia serta jarak TPV dari pemukiman dan variabel dependen adalah kejadian malaria. Analisa data menggunakan uji korelasi untuk melihat hubungan antara Karakteristik TPV dan jarak terhadap kejadian malaria. Untuk mendiskripsikan karakteristik setiap variabel penelitian menggunakan univariat dan analisis biva riat untuk mengetahui hubungan anatara variabel dependen dan independen. Hasil penelitian ini didapat bahwa karakteristik fisik, kima dan jarak TPV dari pemukiman penduduk untuk desa Alue Sikaya, dan desa Rambong nila p >0,05, sedangkan pada desa Puloe Ie kedalaman dan jarak TPV memiliki nilai


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    The Covid-19 pandemic is a problem in a country starting from the Wuhan area of China, which spreads so quickly and is deadly. Covid-19 is very easy to transmit, therefore it is important to keep the immune system strong so as not to get sick easily during this pandemic. In response to this, the government recommends the public to take vaccinations to prevent being infected with covid-19 and take Vitamin C and other antibiotic drugs, to increase immunity. Whereas in Islamic teachings the Qur'an has been revealed which is said to be an antidote or medicine. The benefits of the Qur'an and sholawat include getting peace of mind, being given intelligence and of course a cure for all diseases. So, Allah Almighty commands frequent prayers and reads and studies the Qur'an more often because the Qur'an serves as the main source of Islamic teachings and the way of life of Muslims. This research uses quantitative methods with the type of case study research, data collection techniques carried out in the form of observation, distribution of questionnaires and documentation. The results of the study when the community was fighting the covid-19 pandemic by consuming vitamins for a strong immune system. However, there are some parents who are still healthy and fit and doing well. After being investigated, the elderly parents have their own practice, namely often grounding the Qur'an and multiplying prayers

    Location Based Reminder System: L-Minder System

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    A reminder plays an important role in every day life for everyone. People use various methods to remind themselves about daily tasks, events, meetings and etc. For example they use to-do list, stick notes, and date-time reminders in mobile phone. This research focuses on the development of location based reminder, a method of reminding people deployed on mobile phones. It implements the concept of context-aware in ubiquitous and is supported by location detection by GSMtechnologies. The project, L-Minder, will be an upgraded version of the existing time and date based reminder because of the location awareness and context awareness. The reminder will remind the users about the daily tasks, events, meetings and etc based on the desired location at which these events or tasks needed to be performed. Intensive research and literature review had been done in order to obtain as much useful information data to develop the project. Surveys had been done over a specific group of users to obtain dataon preferences, dislikes and other important information regarding the development of the system. The project will solve many problems that arise from both time and date based reminder and the existing location based reminders in the market


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    An uproar is the hopeless voice and this voice disturbs people, even, in several cases it can cause an accident. Hospital is one of public facilities that is used for caring, improving and giving treatment to human’s health.  PROF DR, Tabrani Rab hospitals serve many patients with variant of illnesses. It means that there will be many patients that are cared in these hospitals. A patient, of course, needs calm and quiet condition for getting treatment his illness. On the other hand, the location of the three hospitals above is near the traffic road, therefore they get impact from the traffic current in those roads, namely; an uproar. According to Slater (1985), the counting of uproar caused by traffic current can be counted by applying the following formula: L10 18h = 29,1 + 10 log Q dBA or L10 = 42,2 + 10 log Q dBA. The highest level of uproar is 73 dB(A) that happens, meanwhile the lowest level of uproar is 66 dB(A) that happens in hospital. In accordance with the rule of Environmental Ministry, the level of uproar in hospital should not be more than 55 dB(A). It means that the location of the three hospitals in Pekanbaru does not fulfill the requiement for activities related with health. Therefore, they must reduce the voice sources that can meke uproar

    Automated sport facilities booking for Majlis Perbandaran Kajang Sport Arena / Muhammad Razman Husin

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    Majlis Perbandaran Kajang Sport Arena is located in Bandar Baru Bangi, which every day the staff will entertain customers either walk in or call to do their sport facilities booking. Common booking issues like redundancy booking, lost of information and even unpaid booking fee leading to unbooked facility has cause major problem for MPKJ Sport Arena. The Sport Arena does not have any computerized system that could facilitate the facilities booking and there are no computerizing systems to keep their customer information. The target of this work is to develop a facilities booking system for MPKJ Sport Arena. Currently, the customer of MPKJ Sport Arena use the manual method either walk in to Sport Arena or call the operator to know the availability of the facilities. This cause the customer time to booked the facilities. The project was document into five phases which is: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Result and Analysis, and Conclusion and Recommendation. The methodology that has been used in the project is Waterfall Model. The requirements for this project were collected by observation and interview of the stakeholder. It was analyzed using CRUD technique and it was documented in Software Requirement Specification (SRS). The system design and structures were made using eclipse software and it was saved in a Software Development Document (SDD). In the near future, the system should be available and integrated with mobile application system as features of booking facilities can be implemented, since people nowadays tend to use the smartphone more than the web in order handle their matter


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    Indonesia's decision to move the country's capital outside the island of Java, namely Penajam Pasir Utama, East Kalimantan and parts of Kutai Kartanegara in East Kalimantan as locations for the construction of the new capital of the Re-public of Indonesia aims to accelerate the reduction of inequality and increase regional economic growth outside Java, especially the eastern region of Indonesia. . The legal basis for the capital of the archipelago is regulated through Law Num-ber 3 of 2022. However, there are quite a lot of questionable articles in this Law. Both regarding the special autonomy status applied to the capital of the archipel-ago, the body of the authority of the capital of the archipelago which is not recog-nized in the constitution, the procedures for selecting and appointing the head/deputy of the authority of the capital of the archipelago which violates dem-ocratic values, because the appointment is not made by election through the vote of the people . Another interesting thing is that the regional government specifi-cally for the capital of the archipelago is only organized by the National Capital Authority of the Archipelago without the existence of a Regional People's Repre-sentative Council as applies to regional forms of government in general, as well as several other issues. This is a dynamic in a democratic rule of law state. So, in order to remain obedient to the constitution and to maintain the quality of de-mocracy in Indonesia, it is necessary to reorganize the legislation of Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning National Capital in order to avoid problems that are clearly confusing which appear to be on the surface in terms of regulations so that in the future it does not have a major impact on progress of Indonesian democracy