5 research outputs found
Treatment strategies for bad loans to microfinancial institutions: evidence from Kendari, Indonesia
The purpose of the research is to find the right strategic formula to resolve bad loans suitable to environment and characteristics of micro-financial institutions and their consumers. It applies qualitative approach by means of interactive method put forward by Milles and Huberman (2009) as analysis method. Data are obtained from indepth interview with superordinates, staff and consumers of microfinance institutions in Kendari city. A microcredit institution “Harum” needs several strategis to handle bad loans. It includes: institutional reinforcement (improvement in service procedure, increase in human resources’ skill, more branch offices, more new recuitments, the involvement of sub-district government, the use of information system), reinforcement of consumers’ capacity (tight selection process, counseling of business management, advisory service, and special relationship). The research results serve as solutions to microfinancial institutions in handling bad loans, from which development and sustainability can be assured. Consumers might make use of this information to develop their business. They also might serve as references for regional government in making the right policy for the development of micofinancial institutions and small business empowerment. This is the first study exploring formulation of strategy for microfinancial institutions in handling bad loans. The research explores internal and external aspects of microfinancial institution, with holistic view of the right policy in terms of institutions and consumers
The Effect of Stock Prices and Exchange Rates on Economic Growth in Indonesia
This research aims to investigate the effect of stock prices and exchange rates on Indonesia economic growth. The data were used the quarterly time series spanning in the period, 2004Q1-2015Q3. Econometric model were used to analyze these data is the autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) model. The result of stationary test showed that all of the time series of share prices, exchange rates, and economic growth are stationary at the first difference, or integrated of order one, I(1). The results of cointegration test showed that the third time series of stock prices, exchange rates, and economic growth are not cointegrated. The results of effect test showed that there is an effect of the stock prices and exchange rates on Indonesia's economic growth. Furthermore, the amount of influence stock prices on economic growth is greater than the effect of exchange rates on economic growth.
Keywords: Stock price, Exchange rate, Economic growth, Autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) model
JEL Classifications:C44, F310, G120, O04
Determinants of social media use by handicraft industry of Indonesia and its impact on export and marketing performance: an empirical study
The present study attempts to examine the determinants of social
media use by the handicraft industry of Indonesia and its impact on
export and marketing performance. The primary data were collected
from a sample of 301 respondents. To examine the impact of
incorporated variables on the marketing and export performance,
confirmatory factors analysis and structural equation modelling
approach are incorporated in the study. Several tests were applied
including descriptive analysis, KMO and Bartlett’s test, rotated
component matrix, convergent and discriminant validity. The results
showed significant differences in direct and indirect effects. The direct
effects indicated that perceived ease of use and subjective norm are the
insignificant predictors of marketing performance, whereas relative
advantage significantly predicts marketing performance. Likewise, for
export performance, perceived ease of use and relative advantage are
found as significant predictors. Meanwhile, the indirect effects showed
that social media use significantly mediates the relationship of
perceived ease of use, relative advantage, subjective norm and
marketing performance. On the contrary, no mediation of subjective
norm is observed in the relationship between subjective norm and
export performance. Social media use acts as a significant mediator in
the relationship between perceived ease of use, relative advantage and
export performance. In addition, the study embraces several
theoretical, practical and policy-making implications for the marketing management practitioners and strategy developers to attain high levels
of marketing and export performance with the utilisation of social
media. Lastly, various limitations are discussed for in-depth findings
by future researchers
Determinants of Social Media Use by Handicraft Industry of Indonesia and Its Impact on Export and Marketing Performance: An Empirical Study
The present study attempts to examine the determinants of social media use by handicraft industry of Indonesia and its impact on export and marketing performance. The primary data has been collected from the sample of 301 respondents. To examine the impact of incorporated variables on the marketing and export performance, the Confirmatory factors analysis and Structural equation modeling approaches are incorporated in the study, as well as several tests that were applied including descriptive analysis, KMO and Bartlett’s test, rotated component matrix, convergent and discriminant validity. The results show significant differences in direct and indirect effects. The direct effects indicated that perceived ease of use and subjective norm are the insignificant predictors of marketing performance, whereas, relative advantage significantly predicts marketing performance. Likewise, for export performance, perceived ease of use and relative advantage are found as significant predictors. While the indirect effects show that social media use significantly mediated the relationship of perceived ease of use, relative advantage, subjective norm and marketing performance. On the contrary, no mediation of subjective norm is observed in the relationship between subjective norm and export performance, while, social media use acts as a significant mediator in the relationship of perceived ease of use, relative advantage and export performance. Also, the study embraces several theoretical, practical and policy-making implications for the marketing management practitioners and strategy developers to attain high levels of marketing and export performance with the utilisation of social media. Lastly, various limitations have been discussed for in-depth findings by future researchers
Aplikasi Mobile dalam Pemasaran Digital: Analisis Literatur tentang Pengaruhnya terhadap Keuangan dan Strategi Pemasaran Bisnis
Aplikasi mobile telah menjadi komponen integral dalam pemasaran digital, dengan pengaruh yang mendalam baik terhadap kinerja keuangan maupun strategi pemasaran bisnis. Artikel ini mendalami dampak aplikasi mobile dalam pemasaran digital, dengan fokus khusus pada pengaruhnya terhadap hasil keuangan dan strategi pemasaran. Berdasarkan analisis literatur yang komprehensif, beberapa temuan utama telah muncul: Dampak Keuangan: Aplikasi mobile memiliki dampak positif yang signifikan pada kinerja keuangan bisnis. Mereka memfasilitasi peningkatan pendapatan dengan memberikan akses yang lancar ke produk dan layanan, meningkatkan tingkat konversi, dan mengoptimalkan pembelian online. Selain itu, aplikasi mobile berkontribusi pada pengurangan biaya melalui otomatisasi proses bisnis dan layanan pelanggan yang efisien, akhirnya memperkuat kesehatan keuangan bisnis.Peningkatan Retensi Pelanggan: Aplikasi mobile memainkan peran penting dalam retensi pelanggan. Melalui konten yang dipersonalisasi, notifikasi yang tepat, dan program loyalitas yang terintegrasi dalam aplikasi, mereka memperkuat keterlibatan pelanggan dan memupuk hubungan jangka panjang. Hal ini pada akhirnya berdampak positif pada keberlanjutan keuangan bisnis.Optimisasi Strategi Pemasaran: Analisis data terintegrasi dalam aplikasi mobile memberdayakan bisnis untuk memahami perilaku pengguna secara lebih mendalam. Data berharga ini membentuk strategi pemasaran berdasarkan data, memungkinkan bisnis untuk mengidentifikasi tren dan preferensi pelanggan. Strategi berbasis data meningkatkan efisiensi pemasaran, mengurangi biaya, dan menghasilkan hasil keuangan yang lebih baik.Perubahan Paradigma dalam Pemasaran: Aplikasi mobile telah membawa perubahan paradigma dalam pemasaran. Mereka menawarkan interaksi real-time dengan pelanggan, pengumpulan umpan balik langsung, dan pengalaman pengguna yang lebih baik. Bisnis yang berhasil mengintegrasikan aplikasi mobile dalam strategi pemasaran mereka telah memanfaatkan transformasi ini.Secara keseluruhan, aplikasi mobile memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada kinerja keuangan dan strategi pemasaran bisnis. Mereka tidak hanya berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan pendapatan dan efisiensi operasional, tetapi juga merevolusi interaksi pelanggan dan pembangunan merek. Oleh karena itu, bisnis sebaiknya menganggap aplikasi mobile sebagai aset tak terpisahkan dalam upaya pemasaran digital mereka dan memanfaatkannya dengan bijak untuk mencapai pertumbuhan bisnis yang kuat