3 research outputs found

    L’AIM, un réseau d’information alternatif et un média électronique plurilingue dans l’espace (post) yougoslave en guerre et après‑guerre

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    The media controlled by nationalist parties in each camp played a key role in determining the way in which Yugoslavia was broken up and stoked the flames of war and conflict. There were very few independent media spreading a radically different vision and they were all but invisible. The alternative information network AIM was founded in 1992 with the goal of recreating a common information space thanks to the circulation of articles written by anti‑nationalist journalists in all of the republics of former Yugoslavia. These articles were exchanged across hermetically closed borders and published free of charge by independent newspapers. This facilitated the creation of new media. The fact that the journalists were paid for their articles helped to ensure that they continued to exercise their profession. AIM achieved this objective by establishing editorial boards in each republic that were linked together by a mail box system that made it possible to electronically exchange articles well before the arrival of internet


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    Acute cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder wall, usually caused by gallstones in the cystic duct, which causes attacks of severe pain. At least 95% of the population with acute inflammation of the gallbladder have gallstones. Acute viral hepatitis is the liver inflammation accompanied by nausea, faintness, vomiting, pain below the right rib arch, jaundice. The presence of acute cholecystitis intensifies the existing symptoms. The aim of the paper was to show the incidence of the gallbladder inflammation in patients with acute hepatitis A or B. This retrospective-prospective study involved 110 patients treated for viral hepatitis A or B and had severe abdominal pain during hospitalization. The selected sample involved more male examinees - 63 (62%) compared to female ones - 47 (38%). The most frequent age of examinees was 30-50 years, 82 (83%), and cholecystitis during hepatitis was also most common in the age group 30-50 years, 28 (73%) patients. Cholecystitis was more common in patients with acute hepatitis B - 21 (55%) examinees than in patients with acute hepatitis A - 17 (45%) examinees. Ultrasound examination, performed in 24 (63%) examinees showed gallstones in inflamed gallbladder, while 14 (37%) examinees had the inflammation of the gallbladder without gallstones. The most common cause of severe abdominal pain in patients with acute liver infection caused by HAV and HBV infection was the gallbladder, 38 (34.5%) patients. Cholecystitis was more common in patients with acute hepatitis B, 21 (55%) examinees, than in those with an acute hepatitis A, 17 (45%) examinees

    La presse allophone dans les Balkans

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    Ce numéro, le 47e des Cahiers balkaniques, présente un très riche dossier sur la presse allophone, et principalement francophone, rédigée dans les pays balkaniques ou à l’étranger, par des personnes qui en étaient originaires, à partir de la fin du xixe siècle. Élément constitutif de réseaux diasporiques ou vecteur de promotion d’intérêts politiques, économiques, culturels à l’intention d’un public autochtone ou, au contraire, étranger, cette presse en langues autres que celles établies comme officielles et/ou minoritaires est susceptible d’aider à mieux reconstituer la diversité sociale et culturelle des sociétés concernées. Elle témoigne également de l’importance de la culture et de la langue française, souvent symbole de révolution dans les pays du Sud-Est européen jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. À côté de ce dossier capital, les Cahiers présentent également des varia, issus d’un colloque sur l’hellénisme qui s’est tenu à la villa Kérylos en mai 2018, et des contributions indépendantes de nos amis. La chance nous a permis également de présenter des comptes rendus de plusieurs ouvrages parus cette année