2 research outputs found
Representasi Peran Ibu dalam Iklan (Analisis Semiotika pada Iklan Bertema Hari Ibu)
Advertising is a complex communication pattern that moves towards the goal. This study aims to describe the meaning of Mother's Role contained in four YouTube advertisements in December 2017 with the theme "Mother's Day". The research method used is descriptive-qualitative data analysis techniques using Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis which uses the terms denotation, connotation and myth to find out the meaning of the signs of Mother's Role values in the ad. The results of the analysis of this study are indications of understanding motherism in advertisements researchers do. This understanding of motherism is characterized by symbols of Mother's role as an educator, source of affection and a person who has a dual role
Advertising merupakan pola komunikasi yang kompleks yang bergerak menuju tujuan dan menggunakan strategi dalam mempengaruhi pikiran, perasaan, dan perilaku konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan makna Peran Ibu yang terkandung didalam empat iklan YouTube pada Desember 2017 yang bertema “Hari Ibuâ€. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis semiotik Roland Barthes yang menggunakan istilah denotasi, konotasi dan mitos untuk mengetahui makna tanda nilai-nilai Peran Ibu yang ada di iklan tersebut. Adapun hasil analisis penelitian ini adalah adanya indikasi paham ibuisme dalam iklan-iklan peneliti lakukan. Paham ibuisme ini ditandai dengan simbol-simbol Peran Ibu sebagai seorang pendidik, sumber kasih sayang dan seorang yang berperan ganda.
Kata Kunci : Peran Ibu, Representasi, Ibuisme Dan Iklan YouTube.Advertising is a complex communication pattern that moves towards goals and uses strategies that influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of consumers. This study aims to describe the meaning of the Role of Mother contained in YouTube advertisements in December 2017 with the theme "Mother's Day". The research method used is descriptive-qualitative data analysis techniques using the semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes using the terms denotation, connotation and myth to find out the meaning of the values ​​of the mother's role in the ad. Whether the results of the analysis of this study are indicative of the understanding of motherism in advertisements conducted by researchers. This understanding of motherism is marked by symbols of Mother's role as educators, sources of affection and a person who supports double.
Keywords : Mother's Role, Representation, Motherism and YouTube Advertising