926 research outputs found

    A Hajnóczy-barlang mikroklímájának hatása egészséges populáció légzésfunkcióira

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    Saját, ill. barlangász társaink korábbi méréseire támaszkodva elvégeztük a Hajnóczy-barlang mikroklímájának elemzését, és vizsgáltuk a tábor és a barlangászat hatására kialakuló légzésfunkciós változásokat. Eredményeink azt mutatják, hogy a kúraszerű barlangi tartózkodás jelentősen és tartósan javítani képes egészséges emberek légzésfunkciós állapotát. A javulás több, egymástól elválaszthatatlan tényező komplex hatásának következménye. A spirometriás paraméterek közül az obstruktív elváltozások egyik mutatója, a PEF követte a legérzékenyebben a légzőrendszerben bekövetkező változásokat, amely megerősíti az egészséges emberek latens pozitív bronchomotor-tónusának létezésére vonatkozó feltételezésünket. | Based on former observations (made by themselves and speleologists) authors analysed the microclimate of the cave Hajnóczy ; and registered changes in the respiratory function due to the cave stay and speleologic activity. Authors experienced that a treatment-like stay in the cave could significantly improve the respiratory function of healthy individuals. This improvement is the result of several correlated factors. Among spirometric parameters, PEF (revelant for obstructive disorders) followed most precisely these changes. This later observation argues in favour of the hypothetical existence of positive bronchomotor tone in healthy individuals

    Bányászat és kapcsolódó iparágak hulladékainak szerepe a körforgásos gazdaságban – Urban Mining: Role of the wastes of mining and allied industries in the circular economy – Urban mining

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    Research of the wastes of mining and allied industries at the University of Miskolc Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering has been carrying out in the Center of Excellence of Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the last decades very intensively. In the present paper the most important industrial wastes are summarized, namely coal mining gangue, fly ash, metallurgical slags, red mud and construction and demolition waste. Moreover, some utilization possibilities are shown briefly from circular economy point of view, i.e. eco-friendly binder, aggregate, cement supplementary material

    Investigation of Daily Natural and Rapid Human Effects on the Air Temperature of The HajnĂłczy Cave in BĂĽkk Mountains

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    The aim of this study the authors measured and analyzed the effect of the exterior daily temperature change on the interior temperature in a dripstone cave visited by cavers exclusively. The measurement was carried out in the Hajnóczy Cave located in the southern part of Bükk Mountains in Hungary. Although only one entrance is known, there are more evidences for the strong effect of exterior conditions on the interior processes like temperature fluctuation and dripstone development. Using high resolution wireless digital thermometer sensor network the air temperature and air humidity were measured in 32 points in every 10 minutes for long time but now the data of a 8-days period were analyzed. Based on these data different zones of the cave could be separated and during summer conditions the climatic variability of the entrance transitional and deep cave zone was described. Based on statistical analysis of spatial information significant correlation was found between the exterior temperature fluctuation and that of such a cave chamber, which is relatively far from the cave entrance. This fact proves that existence of a fissure system which is permeable for air but not passable for cavers. During the measurement the human effect was also analyzed and 0.3-0.6 °C temperature rising was recognized for a short time. Because of the surface vicinity the effects of the environmental change can have sensible impact on the cave and its natural phenomena. Among others temperature rising, air humidity decreasing were detected in present study


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    The present work deals with systematic grinding investigation and determination of grindability of container glass bottles. The systematic grinding tests were carried out in three different kinds of ball mills (a drum mill, a vibrating mill, and a planetary mill) with different energy intensities (low, medium, and high intensity) in dry conditions. In addition, the specific grinding work and specific surface area were determined in every case. The grindability test was performed by the Universal Hardgrove Mill, moreover, the Bond-Work Index was calculated from the Hardgrove Grindability Index. In this research work, the focus was on analysing the grindability of container glass bottles and the goal was energy-efficient milling of glass waste to produce glass foam powder for further utilization (for example glass foam) in a sustainable way. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the optimal milling apparatus for container glass grinding is the drum mill. The reason why is that it has a low specific grinding work (151.52 kWh/t) in comparison with the other two types of mills (3488.37 kWh/t for the planetary mill and 1106.38 kWh/t for the vibrating mill) resulting in a relatively high specific surface area (11314 cm2/g). In the case of grinding industrial quantities of glass waste, the drum mill has a much higher capacity compared to the vibrating mill and the planetary mill.Ovaj rad bavi se sustavnim ispitivanjem mljevenja i određivanjem mogućnosti mljevenja staklenih boca. Sustavna ispitivanja mljevenja provedena su u trima različitim vrstama kugličnih mlinova (bubnjasti mlin, vibracijski mlin i planetarni mlin) različitih energetskih zahtjeva (niskoga, srednjega i visokoga intenziteta) u suhim uvjetima. Osim toga, kod svakoga ispitivanja određena je specifična energija mljevenja i specifična površina. Ispitivanje meljivosti provedeno je pomoću mlina Universal Hardgrove, a Bondov radni indeks izračunan je iz indeksa meljivosti po Hardgroveovoj metodi. U ovome istraživačkom radu fokus je bio na analizi meljivosti staklenih boca, a cilj je bio energetski učinkovito mljevenje staklenoga otpada kako bi se proizveo prah staklene pjene za daljnju uporabu (npr. staklena pjena) na održiv način. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je optimalni mlin za mljevenje staklenih posuda bubnjasti mlin zbog toga što ima nisku specifičnu energiju mljevenja (151,52 kWh/t) u usporedbi s drugim dvjema vrstama mlinova (3488,37 kWh/t planetarnoga mlina i 1106,38 kWh/t vibrirajućega mlina), što rezultira relativno visokom specifičnom površinom (11 314 cm2/g). U slučaju mljevenja industrijskih količina staklenoga otpada bubnjasti mlin ima znatno veći kapacitet u odnosu na vibracijski i planetarni mlin

    Creating excess water inundation maps by sub-pixel classification of medium resolution satellite images

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    Excess water frequency factor, which indicates the number of inunda-tions in the area under study within a certain period of time, is the most dynamic variable among the parameters applied in the complex meth-odology of excess water hazard mapping. Creating excess water inun-dation maps, representing the situation in the most realistic way, was hitherto a critical moment in excess water hazard mapping. Instead of field measurements, since the database of Landsat satellite images became accessible in 2009, it is possible to process satellite images taken from the year 1985, with using new, non-traditional methods different from the pixel-based classification. These methods are mainly sub-pixel based classifications and they are applied principally on images taken in periods of extended excess water inundation, under clear weather conditions. In our research project, medium-scale map-ping was supported principally by hand-held or mounted multispectral (the bands of visible and infrared light) digital aerial photography. The photo-taking process, depending on the actual meteorological condi-tions, can be flexibly accomplished in the most extended inundation period, thus it is possible to create excess water maps at the scale of 1:10000


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    Glass foam tablets were prepared by using mixed glass bottles (green, brown, and white), eggshell waste as a foaming agent, Na-bentonite as binder material, and red mud as an additive, respectively. The influence of the amount of red mud and fly ash on the properties (foaming temperature, mechanical strength, specimen density and porosity, thermal conductivity) of the tablets was studied. The foamed tablets contained 2.5 wt % binder material, 0.1 wt % foaming agent, 5 wt % fly ash, and red mud as additives in different ratios (0 – 40 wt %). After homogenization, the ground raw materials were pressed into tablets at 30 MPa using a hydraulic piston press. The products were heat treated at different temperatures with different heating rates. The final product’s properties were measured (specimen density, thermal conductivity, and mechanical strength through falling and abrasion resistance tests). The most convenient results were shown at 5 wt % red mud in this case, the specimen density and thermal conductivity were the lowest, the values were 0.3 g/cm3 and 0.036 W/mK. If 5 wt % of fly ash was added to the mixture the density value stayed the same, the thermal conductivity increased to 0.048 W/mK, but the mechanical strength of the tablets rapidly increased.Granule staklene pjene pripremljene su korištenjem mješavine staklenih boca (zelene, smeđe i bijele boje), otpadaka ljuske jajeta kao sredstva za stvaranje pjene, Na-bentonita kao vezivnoga materijala uz dodatak crvenoga mulja. Proučavan je utjecaj količine crvenoga mulja i lebdećega pepela na svojstva tako oblikovanih granula (temperaturu pjenjenja, mehaničku čvrstoću, gustoću i poroznost uzorka, toplinsku provodljivost). Granule staklene pjene sadržavale su 2,5% masenog udjela (wt %) vezivnoga materijala, 0,1 wt % sredstva za pjenjenje, 5 wt % lebdećega pepela i crvenoga mulja kao dodataka u različitim omjerima (0 – 40 wt %). Nakon homogenizacije samljevene sirovine prešane su u granule pri 30 MPa uz pomoć hidrauličke preše. Proizvodi su toplinski obrađeni na različitim temperaturama s različitim brzinama zagrijavanja. Izmjerena su svojstva konačnoga proizvoda (gustoća uzorka, toplinska vodljivost i mehanička čvrstoća kroz ispitivanja otpornosti na udar i abraziju). Najbolji rezultati dobivani su kod 5 wt % crvenoga mulja i tu su gustoća uzorka i toplinska vodljivost bile najniže, s vrijednostima od 0,3 g/cm3 i 0,036 W/mK. Međutim, kada se mješavini dodalo 5 wt % lebdećega pepela, vrijednost gustoće ostala je ista, toplinska vodljivost povećala se na 0,048 W/mK, ali je mehanička čvrstoća granula naglo porasla


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    Geopolymers are inorganic alumina-silicate materials with excellent physical and chemical properties. Despite being a rather recent research topic, many papers and books have been published focusing on various aspects of geopolymerisation: the history, properties, production, raw materials, applications and development of geopolymers. A brief overview of geopolymer technology is presented in the article, emphasising the great variety of raw materials that can be used for geopolymer production. Considering the variety of the origin of these materials, three categories are distinguished: primary raw materials which consist of natural minerals, secondary raw materials which are industrial wastes and by-products, and wastes and by-products of natural origin. In spite of not being widely accepted by the industry yet, geopolymerisation has the potential to become a valuable waste-recycling technology in the future

    Investigation of daily natural and rapid human effects on the air temperature of the HajnĂłczy cave in BĂĽkk mountains

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    The aim of this study the authors measured and analyzed the effect of the exterior daily temperature change on the interior temperature in a dripstone cave visited by cavers exclusively. The measurement was carried out in the Hajnóczy Cave located in the southern part of Bükk Mountains in Hungary. Although only one entrance is known, there are more evidences for the strong effect of exterior conditions on the interior processes like temperature fluctuation and dripstone development. Using high resolution wireless digital thermometer sensor network the air temperature and air humidity were measured in 32 points in every 10 minutes for long time but now the data of a 8-days period were analyzed. Based on these data different zones of the cave could be separated and during summer conditions the climatic variability of the entrance transitional and deep cave zone was described. Based on statistical analysis of spatial information significant correlation was found between the exterior temperature fluctuation and that of such a cave chamber, which is relatively far from the cave entrance. This fact proves that existence of a fissure system which is permeable for air but not passable for cavers. During the measurement the human effect was also analyzed and 0.3-0.6 °C temperature rising was recognized for a short time. Because of the surface vicinity the effects of the environmental change can have sensible impact on the cave and its natural phenomena. Among others temperature rising, air humidity decreasing were detected in present study
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