3 research outputs found

    Kite Aerial Photography (KAP) for rip current identification in Parangtritis Beach

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    Rip current is being the major cause of the deadly accidents in Parangtritis Beach. This occasion can be prevented by mapping and monitoring the spatial pattern of rip currents at the location which rip currents are located. Rip current location can be identified by remote sensing data or aerial observations, such as Kite Aerial Photography (KAP). This platform is low cost and can be performed in coastal area due to the massive winds there. KAP has been widely used as the platform for mapping, and some of them are implemented in coastal area. This study aims to find out the ability of Kite aerial photography to identify the rip current location in Parangtritis Beach. From several flight tests, the photo mosaic of Parangtritis Beach has been generated after the KAP has flown at the minimum 3 m/s of the wind speed. KAP can be the great potentials in coastal monitoring, especially for rip current monitoring because it is low-cost, low-energy and provides actual information

    Kite Aerial Photography (KAP) for rip current identification in Parangtritis Beach

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    Rip current is being the major cause of the deadly accidents in Parangtritis Beach. This occasion can be prevented by mapping and monitoring the spatial pattern of rip currents at the location which rip currents are located. Rip current location can be identified by remote sensing data or aerial observations, such as Kite Aerial Photography (KAP). This platform is low cost and can be performed in coastal area due to the massive winds there. KAP has been widely used as the platform for mapping, and some of them are implemented in coastal area. This study aims to find out the ability of Kite aerial photography to identify the rip current location in Parangtritis Beach. From several flight tests, the photo mosaic of Parangtritis Beach has been generated after the KAP has flown at the minimum 3 m/s of the wind speed. KAP can be the great potentials in coastal monitoring, especially for rip current monitoring because it is low-cost, low-energy and provides actual information

    Analisis Respon Spektral Lapangan dan Citra EO - 1 Hyperion untuk Pemetaan Kandungan C Organik Tanah di Sebagian Kabupaten Demak = Spectral Response Analisys of Fields and EO - 1 Hyperion Imagery for Mapping Soil Organic C Content in Part of Demak Regency

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    Pemetaan C organik tanah sangat penting dilakukan terlebih di bidang pertanian. C organik tanah adalah komponen tanah yang cukup penting karena mempengaruhi tingkat kesuburan tanah. Pemetaan C organik tanah dapat dilakukan melalui respon spektral tanah di lapangan menggunakan spektrometer maupun data penginderaan jauh. Oleh karena itu pengaruh kandungan C organik tanah terhadap respon spektral di spektrometer dan Citra satelit perlu dikaji lebih mendalam. Data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Citra Hyperion dengan area kajian sebagian Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh kandungan C organik tanah terhadap respon spektral di lapangan dan Citra Hyperion. Untuk menghasilkan informasi distribusi spasial C organik tanah, maka diambil 40 sampel lapangan kemudian diukur kandungan C organik tanahnya di laboratorium tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak kandungan C organik tanah, maka nilai pantulan pada kurva pantulan spektral yang terbentuk akan semakin rendah. Pemetaan C organik tanah menggunakan respon spektral lapangan dengan spektrometer memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi daripada Citra Hyperion.Hlm. 169-17