13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Konsumen dan Penjual Serta Unsur Produk terhadap Tingkat Konsumsi Teh (Kasus pada Konsumen Rumah Tangga di Daerah Pemasaran Kota Bandung)

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    Tulisan ini mengukur hubungan antara karakteristik konsumen, aktivitas produsen, dan produk elemen. Jumlah keluarga, penghasilan, motivasi dan kebiasaan. menjadi indikator dari karakteristik konsumen. Sedangkan, lokasi dan aktivitas promosi digunakan sebagai indikator produsen, selanjutnya aktivitas dan keuntungan servise (jasa) dan merk dagang adalah sebagai indikator produk. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner untuk 230 responden, yang berlokasi di Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah keluarga, penghasilan, promosi, dan kemasan mempunyai pengaruh pada tingkat pembelian konsumen

    Hubungan Antara Koinfeksi Tuberkulosis Dengan Kejadian Tremor Pada Pasien Hiv/aids

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    Background: Neurons are host cell for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. M. tuberculosis bacilli live and replicate in neuritis and the soma. CD4 got an important role on its replication. The lower CD4 counts, the highest replication numbers will be. This phenomenon will cause a neurological manifestation as a direct consequence of tuberculosis infection. One of the neurological manifestations is a movement disorder such as tremor.Aim: Determine the association between Tuberculosis co-infection with tremor prevalence among HIV/AIDS patients.Methods: This study was an observational analytic study using cross sectional methods. Twenty four patients were divided into TB-HIV group (15 samples) and control group (9 samples). All respondents had their tremor manifestation observed and examined. Secondary data were collected from patient's medical records. Obtained data were analyzed using Fischer Exact Test.Results: The prevalence of tremor was 13,3% in TB-HIV group. There was no significant association between tuberculosis infection with tremor incidence (p=0,511). Sex, HAART, anti tuberculosis drugs, and age also has no association with tremor in TB-HIV group.Conclusion: There is no significant association between tuberculosis co-infection with tremor prevalence among HIV/AIDS patients in Dr. Kariadi Hospital and Lung Health Community Centre district Semarang

    Sistem Pemrosesan Transaksi pada PT Medistira Utama Bekasi

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    Sistem Pemrosesan Transaksi menjadi pintu utama dalam pengumpulan dan pengolahan data pada suatu organisasi karena memiliki tugas utama untuk mengumpulkan dan mempersiapkan data guna keperluan sistem informasi yang lain dalam organisasi, misalnya untuk kebutuhan sistem informasi manajemen atau kebutuhan sistem informasi eksekutif. Pengelolaan data yang masih menggunakan Microsoft Excel membuat proses transaksi yang terjadi menjadi lama. Dengan lamanya proses transaksi maka pembuatan laporannya pun menjadi lama, sedangkan pihak manajemen PT Medistira Utama membutuhkan proses yang lebih cepat guna membantu pengambilan keputusan dalam penyediaan stok barang yang akan dijual. Untuk membantu mempercepat proses transaksi maupun pembuatan laporan maka dibuatlah suatu Sistem Pemrosesan Transaksi. Adapun dalam pengembangannya digunakan metode waterfall sampai dalam tahap pengujian menggunakan blackbox testing dimana pengujian pengoperasian kegiatan dilakukan tanpa harus melihat secara rinci source code yang ada.   Kata Kunci : Sistem Pemrosesan Transaksi, Pengelolaan Data, Basis Data   &nbsp

    Strategi Peningkatan Perceived Quality pada Agroindustri Kopi Liberika di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun strategi percieved quality pada agroindustri kopi liberika di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara sengaja dengan alasan bahwa Gerai UMKM Mekar Jaya merupakan gerai terbesar yang menjual hasil produksi kopi liberika di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 50 responden hal ini dikarenakan pemilihan responden konsumen dilakukan secara sampling purposive yakni pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsumen merasa puas dengan pelayanan dan produk yang dijual sebanyak 40 persen. Selain itu sebanyak 46 persen dari konsumen merasa sangat nyaman ketika mereka berada di Gerai UMKM Mekar Jaya. Strategi marketing mix harus dikembangkan agar eksistensi Gerai UMKM Mekar Jaya dapat berlanjut. Pengambilan langkah untuk meningkatkan perceived quality lebih diprioritaskan pada memperbaiki dan memaksimalkan strategi marketing mix people. hal ini dikarenakan faktor people mempengaruhi kedua indikator perceived quality

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Matematika antara Model Discovery Learning dan Ekspositori Materi Segiempat dan Segitiga

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah hasil belajar matematika model discovery learning lebih baik dari hasil belajar matematika pembelajaran ekspositori pada materi segiempat dan segitiga kelas VII SMPN 1 Kota Bengkulu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Posttest-Only Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas VII SMPN 1 Kota Bengkulu tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik sampling daerah. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar tes hasil belajar yang berbentuk soal uraian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika model discovery learning lebih baik dari hasil belajar matematika pembelajaran ekspositori pada materi segiempat dan segitiga kelas VII SMPN 1 Kota Bengkulu

    The Effect of Locus of Control, Emotional Intelligence, and Organizational Climate on Nurse Work Stress in Outpatient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital

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    The aim of this research is to study the direct effect of locus of control (LoC), emotional intelligence (EI) and organizational climate (OC) on nurse work stress (WS) and the indirect effect of LoC and EI effect on WS through OC in Outpatient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital. There are 5 research hypothesis have been stated, they are 1) LoC (X1) effects WS (Y); 2) EI (X2) effects WS (Y); 3) OC (X3) effects WS (Y); 4) LoC (X1) effects OC (X3); and 5) EI (X2) effects OC (X3). A survey method was used with causal techniques, and the influence between different variables was evaluated using path analysis. The objects of this research are 62 nurses. All data was obtained by distributing questionnaires. The results found that the LoC had a direct effect on WS and had an indirect effect on WS through OC. The EI had a direct effect on WS but had not an indirect effect on WS through OC. Based on these findings above, it can be concluded that 4 of the 5 research hypotheses have been significantly proven, they are the effects of LoC (X1), EI (X2), and OC (X3) on WS (Y), and the effect of LoC on OC. One of the 5 research hypothesis, that is the effect of EI (X2) on OC (X3) has not been proven. Keywords: nurse work stress, locus of control, emotional intelligence, and organizational climat

    The Effect of Job Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Attitude Towards Profession on Nurse Performance in Outpatient Clinic of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital

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    In an effort to achieve the goals set by hospital, qualified nurses are needed. Qualified nurses must show good performance. There are many factors that affect nurse performance. This research was conducted to study the effect of job motivation, job satisfaction, and attitude towards profession on nurse performance in the Outpatient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital. The research was an analytical study using a survey method. The subjects of this research were the 62 nurses in the Outpatient Clinics. Data were collected via a self-administered questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the relationship among variables. Results show that job motivation had a significant direct influence on nurse performance, job satisfaction also had an effect directly on nurse performance, and attitude toward profession had an effect on nurse performance. Besides that, job motivation and attitude towards the nurse profession proved to have a direct influence on job satisfaction. Based on the findings above, it can be concluded that the variations that occur on nurse performance variable are influenced directly by job motivation, job satisfaction, and attitude towards the profession. Keywords: nurse performance, job motivation, job satisfaction, and attitude towards professio

    Flow rate analysis of wastewater inside reactor tanks on tofu wastewater treatment plant

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    The research aimed to analyse the flow rate of the wastewater inside reactor tanks which were placed a number of bamboo cutting. The resistance of wastewater flow inside reactor tanks might not be occurred and produce biogas fuel optimally. Wastewater from eleven tofu factories was treated by multi-stages anaerobic process to reduce its organic pollutant and produce biogas. Biogas plant has six reactor tanks of which its capacity for waste water and gas dome was 18 m3 and 4.5 m3, respectively. Wastewater was pumped from collecting ponds to reactors by either serial or parallel way. Maximum pump capacity, head, and electrical motor power was 5m3/h, 50m, and 0.75HP, consecutively. Maximum pressure of biogas inside the reactor tanks was 55 mbar higher than atmosphere pressure. A number of 1,400 pieces of cutting bamboo at 50-60 mm diameter and 100 mm length were used as bacteria growth media inside each reactor tank, covering around 14,287 m2 bamboo area, and cross section area of inner reactor was 4,9 m2. In each reactor, a 6 inches PVC pipe was installed vertically as channel. When channels inside reactor were opened, flow rate of wastewater was 6x10-1 L.sec-1. Contrary, when channels were closed on the upper part, wastewater flow inside the first reactor affected and increased gas dome. Initially, wastewater flowed into each reactor by a gravity mode with head difference between the second and third reactor was 15x10-2m. However, head loss at the second reactor was equal to the third reactor by 8,422 x 10-4m. As result, wastewater flow at the second and third reactors were stagnant. To overcome the problem pump in each reactor should be installed in serial mode. In order to reach the output from the first reactor and the others would be equal, and biogas space was not filled by wastewater, therefore biogas production will be optimum.Published versio