156 research outputs found
Text and context: Exploring values of character in "Al-Qiro'ah Al-Rosyidah" text
Al-Qiro'ah al-Rosyidah textbook studied by beginner santri (a term for students admitted to study in Islamic boarding schools) in several Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia is due to its simple vocabulary and easy-to-understand word structure character values that are in line with Islamic values. From the textbook, al-Qiro'ah al-Rosyidah, children and adolescents can learn aspects of language and understand the values and norms implied in each text title. This paper aims to explore the character values contained in the textbook al-Qiro'ah al-Rosyidah. The activities described in the book indicate past activities such as farming, gardening, anchoring, etc. which are different from the present conditions. Therefore, it needs contextualization with value activities in the present. This paper is employing descriptive qualitative research with a literature study approach, namely extracting from a textbook. Data collection was carried out through reading and recording, which were then followed by mapping and classification. Critical discourse analysis techniques are used in analyzing the data in this paper. This paper concludes that the textbook al-Qiro'ah al-Rosyidah contains character values that follow Islamic norms, which are reflected in society's life in the past. These values are in the form of patience, trustworthiness, sincerity, responsibility, help, cooperation, respect for others, etc. This study suggests analyzing the same book as a whole for volumes 1, 2, and 3 so that the values extracted are more diverse according to the varied descriptions of past experience
From global language use to local meanings: Arabic to Indonesian absorption
Arabic being one of the oldest languages in the world, has made significant contributions to other languages including Indonesian. Some Indonesian vocabulary along with its development has been adopted from Arabic. This paper not only aims to map the absorption words in various categories, but also to analyze the factors of Arabic absorption into Indonesian. Descriptive qualitative method is used to explore the data in the text. The data is analyzed in four stages: data reduction, data display, data verification, and conclusion drawing. This study shows that the adoption of Arabic into Indonesian tends to be on words related to Islam, which relate to function, morality, death, and the occult. The language absorption cannot be separated from the history of Islam in Indonesia as the language of Islam (Arabic) colors Indonesian culture. Further research can sharpen the semantic analysis because the absorbed words experience reduction and degradation of meaning
Language of COVID-19: Language absorption in the pandemic vocabulary from English to Arabic
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact not only on public health but also on language dynamics, including the Arabic language. Arabic has witnessed a rapid expansion of its vocabulary in relation to COVID-19. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the newly added vocabulary and examine how these terms have been assimilated from English into Arabic. The study employs a qualitative approach, utilizing the “Dictionary of COVID-19 Terms (English-French-Arabic)” as its primary resource. The data analysed in this study consist of entries pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic found within the aforementioned dictionary. The analysis incorporates content analysis, as well as phonological and morphological analysis. The findings of this investigation reveal the presence of four distinct absorption strategies employed in the dictionary: adoption, adaptation, translation, and creation. Among these strategies, the translation strategy is found to dominate the process of absorbing English terms into Arabic, accounting for approximately 68% of the observed cases. This research ultimately concludes that language is an ever-evolving entity, constantly adapting alongside the societal and cultural developments it reflects
تنوع الكتابة العربية : الكتابة الاصطلاحية والكتابة العروضية
الكتابة هي وسيلة التفاهم بين الناس، ووسيلة عرض أفكارهم ومشاعرهم، والهدف الذى تهدف إليه موضوعات اللغة العربية جميعها، وتسعى لتجويده. وهي تحويل الأصوات اللغوية إلى رموز مخطوطة على الورق أو غيره متعارف عليها بقصد نقلها إلى الآخرين مهما بعد الزمان والمكان وبقصد التوثيق والحفظ وتسهيل نشر المعرفة. والمقصود بالكتابة ما يشمل الخط والإملاء والتعبير، لأنها الأداة الرمزية المستعملة للتعبير عن الأفكار بالكتابة. فإذا نظرنا إليها من حيث هي مجرد تجويد خطي فهي خط ، فإذا نظرنا إليها من حيث هي مجرد رسم إملائي فهي الإملاء ، فإذا نظرنا إليها من حيث هي تعبير أسل وبي عن أفكار الكاتب فهي تعبير. ولكن إذا أطلق اسم الكتابة فى المجال العام فإنه ينصرف عادة إلى الخط لأنها تقابل القراءة ، وإذا أطلق اسمها فى مجال المثقفين فإنه ينصرف إلى التعبير. والمراد بالكتابة العربية في هذا المقال هي كتابة تتبع و تقيد بقواعد الكتابة العربية، وفي هذا )كتابة المصحف: 1 المجال تتنوع الكتابة العربية إلى ثلاثة أنواع كما قال أحمد قبش في كتابه، وهي ( يكتب على ما رسم في مصحف الإمام، وإن خالف القواعد، مثل اتصال التاء بحين في قوله تعالى (ولا تحين مناص)، والقاعدة تقتضي فصل التاء من حين، ولكن ذلك سنة متبعة مقصورة على ) كتابة العروض: تكتب حسب الملفوظ بها دون التقيد بالقواعد وهذه 2 القرآن الكريم وحده. و ( )الكتابة الاصطلاحية: وهي الكتابة السائدة 3 مختصة بالكتابة العروضية لا يتعداها إلى غيرها. و ( بين الكتاب والتي وضعت القواعد من أجل ضبطها وتثبيتها. والتي استمدت قواعد الإملاء فيها من علماء البصرة والكوفة ومن بعض كلمات المصحف الإمام والنحو
Implementasi permainan berburu harta karun pada pembelajaran Nahwu di Pondok Pesantren Daarul Huda Malang
Organizing management is carried out through planning an effective course program with a good program, conducting regular evaluations as well as maintaining a good eputation. The purpose of this study is to describe; 1) formulation of Arabic learning programs 2) management of human resources in
carrying out learning programs 3) design of efficient organizational structures. This research is a descriptive qualitative research type of case study. The data collection
used is learning observation and evaluation meetings. Interviews with managers, quality guarantors, administrative staff, financial staff and teaching staff. Documentation in the form of an organizational structure. The subject of this study is an employee of Leesan Arabic Pekanbaru, Indonesia in 2023. The techniques used in collecting this research data involved participant observation, in-depth
interviews, and documentation. Observations about the process of continuity of the Arabic course program. The interview was conducted to find out the organization of
the course institution in running the Arabic language program by involving the management of the institution, quality guarantor, administrative staff, financial staff
and teaching staff of one person. In this study, the data analysis technique follows the approach adopted from the Miles and Huberman model, which consists of three
stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study found: 1) the formulation of Arabic language course programs based on
student needs, there are 5 programs, namely regular Arabic, Middle East study preparation, dauroh qawa'id I, dauroh qawa'id II, and dauroh muhadtsah 2) HR management focused on teaching staff through TOT programs and trial classes 3)
organizational structure planning coordination and collaboration between managers, Quality guarantors, administrative staff, financial staff, and teaching staff.
In this case, the manager has full control over the responsibility of each decisio
Pembelajaran Nahwu dengan teknik menulis paragraf
Nahwu merupakan salah satu ilmu alat untuk memahami Bahasa Arab, disamping ilmu-ilmu Bahasa Arab yang lain, seperti ilmu Sharaf, ilmu Imla, Mufrodat, dll. artinya, beberapa ilmu tersebut menuntut penguasaan materi secara teoritis dan praktis. Dalam rangka merealisasikan tujuan tersebut, sebagian pengajar menggunakan pendekatan exclusively sentence level dalam menyampaikan materi Nahwu. Pendekatan ini bersentral pada aktifitas dosen, sedangkan mahasiswa cenderung pasif. Dan ternyata pendekatan ini justru menjadikan pembelajaran Nahwu monoton dan kaku. Serta membuat mahasiswa tidak terampil mengaplikasikan teori-teori Nahwu, kecuali sebatas yang termaktub dalam kitabkitab Nahwu tanpa pengembangan
Demotivation of AFL students in the online learning
Technology, which has been believed to ease and maximize a learning process, has resulted in demotivation among AFL (Arabic as a Foreign Language) students with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The current research aims to map out the forms of demotivation among AFL students, analyze the factors, and show the implications on student learning outcomes. It employs a qualitative method with a narrative approach that relies on the results of interviews with students and data from student evaluations. The finding reveals that the lack of student participation indicates demotivation among AFL students during the learning process. Four factors were affecting the downturn: infrastructure, structure, partner, and teacher. This study suggests further studies to discover ways to deal with demotivation so that they are more enthusiastic about online learning
Pembelajaran Nahwu dengan teknik menulis paragraf
Nahwu merupakan salah satu ilmu alat untuk memahami Bahasa Arab, disamping ilmu-ilmu Bahasa Arab yang lain, seperti ilmu Sharaf, ilmu Imla, Mufrodat, dll. artinya, beberapa ilmu tersebut menuntut penguasaan materi secara teoritis dan praktis. Dalam rangka merealisasikan tujuan tersebut, sebagian pengajar menggunakan pendekatan exclusively sentence level dalam menyampaikan materi Nahwu. Pendekatan ini bersentral pada aktifitas dosen, sedangkan mahasiswa cenderung pasif. Dan ternyata pendekatan ini justru menjadikan pembelajaran Nahwu monoton dan kaku. Serta membuat mahasiswa tidak terampil mengaplikasikan teori-teori Nahwu, kecuali sebatas yang termaktub dalam kitabkitab Nahwu tanpa pengembangan
Learning with technology: new experiences for indonesian children during COVID-19
Technology, which was previously considered a negative influence on children, has turned out to be the only solution for the education sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. The education system has experienced a shift from face-to-face learning at school to technology-based home learning as a result of social and physical distancing policies implementation. This study aims to describe the experience of elementary school children during online learning without the presence of professional teachers and peer community who can instigate their competitive spirit. This paper describes the parents’ difficulties and obstacles as they are demanded to substitute the role of professional teachers for their children. A qualitative descriptive approach is applied in this study with offline and online interview techniques as data collection instruments. The data were collected from elementary school children with different backgrounds to explore their experiences of online learning. This paper focuses on the perspective of children in learning online during the pandemic in several schools in one city, as well as the experiences of their parents who are demanded to become teachers. This study concludes that technology, which is a prerequisite for online learning, actually creates hindrance for children. Children are stressed, refuse to study, lose enthusiasm for learning, and lose structured time dimension. All of those are because they learn individually and not communally. Further research is needed to explore the perceptions of students at different levels of education during the pandemic
Pembelajaran Daring Melalui Teknik Kolaboratif pada Keterampilan Menulis Peserta didik di SMA Darul Qur’an Kota Mojokerto
This study explores online learning implementation using collaborative techniques on writing skill students at Darul Quran Senior High School, Mojokerto. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with three data collection techniques: observation, interviews, and documentation. This study's results reveal several steps used by the teacher, namely: first, the teacher explains the basic competencies, materials, indicators, and learning objectives. Second, the teacher uploads the video into the Google classroom, and the students focus on recording the things contained in the video. Third, students are divided into several groups to discuss what was shown in the video and create it according to their creativity. Fourth, students conclude the learning material studied and provide responses and appreciation to students who have shown an increased attitude of cooperation and discipline during the learning process. Finally, collaborative techniques can invite students to be active, build cooperation, and feel confident in completing writing skill material tasks
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