6 research outputs found

    Lumbosacral pain caused by blockage of dynamic vertebrogenic segments of thoracolumbar transition

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    Introduction: In the case of the Thoraco-lumbar Junction Syndrome the pain is located in the region of the lumbo-sacral junction. Sudden torsion movements and lifting of objects while the spine is in position of torsion is the cause in most cases. In those cases, a blockade on theĀ  Th11-Th12-L1 vertebrae occurs. The aim of this research was to determine the number of patients with the Low Back Pain whose origin is in the thoracic vertebral dynamic segments, in relation to the total number of patients according to gender, age and profession.Methods: In this retrospective, descrtiptive study we have analyzed patients treated for Lumbosacral syndrome of thoracic origin in private specialist ambulant ā€œCebicā€ in Zavidovici during one year period. We analyzed data from patients medical records and history.Results: Total of 1882 patients were treated for the Low Back Pain, of which 67 (3.56%) had an origin of the pain in the Thoraco-lumbar Junction. In the analyzed group, there were 49 (73.1%) man and 18 (26.8%) women. The largest number of males, 21 (42.8%), were between 40-49 years old, while the largest number of woman, 9 (50%), was 20 to 29 years old. Largest number of male patients, 35 (71.8%), were physical workers, while most of the female subjects, 7 (38.8%), were of ce workers.Conclusions: Our research concludes that the number of patients with Low Back Pain of the thoracic origin (3.56%) is not disregarded, but these facts are usually overlooked. Therapy for those kinds of patients is in most cases concentrated to the lower segments of the lumbar spine, which gives unsatisfactory therapeutic results

    The effects of sex, age and cigarette smoking on micronucleus and degenerative nuclear alteration frequencies in human buccal cells of healthy Bosnian subjects

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    Introduction: This study was performed to establish a baseline value of micronucleus frequency in buccal cells and to estimate the impact of the most common factors (sex and age, and smoking) on micronucleus and degenerative nuclear alteration frequencies in the sample of healthy Bosnian subjects.Methods: The Buccal Micronucleus Cytome (BMCyt) assay, based on scoring not only micronucleus frequency but also other genome damage markers, dead or degenerated cells, provides a measure of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects.Results: Our results showed the baseline buccal micronucleus frequency was 0.135% or 1.35ā€°, as well as positive correlations between micronucleus frequencies and formations of degenerative nuclear alterations (nuclear buds, karyolytic and karyorrhectic cells). The number of micronuclei in buccal cells was significantly higher in females than in males. There was positive association between the age and frequency of analysed cytogenetic biomarkers. Buccal cell micronuclei and degenerative nuclear alternations were more frequent among cigarette smokers than non-smokers and significantly higher in female smokers than in male smokers. Cytogenetic damages showed significantly positive correlation between intensity of smoking and the number of nuclear alterations. The years of smoking had a significant influence not only on the number of nuclear alterations but also in micronuclei and nuclear buds in buccal cells.Conclusions: The sex influences the number of micronuclei in human buccal cells. The ageing increased the number of micronuclei and other biomarkers of DNA damage. The cigarette smoking significantly increases the frequencies of micronuclei and nuclear buds, pyknotic, karyolytic and karyorrhectic cells

    Abnormal colposcopic images in patients with preinvasive cervical lesions

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    Introduction: The objective of the study was to determine frequency and to compare frequency of the abnormal colposcopic images in patients with low and high grade pre-invasive lesions of cervix.Methods: Study includes 259 patients, whom colposcopic and cytological examination of cervix was done. The experimental group of patients consisted of patents with pre-invasive low grade squamousintraepithelial lesion (LSIL) and high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), and the control group consisted of patients without cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).Results: In comparison to the total number of satisfactory fi ndings (N=259), pathological findings were registered in N=113 (43.6 %) and abnormal colposcopic fi ndings in N=128 (49.4%). The study did notinclude patients with unsatisfactory fi nding N=22 (8.5%). Abnormal colposcopic image is present most frequently in older patients but there are no statistically important difference between age categories(Pearson Chi-Square 0.47, df -3, p=0.923). Frequency of abnormal colposcopic fi ndings (N=128) is the biggest in pathological cytological (N=113) and HSIL 58 (45.3%), LSIL 36 (28.1%). There is statisticallysignifi cant difference in frequency of abnormal colposcopic images in patients with low-grade in comparison to patients with high-grade pre-invasive cervix lesions (Chi-Square test, Pearson Chi-Square 117.14,df-12 pConclusion: Thanks to characteristic colposcopic images, abnormal epithelium is successfully recognized, but the severity grade of intraepithelial lesion cannot be determined

    Local Diagnostic Reference Levels for Adult Computed Tomography Urography Exams

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    A Computed Tomography Urography (CTU) scan is a medical imaging test that examines the urinary tract, including the bladder, kidneys, and ureters. It helps diagnose various urinary tract diseases with precision. However, patients undergoing CTU imaging receive a relatively high dose of radiation, which can be a concern. In our research paper, we analyzed the Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDIvol) and Dose-Length Product (DLP) for 203 adult patients who underwent CTU at one of the most important regional centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina that sees a large number of patients. Our study included the distribution of age and sex, the number of phases within one examination, and different clinical indications. We compared our findings with the results available in the scientific literature, particularly the recently published results from 20 European countries. Furthermore, we established the local diagnostic reference levels (LDRLs) that can help set the national diagnostic reference levels (NDRLs). We believe our research is a significant step towards optimizing the protocols used in different hospitals in our country

    Vrijednosti serumskog kreatinina, Cockcroft-Gault i Modification of Diet in Renal Diseases jednadžbi u bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom

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    To determine whether there are differences between serum creatinine levels, estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) according to the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study (MDRD) equation, creatinine clearance, and estimated GFR obtained by the Cockcroft-Gault method related to age, stage, and duration of arterial hypertension. The study included 124 patients with arterial hypertension who were examined at the Clinic for Heart, Rheumatism and Blood Vessels, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo. All patients were examined, and data about the duration and stage of hypertension were taken. Kidney function was assessed using serum creatinine, estimated GFR according to the MDRD equation, creatinine clearance estimated by the Cockcroft-Gault method (eCrClCG) and its corrections for body surface area (eCrClCG1.73), body mass index (eCrClCGBMI), both body surface area and body mass index (eCrClCGBMI1.73), and estimated GFR using the Cockcroft-Gault method (eGFRCGBMI1.73). There was a significant difference in values in MDRD equation estimated GFR, eCrClCGBMI, eCrClCGBMI1.73, and eGFRCGBMI1.73 in patients with different stages and durations of hypertension, which was not found by analysis of serum creatinine values. Estimated GFR and eCrCl are more sensitive markers of kidney impairment than serum creatinine values, and their assessment should be introduced as a routine screening in the detection of early stages of chronic kidney disease in primary care settings, especially in patients with arterial hypertension.Cilj: utvrditi postoje li razlike između vrijednosti kreatinina u serumu, procijenjene stope glomerularne filtracije (eGFR) prema jednadžbi Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), klirensa kreatinina i eGFR-a dobivenih Cockcroft- Gault metodom s obzirom na dob, stupanj i trajanje arterijske hipertenzije (AH). Bolesnici i metode: istraživanje je obuhvatilo 124 ambulantna bolesnika s AH-om pregledana na Klinici za bolesti srca, krvnih žila i reumatizam Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Pregledani su svi bolesnici te su uzeti podatci o trajanju i stupnju AH-a. Bubrežna je funkcija ocijenjena na osnovi serumskog kreatina, procijenjene su stope glomerularne filtracije prema MDRD jednadžbi, klirensom kreatinina procijenjenim Cockcroft-Gault jednadžbom (eCrClCG) i njegovim korekcijama za povrÅ”inu tijela (eCrClCG1,73), za indeks tjelesne mase (eCrClCGBMI), indeks tjelesne mase i povrÅ”inu tijela (eCrClCGBMI1,73) i procijenjeni GFR primjenom Cockcroft-Gault metode (eGFRCGBMI1,73). Rezultati: nađena je značajna razlika u vrijednostima procijenjenog GFR-a MDRD jednadžbom, eCrClCGBMI, eCrClCGBMI1,73 i eGFRCGBMI1,73 u bolesnika s različitim stupnjevima i trajanjem AH-a, Å”to nije dobiveno analizom vrijednosti serumskog kreatinina. Zaključak: procijenjeni GFR i eCrCl osjetljiviji su biljezi oÅ”tećenja bubrega od vrijednosti kreatinina u serumu i njihovo određivanje treba biti uvedeno kao rutinski probir u otkrivanju ranih stadija kronične bubrežne bolesti u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaÅ”titi, posebno u bolesnika s AH-om