151 research outputs found

    La "distancia" entre aprender palabras y aprehender conceptos. El entramado de palabras-concepto (EPC) como un nuevo instrumento para la investigación

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    El análisis de los contenidos tratados en la clase, mediante los cuales el discurso científico se transpone en discurso escolar, es uno de los campos de investigación educativa menos explorados. En el presente trabajo definimos un nuevo instrumento, que hemos denominado entramado de palabras concepto (EPC), que permite la transformación de un documento de formato texto, en otro de formato gráfico-semántico. Este nuevo instrumento puede aplicarse para analizar textos discursivo-comunicativos, tales como la carpeta de algún alumno, los apuntes del propio profesor, etc., abriendo la perspectiva de realizar investigaciones tanto sobre el tratamiento del discurso en una clase dada como para estudios transversales a partir del análisis de carpetas de alumnos de diferentes años, de diferentes profesores, de diferentes regiones, etc. En este trabajo se mostrará la construcción y aplicación de un EPC obtenido a partir de la carpeta de un alumno, para el tema «Energía», desplegado en unas clases de física de tercer año de escuela secundaria.Scientific discourse is translated by professors into in-class speech that is documented by students in their notebooks. There is not much research done concerning how taught contents can be analysed through these notes. In this work we define a new instrument called Word-Concept Weft (WCW) that allows to change a student's or teacher's notes from a text format to a graphic one. The graphic format of the WCW makes it easier to detect distortions of the conceptual frame displayed in classes. It also allows to do comparative studies on the same subject taught in different levels, schools, regions, etc. A construction and application of WCW is shown in this work for a single case involving the subject «Energy». The study is based on the notes taken by a 3rd year Physics course student of secondary school

    El comercio y el correo en el sur, durante los años de la independencia

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    El estudio histórico denominado “El Comercio y el Correo en el Sur, durante los años de la Independencia”, recoge una versión original sobre ese otro lado de la guerra, cual es la vida cotidiana que supone trabajo, comercio, transporte, la dependencia de aquellos que portan mensajes, cartas de amor romántico o filial, valijas llenas de barras de oro o macuquinas, o quizá guedejas de cabellos para relicarios en pequeños cofres sellados. Se trata de examinar qué se comerciaba en aquella época, cómo se aplicaba el derecho de alcabalas y por qué el oficio de “correista” solo recaía en personas honestas, ciudadanos de comprobada “probidad” y el de ser adictos al régimen republicano. A partir de fuentes documentales del Archivo Central del Cauca y del Archivo Nacional de Historia del Ecuador, intenta reconstruir esa memoria sobre la vida cotidiana de aquellos lejanos tiempos


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    El estudio histórico denominado “El Comercio y el Correo en el Sur, durante los años de la Independencia”, recoge una versión original sobre ese otro lado de la guerra, cual es la vida cotidiana que supone trabajo, comercio, transporte, la dependencia de aquellos que portan mensajes, cartas de amor romántico o filial, valijas llenas de barras de oro o macuquinas, o quizá guedejas de cabellos para relicarios en pequeños cofres sellados. Se trata de examinar qué se comerciaba en aquella época, cómo se aplicaba el derecho de alcabalas y por qué el oficio de “correista” solo recaía en personas honestas, ciudadanos de comprobada “probidad” y el de ser adictos al régimen republicano. A partir de fuentes documentales del Archivo Central del Cauca y del Archivo Nacional de Historia del Ecuador, intenta reconstruir esa memoria sobre la vida cotidiana de aquellos lejanos tiempos

    “Levantamientos Barriales en América Latina: Quito y Bogotá. Siglos XVIII y XIX. Historias desde abajo”

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    La historia desde abajo que vamos a contar tiene como sede Latinoamérica, y dos capitales como escenario urbano importante, San Francisco de Quito y Santafé de Bogotá. La primera, hacia 1765 y en 1809 y la segunda en 1810

    Relación entre los problemas de atención / conducta disruptiva y las dificultades al generar reglas

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    La búsqueda de un mecanismo psicológico, que explique los patrones de comportamiento alterados en discentes con trastornos atencionales y con comportamiento disruptivo, parece concluir en la existencia de déficit de inhibición de respuesta, pero las tareas de laboratorio utilizadas para su evaluación solo permiten inferir dicha dificultad, sin indicar si está relacionada con problemas de generación y actualización de reglas, o de seguimiento instruccional. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si el déficit en dicha función ejecutiva está relacionado con problemas de generación o seguimiento de reglas, a través de la Tarea de Apertura de Puertas (TAP), con instrucciones básicas y con regla efectiva. De una muestra inicial de 395 discentes de Educación Primaria, se seleccionaron 62 participantes, 36 niños (58%) y 26 niñas (41%) de edades comprendidas entre 6 y 12 años (M = 8.77; DT = 1.89), utilizando un diseño cuasi-experimental con dos grupos. El disruptivo se compuso de 31 participantes con problemas de atención y conductas perturbadoras y el grupo de comparación se formó con 31 participantes seleccionados al azar, a través del método de igualación, entre aquellos que no presentaban dicha problemática. Los resultados mostraron perseveración de respuesta en TAP con instrucciones básicas y dificultades para generar reglas, en el grupo disruptivo, pero no existieron diferencias significativas en TAP con regla efectiva, pues ambos grupos siguieron la instrucción proporcionada.Relationship between attention problems / disruptive behaviour and difficulties in generating rules. The search for a psychological mechanism to explain the altered behavior patterns in learners with attentional and / or disruptive disorders seems to conclude that there is a deficit of response inhibition, but the laboratoty tasks used for their evaluation only allow us to infer this difficulty, without stating whether it is related to problems of rule generation/updating or instructional follow-up. The aim of this study is to identify whether response inhibition deficit, is related to rule generation or tracking problems, using the Dood Opening Task (DOT), with basic instructions and with effective rule. From an initial sample of 395 primary school students, 62 participants were selected, 36 boys (58%) and 26 girls (41%), aged 6-12 years (M = 8.77; SD = 1.89), using a quasi-experimental design with two groups. The disruptive group consisted of 31 participants with attention problems and/or disruptive behaviours and the control group was constituted of 31 participants randomly selected, using the matching method, from among those who did not display such problems. The results found response perseveration in the DOT with basic instructions and difficulties in generating rules, in the disruptive group, but no significant differences were identified in the DOT with effective rule, as both groups followed the instruction provided

    Análisis de los itinerarios deportivos extraescolares de deporte escolar en la etapa de Educación Primaria: causas del abandono

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    El abandono del deporte escolar es un problema que está presente en la actualidad y conocer las causas por las que se produce es el primer paso para poder disminuir este abandono. El objetivo de este trabajo se basa en analizar los itinerarios deportivo, es decir, la práctica deportiva de los alumnos y alumnas además de las características de esta, durante la educación primaria hasta 1º ESO para poder encontrar y conocer diferentes causas y motivos por los que los sujetos deciden abandonar la práctica deportiva o, por el contrario, que características demuestran una mayor participación. El estudio está compuesto por 70 sujetos de 12 o 13 años de un instituto situado en Zaragoza. El instrumento utilizado ha sido de elaboración propia. Los resultados demuestran que, aunque la cantidad de sujetos que practican deporte es mayor que la que no practica, esta sigue siendo muy alta. Entre los motivos de abandono destaca la COVID, los cambios de gusto de los estudiantes y la falta de tiempo debido a los estudios.<br /

    Multiamperometric-SERS detection of melamine on gold screen-printed electrodes

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    A new, simple and fast protocol to generate gold-based SERS substrates is presented in this work. Melamine is a compound widely used in the industry that can be toxic for humans if consumed even in low concentrations. EC-SERS is an excellent alternative to classical methods to detect and quantify this compound because Raman spectroscopy provides a fingerprint of the molecules, providing very good sensitivity. In this work, timeresolved Raman spectroelectrochemistry is employed to generate a SERS substrate and to detect melamine, all in a single experiment. The dynamic character of this technique provides valuable information about the interaction of the molecule with the generated substrate. An optimization of the spectroelectrochemical method based on a multi-pulse amperometric detection has been performed. The new protocol presented in this work shows significant figures of merit in a very short experiment time, just 25 s.Authors acknowledge the financial support from Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion /10.13039/ 501100011033 (Grant PID2020-113154RB-C21) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Grant RED2018-102412-T). W. Ch. thanks JCyL for his postdoctoral fellowship (Grant BU297P18). S.H. and M.P-E. thank JCyL and European Social Fund for their predoctoral fellowships

    At the beginnings of the funerary Megalithism in Iberia at Campo de Hockey necropolis

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    The excavations undertaken at the Campo de Hockey site in 2008 led to the identification of a major Neolithic necropolis in the former Island of San Fernando (Bay of Cádiz). This work presents the results of the latest studies, which indicate that the site stands as one of the oldest megalithic necropolises in the Iberian Peninsula. The main aim of this work is to present with precision the chronology of this necropolis through a Bayesian statistical model that confirms that the necropolis was in use from c. 4300 to 3800 cal BC. The presence of prestige grave goods in the earliest and most monumental graves suggest that the Megalithism phenomenon emerged in relation to maritime routes linked to the distribution of exotic products. We also aim to examine funerary practices in these early megalithic communities, and especially their way of life and the social reproduction system. As such, in addition to the chronological information and the Bayesian statistics, we provide the results of a comprehensive interdisciplinary study, including anthropological, archaeometric and genetic data.State Research Agency (SRA)European Commission HAR2017-87324-P 2014-2020 ERDF Operational ProgrammeDepartment of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia FEDER-UCA18-106917 CEIMAR CEIJ-015European Social Fund (ESF) D1113102E3Junta de Andaluci

    Fully Three-Dimensional Hemodynamic Characterization of Altered Blood Flow in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Patients With Respect to Aortic Dilatation: A Finite Element Approach

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    Bicuspid aortic valve; Congenital heart disease; Magnetic resonance imagingVàlvula aòrtica bicúspide; Cardiopatia congènita; Imatges per ressonància magnèticaVálvula aórtica bicúspide; Cardiopatía congénita; Imágenes de resonancia magnéticaBackground and Purpose: Prognostic models based on cardiovascular hemodynamic parameters may bring new information for an early assessment of patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), playing a key role in reducing the long-term risk of cardiovascular events. This work quantifies several three-dimensional hemodynamic parameters in different patients with BAV and ranks their relationships with aortic diameter. Materials and Methods: Using 4D-flow CMR data of 74 patients with BAV (49 right-left and 25 right-non-coronary) and 48 healthy volunteers, aortic 3D maps of seventeen 17 different hemodynamic parameters were quantified along the thoracic aorta. Patients with BAV were divided into two morphotype categories, BAV-Non-AAoD (where we include 18 non-dilated patients and 7 root-dilated patients) and BAV-AAoD (where we include the 49 patients with dilatation of the ascending aorta). Differences between volunteers and patients were evaluated using MANOVA with Pillai's trace statistic, Mann–Whitney U test, ROC curves, and minimum redundancy maximum relevance algorithm. Spearman's correlation was used to correlate the dilation with each hemodynamic parameter. Results: The flow eccentricity, backward velocity, velocity angle, regurgitation fraction, circumferential wall shear stress, axial vorticity, and axial circulation allowed to discriminate between volunteers and patients with BAV, even in the absence of dilation. In patients with BAV, the diameter presented a strong correlation (> |+/−0.7|) with the forward velocity and velocity angle, and a good correlation (> |+/−0.5|) with regurgitation fraction, wall shear stress, wall shear stress axial, and vorticity, also for morphotypes and phenotypes, some of them are correlated with the diameter. The velocity angle proved to be an excellent biomarker in the differentiation between volunteers and patients with BAV, BAV morphotypes, and BAV phenotypes, with an area under the curve bigger than 0.90, and higher predictor important scores. Conclusions: Through the application of a novel 3D quantification method, hemodynamic parameters related to flow direction, such as flow eccentricity, velocity angle, and regurgitation fraction, presented the best relationships with a local diameter and effectively differentiated patients with BAV from healthy volunteers.This work was funded by ANID – Millennium Science Initiative Program – ICN2021_004 and ANID – Millennium Science Initiative Program – NCN17_129, CONICYT-FONDECYT Postdoctorado #3170737, ANID – FONDECYT Postdoctorado #3220266, ANID Ph. D. Scholarship 21170592, ANID FONDECYT de Iniciación en Investigación #11200481, ANID FONDECYT #1181057, ANID Ph. D. Scholarship 21180391, the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC/FEC-INV-CLI 20/015) and the Biomedical Research Networking Center on Cardiovascular Diseases (CIBERCV). AG has received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (IJC2018-037349-I)

    Clinical implications of the intrinsic molecular subtypes of breast cancer

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    AbstractGene-expression profiling has had a considerable impact on our understanding of breast cancer biology. During the last 15 years, 5 intrinsic molecular subtypes of breast cancer (Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2-enriched, Basal-like and Claudin-low) have been identified and intensively studied. In this review, we will focus on the current and future clinical implications of the intrinsic molecular subtypes beyond the current pathological-based classification endorsed by the 2013 St. Gallen Consensus Recommendations. Within hormone receptor-positive and HER2-negative early breast cancer, the Luminal A and B subtypes predict 10-year outcome regardless of systemic treatment administered as well as residual risk of distant recurrence after 5 years of endocrine therapy. Within clinically HER2-positive disease, the 4 main intrinsic subtypes can be identified and dominate the biological and clinical phenotype. From a clinical perspective, patients with HER2+/HER2-enriched disease seem to benefit the most from neoadjuvant trastuzumab, or dual HER2 blockade with trastuzumab/lapatinib, in combination with chemotherapy, and patients with HER2+/Luminal A disease seem to have a relative better outcome compared to the other subtypes. Finally, within triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the Basal-like disease predominates (70–80%) and, from a biological perspective, should be considered a cancer-type by itself. Importantly, the distinction between Basal-like versus non-Basal-like within TNBC might predict survival following (neo)adjvuvant multi-agent chemotherapy, bevacizumab benefit in the neoadjuvant setting (CALGB40603), and docetaxel vs. carboplatin benefit in first-line metastatic disease (TNT study). Overall, this data suggests that intrinsic molecular profiling provides clinically relevant information beyond current pathology-based classifications