170 research outputs found

    Gouvernance, Capital humain et Croissance économique dans la zone OCDE: Application sur les données de panel dynamique (GMM)

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    The interest of this paper is to show that "good governance" was one of the main success factors of OECD countries. Indeed, the good governance has direct and indirect influences on economic growth of these countries. Our empirical attempt, dynamic panel data (GMM) and during the period 1998 to 2006, trying to clarify the direct and indirect effects of good governance on economic growth through human capital. Our sample consists of twenty OECD countries on which we test the impact of good governance on economic growth through human capital. We investigate how the concept of "good governance" provides the human capital, the framework of the fight against the corruption of the institution of nations

    Contrôle de la Corruption, Croissance Économique et Capital Humain: Analyse Comparative MENA-OCDE

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    The purpose of this paper to study the direct and indirect influence of corruption on economic indicators like the human indicator. Indeed, it would be very important to clarify the impact of control of corruption on human capital while considering the direct and indirect effects of the control of corruption on human capital by applying a regression analysis. We treat the main channels of direct transmissions of corruption as the degree of openness and indirect channels we quote then investment, trade policy. Finally, we analyze the significance of variables in explaining the effects of control of corruption on human capital by estimates of models with panel data in two different areas to make a MENA and OECD benchmarking

    Contrôle de la Corruption, Croissance Économique et Capital Humain: Analyse Comparative MENA-OCDE

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    The purpose of this paper to study the direct and indirect influence of corruption on economic indicators like the human indicator. Indeed, it would be very important to clarify the impact of control of corruption on human capital while considering the direct and indirect effects of the control of corruption on human capital by applying a regression analysis. We treat the main channels of direct transmissions of corruption as the degree of openness and indirect channels we quote then investment, trade policy. Finally, we analyze the significance of variables in explaining the effects of control of corruption on human capital by estimates of models with panel data in two different areas to make a MENA and OECD benchmarking

    Openness, Human Capital and Economic Growth in MENA: Theoretical foundations and application to Dynamic panel data

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    Several econometrical recent studies carried on international comparison data puts into question the opinion according to which education as a human capital indicator would encourage growth. This result comes in a context of opening to the outside. The evaluations are made on data of dynamic panel with the generalized moment's method GMM, with a tertiary schooling rate as indicator reflecting the human capital. This human capital coefficient varies stochastically from a country to the other according to national features. Several among them permit to explain these differences of quality: educational infrastructures, capacity to provide education in an equal way, initial endowment in human capital in case of opening. We introduce several variables related to the structural, institutional features and to the development of the human capital to test their effects on growth in the M.E.N.A zone during the period 1994-2006. Most of the found results show the existence of a relation between the policies of opening, structural, institutional, human capital factors and the growth in these countries

    L’interaction entre l’action pouvoir public, le contrôle de la corruption, le capital humain et croissance économique dans la Zone MENA

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    The purpose of this article is to study the direct and indirect influence of the action of public authority on socio-economic indicators. Indeed, our approach is to test the combined effects of many economic and social factors in the context of a profound change of control systems via human capital and in the presence of institutional change. The adopted scheme so requires and how to govern it is necessary to discover the nature of governance (the effectiveness of government and control of corruption) while using simultaneous equations model in the MENA region during the period 1984- 2012

    La corruption : Fondements microéconomiques et Déterminents macroéconomiques

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    The purpose of this article is to study the relationship between the economic sphere and the phenomenon of corruption was also seen by some economists as Leff (1964), Huntington (1968), Him (1985), Beck and Maher (1986) who say that the relationship is beneficial to the economy as it would improve economic efficiency. The work of Mauro (1995), which form the first empirical estimates on the same query. According to this author, the harmful nature of corruption on investment and economic growth and hence the vital role played by the state in the development of nations. We finally focus on the determinants of corruption i.e. the micro-economic determinants and macroeconomic determinants

    Control of corruption, Action of public power, Human capital and Economic development: Application two sectors of education and health in the MENA region

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    The objective of this article is to study the direct and indirect effects of corruption control via the action of public power on economic development (economic growth, education, health, etc.). This work also seeks to show spending on areas of education and health to improve the skills and human capital levels of education. Finally, we try to test the complementarity between the role of the action of public power and control of corruption (anti-corruption) in a context of economic development while using the models of simultaneous equations for our area of MENA study, during a definite period (1984-2012)

    Corruption, Capital humain et Croissance économique dans la région OCDE: Essai empirique

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    This work test the robustness of the relationship between human capital and control of corruption with four econometric methods. We will show in detail the importance of state intervention in its power to reduce this phenomenon (corruption) in the management of resources (public expenditure) countries since corruption as plague both social and economic, may hinder the economic development especially in the sectors of education and health. In part, we will try to study the effects of corruption control on the quality and yields of public education and health services for the OECD area during the period 1984-2012

    Qualité institutionnelle et Croissance économique : Application sur données de Panel dynamique (GMM)

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    In this article, we will study the impact of institutions on economic growth in many parts of the world, noting the institutional failures in each region. Indeed, we will use the six indicators calculated by Kaufmann, Kraay and Mastruzzi (2005) for a simple measure of the quality of governance for the 99 countries in our analysis and we will also make a presentation of the results of different estimates at each stage as well as interpretations of these results while applying GMM method over a definite period
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