38 research outputs found

    Histological and Immunological Changes in Uterus During the Different Reproductive Stages at Californian Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    Rabbit is the third most commonly used animal model in different fields of scientific research, such as reproductive biology, fertility and embryo transfer studies, and immunology. This animal species, often used in antibodies production, has minority of scientific records about the immunological status of its reproductive organs. The aim of this study was to find histological and immunological changes in rabbit female reproductive tract during different reproductive stages. The study was carried out on female rabbits, divided in three groups, according to the following stages of reproductive cycle: Estrous, ovulation and pregnancy. Histological and immunohistochemical stains for T- and B-cells were performed on tissue samples of cornu uteri and cervix. T lymphocytes were predominant in all anatomical parts of the uterus, in all stages of the cycle. The highest number of those cells was recorded at estrous, while the lowest was recorded at pregnancy. Cervix expressed more immunological activity than cornu uteri. The distribution and the number of immune positive cells in the rabbit female reproductive tract depend on its hormonal status

    Morfološka ispitivanja mozga kanadske lasice (Mustela vison)

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    The mink is a strict carnivore and a seasonal breeder, which may be used as an experimental model for other carnivores. Using anatomical methods, 32 brains of the N. American mink were examined. It was found that the brain consists of four ventricles. Also, it was noted that the posterior horn was missing and that the olfactory recess was present in the lateral ventricle, a large-size interthalamic connection was present in the third ventricle, and a flat, necklace like bottom in the fourth ventricle. Only recently, the ins and outs of the mink’s anatomical structure have begun to absorb the attention of anatomists. Apparently, it is related to the fact that fury animals, among them the mink, are being domesticated. For this reason and because of easy access to the material, the purpose of brain dissection is to familiarize with the three dimensional structure of the brain and teach one of the great methods of studying the brain: looking at its structure.Kanadska lasica je karnivor, koji jednom godišnje daje 4-5 mladunaca, koji se koriste kao eksperimentalni model. Za anatomska ispitivanja, koristili smo 32 mozga oba pola kanadske lasice. Utvrdili smo da se u mozgu nalaze 4 komore, kao i kod ostalih sisara. Ustanovili smo da posteriorni rog bočne komore nedostaje, kao i da postoji olfaktorni izdanak bočne komore. Šira površina između talamusa je takodje ustanovljena u trećoj moždanoj komori, kao i udubljenje četvrte moždane komore. U poslednje vreme kao eksperimentalna životinja, kanadska lasica postaje predmet interesovanja anatoma kao i naučnih istraživača u velikom broju laboratorija. Takođe, divlje životinje postaju sve više domestifikovane, a među njima je i kanadska lasica

    Effect of neonatal oestrogen and HCG treatment on the genital organs of adult female rats

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    The ovaries and the uterine as well as vaginal mucous membranes of 80-, 180- and 365-day-old intact female rats and females neonatally treated with a single dose of oestrogen and repeated doses of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) were studied. Numerous follicles, interstitial cells and corpora lutea (CL) were present on the ovary of intact females from 80 up to 365 days of age. The number of primary and secondary follicles decreased in the intact female rats between Day 180 and Day 365 of life. On the ovaries of 180- and 365-day-old female rats neonatally treated with oestrogen, interstitial glandular cells and cystic follicles predominated. No CL were present on these ovaries. The height of epithelial cells of the uterine and vaginal mucous membranes increased in intact female rats from 80 to 365 days of age, whereas in oestrogen-treated females the height of epithelium decreased. From 80 up to 365 days of age, the height of epithelial cells of uterine and vaginal mucous membranes of rats neonatally treated with repeated doses of hCG was similar to that in the corresponding control animals

    Hirurška korekcija polnih organa kuje sa pseudohermafroditizmom

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    Hermaphroditism is a congenital anomaly characterized by the presentation of sexual characteristics of both sexes in one individual. Hermaphrodites can occur in every mammal species. Real and pseudo hermaphrodites can be distinguished. Both ovaries and testes (ovotestes) are presented in real hermaphrodites, while the conformation of the individual does not correspond to any sex in particular. Pseudo hermaphrodites are more frequent. Male pseudo hermaphrodites have testes and female external genital characteristics, while female pseudo hermaphrodites have ovaries and rudimentary external genitals reassembling to masculine ones. Corrective surgical removal of a rudimental penis in a female pseudo hermaphrodite dog is presented in the paper.Hermafroditizam je patološka pojava postojanja oba pola kod jedne jedinke. Može biti pravi i lažni. Pravi hermafroditi imaju ovarijume i testise, koji obično nisu u korelaciji sa sekundarnim polnim karakteristikama i spoljašnjim izgledom životinje. Lažni hermafroditizam (pseudohermafroditizam) je češća pojava i on može da bude muški - kada jedinka poseduje testise i spoljašnje genitalije nalik na ženske, ili ženski - kada jedinka ima jajnike i rudimentirane spoljašnje genitalije, koji podsećaju na one kod mužjaka. Hermafroditizam je relativno česta pojava kod različitih vrsta životinja. Mi smo opisali slučaj pseudohermafroditizma kod jedne kuje, koja je dovedena na hiruršku korekciju - uklanjanje rudimentiranog muškog polnog organa

    Renal vasography in mink (mustela vison)

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    This paper presents the results of the research on renal blood vessels of the mink. The main goal of this research is to provide a unique insight in renal vessel constellation and thereby contributes to the amount and quality of the available data on the cardiovascular system of the mink, since the data found in the available literature regarding this specific field is rather poorly documented. Blood vessels of the mink kidney were studied by dissection and corrosion injection technique. The renal artery and its branches, and the lobar, interlobar and interlobular arteries are terminal arteries and they do not anastomose between each other. The arterial system is characterized by two independent vascular areas, supplied by the dorsal and ventral lobar artery. Lobar arteries divide the kidney horizontally into a dorsal and ventral half, while lobar veins divide it vertically into the cranial and caudal half. The renal vein is formed from the cranial and caudal lobar vein. The obtained results are compared with relevant literature findings on renal blood supply of a dog and other sympatric carnivores

    Arterijska vaskularizacija mozga malog zelenog majmuna, Cercopithecus aethiops sabeus

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    Cell cultures from the small green monkey are used for the cultivation of poliovirus in the manufacture of vaccines against poliomyelitis. In addition kidney cultures from the same monkey serve for detection of the virus in biological material. This was the main reason that prompted us to undertake a study of one part of the monkey’s cardiosvascular system and thus contribute to a better understanding of the structure of its body.Glavni krvni sudovi koji dovode arterijsku krv u mozak su A.carotis interna i A. vertebralis. Spajanjem leve i desne kičmene arterije (A. vertebralis sinistra et dextra) nastaje A. basilaris cerebri. A. carotis interna sinistra et dextra pružaju se kroz parafaringealni prostor prema lobanjskoj duplji, u koju ulaze pošto prođu kroz karotidne kanale (canales carotici) piramide slepoočne kosti u kavernozni sinus u kome se povezuju obe Aa. carotides preko A. intercarotica caudalis. Grane A. carotis internae su: A. ophthalmica, A. cerebri media, A. communicans caudalis. A.ophthalmica dovodi krv u optičke i pomoćne delove oka. A. cerebri media daje grane koje ulaze u moždanu masu i dovodi krv u lateralnu površinu moždane hemisfere. A. communicans caudalis povezuje zadnju moždanu arteriju (A. cerebri caudalis) sa unutrašnjom karotidnom arterijom i daje grane za vaskularizaciju hipotalamusa. A.cerebri rostralis je produžetak stabla unutrašnje karotidne arterije. Ona se spaja sa odgovarajućom granom druge strane ispred Chiasma opticum. Iz ovog spoja nastaje A. cerebri rostralis communis. Od A. cerebri rostralis odvajaju se površne i duboke grane koje ulaze u moždanu masu. A. cerebri caudalis, A. communicans caudalis i A. cerebri rostralis obrazuju oko hipofize i raskršća vidnih nerava arterijski krug (Circulus arteriosus Willisi)

    Endodontska terapija kao metod u sanaciji poremećene okluzije politraumatizovane gornje i donje vilice mačke

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    Concomitant injuries of bone and soft tissues of the upper and lower jaws are classified as multiple trauma symptoms associated with early complications, such as shock, disordered breathing, bleeding, pain, deformity and facial asymmetry, abnormal jaw movement, crepitation, palsy-paralysis of traumatized soft tissue regions and languages. The goal of this work is to present polytraumatised rehabilitation of upper and lower jaws by the system of endodontic treatment of upper canines in cats. Primary approach to stabilization polytraumatised cats is highlighted, also as procedures to be undertaken in animal in shock, injury of the maxilla and mandible, and the order of diagnostic procedures. Mandibular prognation and incorrect occlusion with consequent damage of mandibular gingiva with maxilla kaninus are complications which were resolved in our case with endodontic treatment of upper canines of the cat. This paper presents a detailed approach to the reduction of dental caninus maxilla and establishing proper bite in the molar region of the maxila and mandible.Istovremene povrede kostnog i mekog tkiva gornje i donje vilice klasifikujú se kao politraume koje prate simptomi ranih komplikacija, kao što su: stanje šoka, poremećeno disanje, krvarenje, bol, deformacja i asimetričnost lica, abnormalna pokretljivost donje vilice, krepitacije, pareza - paraliza traumatizovanih mekotkivnih regija i jezika. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se prikaže sanacija politraumatizovane gornje i donje vilice po sistemu endodontske terapije gornjih očnjaka mačke. Istaknut je primarni pristup stabilizaciji politraumatizovane mačke, postupci koje je potrebno sprovesti kod životinje u šoku i sa povredama maksile i mandibule, kao i redosled dijagnostičkih procedura. Prognacija, nepravilna okluzija sa posledičnim oštećenjem gingive mandibule od strane kaninusa maksile, su komplikacje koje su u ovom slučaju rešene, endodontskom terapijom gornjih očnjaka mačke. U radu je dat detaljan stomatološki pristup skraćenju kaninusa maksile i uspostavljanju pravilnog zagrižaja u predelu molara gornje i donje vilice

    Comparative anatomical studies on ductus venosus in fetuses of domestic ruminants

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    The study has aimed to investigate and determine the anatomical position, shape, size, and histological features of the ductus venosus, and its role as a shunt in the fetal circulatory system in domestic ruminants. The research was conducted on 19 bovine, 11 sheep and 5 goat fetuses, aborted at the late stage of pregnancy or deceased just after delivery. The general anatomy of the ductus venosus was investigated by in-situ dissection of the corrosive cast obtained by injection of 25% solution of Vinylite mass through the umbilical vein. For histological examination, the fetal tissue samples were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff-Van Gieson and Gomori.s silver stain. The results showed that ruminant fetal ductus venosus is a curved, trumpet-shaped vessel, situated in the central part of the liver, above the porta hepatis. Its ventral part is constricted in the form of an isthmus, having a prominent lip-like thickening at the junction with the portal sinus. Histological examination showed the dominant presence of collagen and elastic fibers in its tunica media, with thin bands of smooth muscle fibers oriented in a longitudinal and circular direction indicating ability for vasoconstriction and vasodilatation. © 2021 Sciendo. All rights reserved

    Morphometrical and stereological analysis of nonpregnant female guinea pig aorta

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    Using light microscopy, the morphometrical and stereological characteristics of non-pregnant female guinea-pig aorta was studied. The animals were killed by cervical dislocation, the aorta was removed, fixed and embedded in paraffin. Resultant blocks were cut on a microtome and sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Each section was examined under 10x magnification. To determine cross-sectional areas of the lumen, intima, media and adventitia, the standard Weibel M42 point-counting system was used. The cross sectional areas were calculated using the equation: area=Pi/PtxAg, where Pi is the number of points falling on an area, Pt is the total points of the test grid and Ag is the area of the whole test grid. The following values for crosssectional areas (expressed as 10 4 mm 2 ) of the different aortic layers were obtained: 1150.8±108 for the lumen, 60.3±5.3 for the endothelial layer, 454.9±39 for the medial layer and 152.2±13 for the adventitial layer. The cross-sectional area of guinea-pig aorta in total was 1818.3±178. We concluded that the lumen occupies 63.3%, intima 3.3%, media 25.0% and adventitia 9.4% of the total cross-sectional area of guinea-pig aorta. The results obtained provide a standard that can be used in further investigations of remodeling of guinea-pig aorta under different conditions, including pregnancy