32 research outputs found

    Arhitektonski modeli hotelskih zgrada prilagodljivih promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu; Doktorska disertacija [sažetak]

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    Istraživanje očitava prilagodbu postojećih hotelskih zgrada trajno promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu tijekom životnog ciklusa kao latentno obilježje hotela kao arhitektonskog tipa. Rad istražuje modele kojima je moguće povećati prilagodljivost hotelskih zgrada promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu kroz studiju primjera hotela izgrađenih na jadranskom području Hrvatske krajem 19. i tijekom 20. stoljeća. Analizirane su prilagodbe provedene tijekom 20. i početkom 21. stoljeća u odnosu na izvorno stanje. Temeljem izlučenih obilježja koja su omogućila prilagodbu promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu određeni su pokazatelji prilagodljivosti te izvedeni modeli hotelskih zgrada prilagodljivih promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu

    The Bottom Current Sediments (Contourites) in the Upper Cretaceus Deep-Water Deposits in the Northeeastern Part of Žumberak (Croatia)

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    The Upper Cretaceous deep marine deposits in NE parts of Žumberak contain sediments deposited by bottom currents - muddy, sandy and sandy-gravelly contourites. The complete (negative-positive) sequences and incomplete (negative-positive) sequences have been observed.Apart from the sediments that have been deposited by bottom currents,several turbidite layers reworked by bottom currents occur

    Arhitektonski modeli hotelskih zgrada prilagodljivih promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu; Doktorska disertacija [sažetak]

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    Istraživanje očitava prilagodbu postojećih hotelskih zgrada trajno promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu tijekom životnog ciklusa kao latentno obilježje hotela kao arhitektonskog tipa. Rad istražuje modele kojima je moguće povećati prilagodljivost hotelskih zgrada promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu kroz studiju primjera hotela izgrađenih na jadranskom području Hrvatske krajem 19. i tijekom 20. stoljeća. Analizirane su prilagodbe provedene tijekom 20. i početkom 21. stoljeća u odnosu na izvorno stanje. Temeljem izlučenih obilježja koja su omogućila prilagodbu promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu određeni su pokazatelji prilagodljivosti te izvedeni modeli hotelskih zgrada prilagodljivih promjenjivim zahtjevima u turizmu

    Sedimentology and Depositional Setting of Alluvial Promina Beds in Northern Dalmatia, Croatia

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    Facies associations comparable with Scott- or Donjek-type facies associations have been recognised in the alluvium of the Promina beds in northern Dalmatia (Late Eocene to possible Early Oligocene). Scott-type facies associations prevail in the upper part of the studied succession whereas Donjek-type facies associations characterise its lower part. Vertical variations in sediment supply, stream gradient or base level are primarily related to south-westward thrustings followed by tectonic quiescence and erosion of the source area

    13 Talks on Architecture; Davor Salopek

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    The book ā€13 talks on architectureā€ is a collection of interviews conducted between October 1978 and January 1982 between the architect Davor Salopek and his colleagues: the architects Stjepan Planić, Igor Emili, Zdenko Kolacio, Juraj Neidhardt, Neven Å egvić, Radovan Horvat, Božidar RaÅ”ica, Sena Sekulić-Gvozdanović, Branko Hrs, Damir Perinić, Boris MagaÅ”, Vojtjeh Delfin, and the civil engineer Boris Bakrać. The common thread of all the interviews is a set of identical questions ranging from very personal ones to those related to the design process itself or those that address some very complex issues such as: the artistic component of architecture, the relationship between theory and practice, architecture and urbanism, the role of the architect in the society, the role of the user in program development, the relationship between investment and quality, creativity and engineering in education, localism and regionalism in architecture. However, each talk is quite specific and unique since the personality of each individual is gradually revealed through Salopekā€™s individual and sophisticated approach. The author received the ā€Neven Å egvićā€ award for his publishing work and criticism

    Conglomerate Fabric and Paleocurrent Measurement in the Braided Fluvial System of the Promina Beds in Northern Dalmatia (Croatia)

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    In the alluvial part of the Promina beds of northern Dalmatia (Late Eocene to possible Early Oligocene age) the main, SW-ward paleocurrent pattern was determined from clast orientation measurements within massive and flat-bedded conglomerates. Preferred clast fabric, facies characteristics, and downward transition into shoreline and shallow-marine sandstone and conglomerate suggest a prograding, braid delta system

    The Benkovac Stone Member of the Promina Formation: A Late Eocene Succession of Storm-Dominated Shelf Deposits

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    The Late Eocene Benkovac Stone Member of the Promina Formation of northern Dalmatia, Croatia, is a thinly bedded succession of alternating carbonate sandstones and calcareous mudstones, ca. 40 m thick, exposed as a narrow, SE-trending outcrop belt near the town of Benkovac. This unit occurs in the middle part of the Promina Formation, which is a spectacular calciclastic succession of deposits of late Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene age, about 2000 m thick, showing an upward trasition from deep-marine turbidites to shallow-marine and alluvial deposits. The sheet-like sandstone beds of the Benkovac Stone Member are mainly 1ā€“25 cm thick and have been classified into 6 facies and 3 subfacies, differing in stratification or showing various internal sequences of stratification types. The thicker and most common beds show plane-parallel stratification passing upward into hummocky cross-lamination and undulatory to flat parallel lamination (Facies S1), or consist of only the latter two divisions (Facies S2). Subordinate beds show convolute stratification (Facies S3), are amalgamated (Facies S4), or are homogenized and merely graded (Facies S6). The thinner beds have more uneven boundaries and show translatory ripple cross-lamination (Subfacies S5a), climbing ripple cross-lamination (Subfacies S5b) or pinch-and-swell lamination attributed to starved and rolling-grain ripples (Subfacies S5c). The intervening mudstone beds (Facies M) are silt-streaked and bioturbated. Trace fossils indicate a combination of Zoophycos and Cruziana ichnofacies. The sedimentary succession was deposited in a microtidal offshore transition zone characterized by muddy ā€œbackgroundā€ sedimentation punctuated by discrete storm events. The observed spectrum of tempestite sandstone beds represents a wide range of storm events, varying in magnitude and in the mode of sand dispersal ā€“ from the pure action of oscillatory waves to pure geostrophic currents. The majority of tempestites are attributed to a combination of these two end-member factors, with the geostrophic currents often enhanced by a high load of sediment suspension (density-modified currents). The Benkovac Stone Member is underlain by muddy offshore deposits (Debelo Brdo Member) and covered by sandy to gravelly shoreface deposits (Otavac Member), which in turn pass upwards into braidplain deltaic and alluvial deposits. This regressive succession is considered to be a parasequence deposited as a highstand systems tract during a gradual, stepwise rise of relative sea level. The thick parasequence consists of progradational and retrogradational sets of much smaller parasequences, the record of which differs markedly in the shoreface and offshore transitional part. The difference is attributed to the underlying contrast in the physical factors controlling the supply of sand to these shallow shelf zones

    The Benkovac Stone Member of the Promina Formation: A Late Eocene Succession of Storm-Dominated Shelf Deposits

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    The Late Eocene Benkovac Stone Member of the Promina Formation of northern Dalmatia, Croatia, is a thinly bedded succession of alternating carbonate sandstones and calcareous mudstones, ca. 40 m thick, exposed as a narrow, SE-trending outcrop belt near the town of Benkovac. This unit occurs in the middle part of the Promina Formation, which is a spectacular calciclastic succession of deposits of late Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene age, about 2000 m thick, showing an upward trasition from deep-marine turbidites to shallow-marine and alluvial deposits. The sheet-like sandstone beds of the Benkovac Stone Member are mainly 1ā€“25 cm thick and have been classified into 6 facies and 3 subfacies, differing in stratification or showing various internal sequences of stratification types. The thicker and most common beds show plane-parallel stratification passing upward into hummocky cross-lamination and undulatory to flat parallel lamination (Facies S1), or consist of only the latter two divisions (Facies S2). Subordinate beds show convolute stratification (Facies S3), are amalgamated (Facies S4), or are homogenized and merely graded (Facies S6). The thinner beds have more uneven boundaries and show translatory ripple cross-lamination (Subfacies S5a), climbing ripple cross-lamination (Subfacies S5b) or pinch-and-swell lamination attributed to starved and rolling-grain ripples (Subfacies S5c). The intervening mudstone beds (Facies M) are silt-streaked and bioturbated. Trace fossils indicate a combination of Zoophycos and Cruziana ichnofacies. The sedimentary succession was deposited in a microtidal offshore transition zone characterized by muddy ā€œbackgroundā€ sedimentation punctuated by discrete storm events. The observed spectrum of tempestite sandstone beds represents a wide range of storm events, varying in magnitude and in the mode of sand dispersal ā€“ from the pure action of oscillatory waves to pure geostrophic currents. The majority of tempestites are attributed to a combination of these two end-member factors, with the geostrophic currents often enhanced by a high load of sediment suspension (density-modified currents). The Benkovac Stone Member is underlain by muddy offshore deposits (Debelo Brdo Member) and covered by sandy to gravelly shoreface deposits (Otavac Member), which in turn pass upwards into braidplain deltaic and alluvial deposits. This regressive succession is considered to be a parasequence deposited as a highstand systems tract during a gradual, stepwise rise of relative sea level. The thick parasequence consists of progradational and retrogradational sets of much smaller parasequences, the record of which differs markedly in the shoreface and offshore transitional part. The difference is attributed to the underlying contrast in the physical factors controlling the supply of sand to these shallow shelf zones

    Impaktierte Eckzaehne des Oberkiefers in unserer Kasuistik

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    Autori obrađuju problematiku impaktiranih očnjaka gornje čeljusti sa Å”ireg aspekta. PatoloÅ”ke pojave izazvane impaktiranim očnjacima su raznovrsne i mnogobrojne te autori navode niz bolesti s područja neurologije, ortodoncije, okulistike i stomatologije, koje su prouzročili neiznikli gornji očnjaci. Na kozuistici od 152 slučaja autori su primijetili niz pojava, koje odstupaju od dosad iznesenih miÅ”ljenja o ovoj problematici. Iznose da su u 46 slučajeva naÅ”li folikularne ciste, a da su u velikom postotku impaktirani očnjaoi locirani palatinalno; od 152 slučaja samo je 9 bilo locirano vestibularno. Na kraju, autori iznose da nemaju nikakvog iskustva s transplantacijom očnjaka i izražavaju rezerviranost prema ovoj metodi.An analysis of 152 patients traited in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the General Hospital in Osijek is performed. In 46 of these cases impaction are associated with a follicular cyst. Canines were palationaly placed is 143 and labialy in 9 cases only. Various pathologic conditions occuring due to canine impaction are rewieved and the problem of canine transplantation is discussed.Die Autoren bearbeiten das Problem der impaktierten EckzƤhne des Oberkiefers, weil pathologische Erscheinungen durch dieselben verschiedenartig und zahlreich sind. Es wird eine Reihe von Erscheinungen angefĆ¼hrt die in das Bereich der Neurologie, Orthodontie, Okulistik u s. w. reichen und die durch nicht durchbrochene EckzƤhne im Oberkiefer verursacht sind. Aus einer Zahl von 152 FƤlle werden Beobachtungen aufgefĆ¼hrt, die einesteils nicht im Einklang mit frĆ¼heren Meinungen sind. So wurden in 46 Patienten Follikular-Zysten gefunden, in grosser Zahl waren die EakzƤhne palatinal und von insgesammt 152 waren nur 9 vestibulƤr. AbschlieƟend wird bemerkt dass die Vefasser keine Erfahrungen mit Transplantationen von EckzƤhnen haben und sind etwas reserviert zu dieser Methode

    The Role of Palaeogene Clastics in the Tectonic Interpretation of Northern Dalmatia (Southern Croatia)

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    The Palaeogene coarse-grained clastics of Northern Dalmatia (Jelar breccia, Promina deposits and Flysch) are syntectonic deposits related to the structural evolution of the Dinaride Thrust Belt. The Jelar breccia is a proximal sedimentary unit deposited in response to early compression of the carbonate platform (Lutetian to Bartonian). Flysch deposits are considered as their distal equivalents. The Early Jelar breccia displays a blended clast composition related to the simultaneous erosion of various carbonate stratigraphic units along the Early Velebit Fault. The Late Jelar breccia, the next tectonically generated deposit, has an inverted clast composition related to the erosion of the faulted Velebit anticline. The next tectonic phase (Bartonian to possibly Oligocene) caused folding and thrusting of underlying platform carbonates and tectonic transport, cannibalisation and reworking of the existing Flysch, Early and Late Jelar breccias. Continuing compression created a new elongated foreland basin with NW-SE extension, filled with about 2000 m of prograding Promina deposits. The final structural setting of Northern Dalmatia was the result of thrusting of the northeast edge of the Promina deposits. This produced duplexing of internal thrusts, uplift of the Promina deposits on the highest topographic position and significant erosion. This polyphase and complex tectonism can be described by a thin skin tectonic model in which Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous platform anhydrites acted as a perfect gliding surface