7 research outputs found

    Symptoms of oral myeloma - two case reports and literature review

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    Szpiczak mnogi jest złośliwym nowotworem szpiku kostnego. Charakteryzuje się występowaniem triady objawów: zwiększoną skłonnością do krwawienia, ubytkami osteolitycznymi oraz obecnością białka Bence- Jonesa w moczu. Rozpoznanie jest trudne, zalecana jest terapia skojarzona. Opisano dwa przypadki szpiczaka rozpoznane w Katedrze i Klinice Chirurgii Szczękowo-Twarzowej w Katowicach, zlokalizowane w przednim odcinku szczęki i w trzonie żuchwy u pacjentów powyżej 60 roku życia. Powodem zgłoszenia się pacjentów do lekarza była w pierwszym przypadku deformacja przedniego odcinka szczęki z naciekiem zapalnym, w drugim dolegliwości bólowe związane z patologicznym złamaniem żuchwy.Multiple myeloma is a malignant tumour that generally develops in the bone marrow. The diagnostic triad for multiple myeloma is increased tendency for bruising and bleeding, osteolysis (lytic bone lesions), and Bence-Jones proteinuria. Diagnosis remains difficult, and a combination of therapies are recommended. Two cases of myeloma diagnosed in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery in Katowice are presented. One patient was seen for an anterior maxillary deformity with an inflammatory infiltrate (aged > 60 years; lesion location: anterior maxilla); the other presented pain related to a pathological mandible fracture (aged > 60 years; lesion location: body of the mandible)

    Radosława Nowakowskiego świat nieopisany

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    The article contains an attempt of philological and philosophical analysis of Radosław Nowakowski’s works – a writer and a musician associated with the Ossian music group. Due to the vast achievements of this author, we limit our discussion to the Treatise on Pageography or a question of liberature, one of the most representative works of Nowakowski, which has been written in the years 2002–2008. This text has the features of a literary work and is a summary of the philosophical and aesthetic views of the author. The philological aspect is discussed in relationship with liberature and the concept of “non-description of the world” and the philosophical aspect is focused on the identity and the ontological difference. The first part of the article contains a brief biography of Nowakowski and a recapitulation of his artistic achievements. In the second part it is discussed the writer’s work in relationship with liberature. The last part is a reflection on the phenomenon of “non-description of the world” and on the overcoming of the ontological dualism of matter and spirit. The article is supplemented by the complete bibliography of the Radosław Nowakowski’s works created up to the year 2014

    Radosław Nowakowski’s Inexpressible World

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    Artykuł zawiera próbę filologiczno-filozoficznej analizy twórczości liberackiej Radosława Nowakowskiego – pisarza i muzyka związanego z grupą Osjan. Z uwagi na obszerny dorobek tego twórcy, piszący ograniczą się do omówienia reprezentatywnego dzieła Nowakowskiego, jakim jest napisany w latach 2002–2008 Traktat kartkograficzny czyli rzecz o liberaturze. Tekst ten ma bowiem cechy utworu literackiego, dzieła liberackiego, a przede wszystkim stanowi wykładnię poglądów filozoficznych i estetycznych autora. W aspekcie filologicznym został omówiony związek twórczości Nowakowskiego z liberaturą oraz stworzone przezeń pojęcie nieopisania świata, w aspekcie filozoficznym autorzy skoncentrowali się natomiast na kwestii tożsamości i różnicy ontologicznej. W pierwszej części artykułu zawarto krótką biografię Nowakowskiego oraz rekapitulację jego dotychczasowego dorobku artystycznego. W części drugiej poruszono związki twórczości tego artysty z liberaturą. W części ostatniej omówiono natomiast zjawisko nieopisania świata oraz przekroczenia ontologicznego dualizmu materii i ducha. Artykuł uzupełniono bibliografią dzieł liberackich Radosława Nowakowskiego powstałych do roku 2014.The article contains an attempt of philological and philosophical analysis of Radosław Nowakowski’s works – a writer and a musician associated with the Ossian music group. Due to the vast achievements of this author, we limit our discussion to the Treatise on Pageography or a question of liberature, one of the most representative works of Nowakowski, which has been written in the years 2002–2008. This text has the features of a literary work and is a summary of the philosophical and aesthetic views of the author. The philological aspect is discussed in relationship with liberature and the concept of “non-description of the world” and the philosophical aspect is focused on the identity and the ontological difference. The first part of the article contains a brief biography of Nowakowski and a recapitulation of his artistic achievements. In the second part it is discussed the writer’s work in relationship with liberature. The last part is a reflection on the phenomenon of “non-description of the world” and on the overcoming of the ontological dualism of matter and spirit. The article is supplemented by the complete bibliography of the Radosław Nowakowski’s works created up to the year 2014

    Pioglitazone, a PPAR-gamma ligand, exerts cytostatic/cytotoxic effects against cancer cells, that do not result from inhibition of proteasome

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    Thiazolidinediones are oral antidiabetic agents that activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-γ) and exert potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been shown that PPAR-γ agonists induce G0/G1 arrest and apoptosis of malignant cells. Some of these effects have been suggested to result from inhibition of proteasome activity in target cells. The aim of our studies was to critically evaluate the cytostatic/cytotoxic effects of one of thiazolidinediones (pioglitazone) and its influence on proteasome activity. Pioglitazone exerted dose-dependent cytostatic/cytotoxic effects in MIA PaCa-2 cells. Incubation of tumor cells with pioglitazone resulted in increased levels of p53 and p27 and decreased levels of cyclin D1. Accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins within cells incubated with pioglitazone suggested dysfunction of proteasome activity. However, we did not observe any influence of pioglitazone on the activity of isolated proteasome and on the proteolytic activity in lysates of pioglitazone-treated MIA PaCa-2 cells. Further, treatment with pioglitazone did not cause an accumulation of fluorescent proteasome substrates in transfected HeLa cells expressing unstable GFP variants. Our results indicate that pioglitazone does not act as a direct or indirect proteasome inhibitor