42 research outputs found

    Forces Driving Change in Rwandan Smallholder Agriculture 1990-2001

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    Food Security Research Project (FSRP) and Division of Agricultural Statistics (DSA) Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry MINAGRIfood security, food policy, Rwanda, smallholder agriculture, Crop Production/Industries, Q18,

    Changes in Allocation of Land Holdings, Production and Farm Size in the Rwandan Smallholder Sector Over the Period 1984/1990 to 2002

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    There have been major shifts/changes in land use patterns in Rwanda over the past twelve years. A few striking observations include: As a percentage of total farmland, cultivated land increased. The increase in cultivated land occurred at the expense of pasture and fallow and woodlot. The share of pasture and fallow decreased from 22% in 1990 to 14% in 2002 and woodlot decreased from 11% in 1990 to 7% in 2002. This trend of increasing cultivated land is apparent from the mid-eighties to today. These observations imply that land is being farmed much more intensively without much time to fallow and allow the soil to rejuvenate. Pasture and woodlot are also being cut down at the expense of cultivation. This has important potential implications for productivity as well as for the environment. Average calorie production per person per day in Rwanda is believed to have dropped significantly during the war period, and then has increased on average in 2002 to levels near those measured in 1984. The rural population dependent on the land has increased some 27% since 1984.food security, food policy, allocation of land, farm size, Rwanda, Land Economics/Use, Q18,

    Farm-level Perspectives in Rwanda's Coffee Supply Chain Coordination Challenge

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    This synthesis shows the need to update and improve household-level information on Rwanda’s coffee sector, so that appropriate policies may be put into place to increase the level and diversity of smallholder and rural business income.food security, food policy, Rwanda, coffee, Agribusiness, Q18,

    Commentaires sur les forces motrices des changements dans l'agriculture paysanne rwandaise 1990-2001: Agriculture et Elevage

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    The purpose of this policy synthesis is to document major shifts in output and provide hypotheses about the reasons behind the changes. The paper also documents troubling trends in the traditional agriculture sector, underscoring the need for improved agricultural input and output systems.food security, food policy, Rwanda, crops and livestock, Crop Production/Industries, Livestock Production/Industries, Q18,

    Fertilizer Consumption in Rwanda: Past Trends, Future Potential, and Determinants

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    Paper prepared for the Policy Workshop on Fertilizer Use and Marketing, organized by MINAGRI and USAID, Rwanda, 22-23 February 20001.food security, food policy, Rwanda, fertilizer consumption, Crop Production/Industries, Q18,

    Perspectives dans le défi de la coordination de la filière caféicole au niveau des exploitations au Rwanda

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    This synthesis shows the need to update and improve household-level information on Rwanda’s coffee sector, so that appropriate policies may be put into place to increase the level and diversity of smallholder and rural business income.food security, food policy, Rwanda, coffee, Agribusiness, Q18,

    Food Security Survey: Phase I, Agricultural Production and Land Use Season 2000A

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    REPUBLIC OF RWANDA, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, ANIMAL RESOURCES, AND FORESTRY, Food Security Research Project (FSRP) and Division of Agricultural Statistics (DSA)food security, food policy, Rwanda, agricultural production, land use, Food Security and Poverty, Q18,

    Consommation des engrais au Rwanda: tendances passées, potentiel futur, et facteurs déterminants

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    Document préparé pour l’atelier sur l’utilisation et la commercialisation des engrais, organisé par le MINAGRI et l’USAID, Rwanda du 22 au 23 Février 2001food security, food policy, Rwanda, fertilizer consumption, Crop Production/Industries, Q18,

    Enquete sur la Sécurité Alimentaire : Phase I; Production Agricole et Utilisation des terres Saison 2000A

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    REPUBLIQUE RWANDAISE MINISTERE DE L’AGRICUTURE, DE L’ELEVAGE ET DES FORETS; Food Security Research Project (FSRP) et Division des Statistiques Agricoles (DSA)food security, food policy, Rwanda, agricultural production, land use, Crop Production/Industries, Livestock Production/Industries, Q18,

    Mitigation of poultry manure pollution in the Fraser Valley

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    Intensive poultry production in the lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia has resulted in large quantities of poultry manure being spread on limited land space. This manure is spread on land situated above the Abbotsford aquifer. Due to the high amount of nitrogen and phosphorus present in poultry manure, there is a danger of these nutrients leaching into the groundwater of the aquifer as nitrates. High levels of nitrates in drinking water have been linked to various health hazards such as Methemoglobinaemia, stomach cancer, and gastric cancer. The leaching problem is further compounded by the fact that the region has porous soils, a high water table, and very high annual rainfall. This problem was addressed by analyzing several dietary treatments having varying levels of crude protein from a high of 25% CP (crude protein) to a low of 18% CP and supplemented with the commercial amino acids L-LYS , DL-MET , L-THR, and L-TRY . A linear programming model was used to determine the least cost diet from the various dietary treatments. The most efficient dietary treatment was then identified by Manure disposal options such as storage, land application, and transportation were also considered along with their associated costs. Linear programming was used to identify the least cost manure disposal strategy complying with British Columbia environmental regulations by using a combination of the three options. The results from the two models above were then combined to identify the optimum manure management strategy for a poultry farm in the Fraser valley complying with environmental regulations. The results indicate that diets containing lower levels of crude protein and supplemented with amino acids costs less than those containing higher levels of crude protein. These diets perform better because the nitrogen in the protein is utilized more efficiently thereby resulting in less nitrogen excretion in the manure. Manure that contains low amounts of nitrogen costs less to dispose than that having high amounts of nitrogen. Use of diets containing low levels of crude protein and supplementing them with commercial amino acids can lower the costs of poultry farmers significantly while complying with environmental regulations.Land and Food Systems, Faculty ofGraduat