10 research outputs found

    Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 exposure in Malawian infants between February 2020 and May 2021

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    Background: Very limited information is available on SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in infants in sub-Saharan countries. Objective: In this study, we aimed to determine the rate and the temporal evolution of SARS CoV-2 seropositivity in breastfed Malawian infants. Study design: Blood samples (n = 250) from 158 infants, born to HIV-negative women and women living with HIV, collected from February 2020 to May 2021, were first tested using an Anti-IgG/A/M SARS CoV 2 ELISA assay against trimeric spike protein, and then, if positive, confirmed using a second ELISA assay detecting IgG against Receptor Binding Domain. Results: The confirmed prevalence of anti-SARS CoV-2 antibodies was 31.0% (95% CI: 23.7%-38.3%) with no significant difference between HIV-exposed and HIV-unexposed infants (29.3% and 37.1% respectively, P = 0.410). The presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG was not associated with maternal socioeconomic or demographic indices. Conclusions: Our data underline the wide spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection in the pediatric population in sub-Saharan Africa. Design of more specific serological tests for African samples and improvements in serosurveillance programs are needed for more rigorous monitoring of the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Africa

    A 12-month Prospective Study of HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Women and Their Infants in Malawi: Comparative Analysis of Clinical Events and Infant Growth

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    Few studies have compared clinical outcomes in HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) and HIV-unexposed uninfected (HUU) infants in the current scenario of universal and lifelong maternal antiretroviral therapy (ART). HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected Malawian women receiving ART and their breastfed infants were followed for 12 months postpartum, analyzing the rates of infectious and noninfectious events and assessing infant growth at 6 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months. The cohorts included 227 mothers (70 HIV-negative, 157 HIV-positive) and 235 infants (72 HUU, 163 HEU). No maternal or infant deaths occurred during follow-up. HIV-negative women were less likely to complete follow-up (48.6% versus 91.1%). Mothers with and without HIV had similar rates of both infectious and noninfectious events per person-month. Infants who were HEU, compared with HUU, had higher rates of events of any type, lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), and noninfectious events. HEU had lower body mass index (BMI) at 6 weeks but did not differ from HUU in all anthropometric measures at 6 and 12 months; in growth between 6 weeks and 12 months; and in occurrence of stunting, underweight, and wasting at 6 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months. During the first year of life, infants who were HEU, compared with HUU, showed a transiently lower BMI and an increased risk of LRTI

    Antibody response to hepatitis B vaccine in HIV-exposed infants in Malawi and correlation with HBV infection acquisition

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    The aim of this study was to assess the immune response to HBV vaccine in HIV-exposed infants and to correlate it to HBV infection acquisition. Protective anti-HBs levels (>10 mIU/mL) were found in 54/58 (93.2%) infants at 6 months, 126/144 (87.5%) at 12 months and 141/176 (80.1%) children at 24 months. HBV infection (seven children were HBsAg + at Month 24) occurred also in the presence of levels above 10 mIU/mL. Our findings indicate limited impact of HIV exposure on anti-HBV immune response, but suggest that levels >10 mIU/mL may be required to confer protection in this context

    Immunoglobulin G passive transfer from mothers to infants: total IgG, IgG subclasses and specific antipneumococcal IgG in 6-week Malawian infants exposed or unexposed to HIV

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    Background: The impaired transplacental passage of IgG from mothers living with HIV to their infants could be one of the causes of the high vulnerability to infections of HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) infants, but controversial results have been obtained in different settings. The aim of this study was to assess in 6-week old HEU and HIV-unexposed, uninfected (HUU) Malawian infants the total IgG levels, the subclasses profile and the concentrations of global anti-pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide (anti-PCP) IgG and IgG2. Methods: Dried blood spots were collected from 80 infants (40 HEU, 40 HUU) and antibodies concentrations determined by nephelometric method (total IgG and subclasses), or using ELISA (anti-PCP total IgG and IgG2). Results are expressed as median levels with IQR, while the proportions of each subclass out of the total IgG are used to describe the subclasses profile. Results: At 6 weeks HEU infants had higher median levels of total IgG and IgG1 and a significantly lower level of IgG2 [0.376 (0.344–0.523) g/l vs 0.485 (0.374–0.781) g/l, p = 0.037] compared to the HUU counterparts. The IgG subclasses distribution confirmed the underrepresentation of IgG2 (IgG2 represented 5.82% of total IgG in HEU and 8.87% in HUU). The anti-PCP IgG and IgG2 levels were significantly lower in HEU infants [8.9 (5.4–15.1) mg/l vs 16.2 (9.61–25.8) mg/l in HUU, p < 0.001, and 2.69 (1.90–4.29) mg/l vs 4.47 (2.96–5.71) mg/l in HUU, p = 0.001, respectively]. Conclusion: Compared to HUU infants, HEU infants have IgG abnormalities mainly represented by low IgG2 levels, suggesting that despite maternal antiretroviral therapy, the mechanisms of IgG transplacental passage continue to be impaired in women living with HIV. HEU infants also showed a significantly lower level of specific anti-PCP IgG, possibly favouring a high vulnerability to S. pneumoniae infection at an age when protection is mostly depending on maternal IgG

    Maternal retention and early infant HIV diagnosis in a prospective cohort study of HIV-positive women and their children in Malawi

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    Background: Post-partum loss to follow-up and lack of early HIV infant diagnosis (EID) can significantly affect the efficiency of programs for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Methods: In a prospective observational study 167 women were enrolled at week 36 of gestation and followed with their infants up to one year after delivery. Retention was defined as the proportion of women who attended the 12 months visit and EID as an HIV PCR test performed within 2 months. Determinants for retention and EID were assessed in univariate analyses and in multivariable logistic regression models. Results: Women lost to follow-up (24/167 or 14.4%) had a shorter duration of antiretroviral therapy (ART) at enrolment in comparison to women retained in care (p = 0.025). Lack of EID (occurring in 18.9% of the cases) was directly correlated, although not significantly, with a history of child death (p = 0.071), a higher educational level (p = 0.083), and female infant gender (p = 0.064). Conclusions: Longer duration of ART at enrolment significantly predicted a better post-partum retention, suggesting that specific counselling interventions should be targeted to recent ART initiators. A low proportion of infants did not receive an EID, but predictive factors were difficult to identify

    HIV-exposed infants with EBV infection have a reduced persistence of the immune response to the HBV vaccine

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    Background: In sub-Saharan African countries Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infection occurs in early childhood. We aim to investigate the factors associated with EBV acquisition and the impact of EBV infection on the humoral response to HBV vaccination in infants born from HIV-positive, antiretroviral-treated mothers in Malawi. Methods: A total of 149 HIV-exposed infants were included in this longitudinal study. EBV anti-VCA IgG were measured using an ELISA assay. The EBV seroconversion was correlated with the maternal viro-immunological conditions, with infant growth and immunological vulnerability, and with the humoral response to the HBV vaccine. Results: No infant was EBV-positive at 6 months (n. 52 tested). More than a third of infants (49/115 or 42.6 %) on study beyond 6 months seroconverted at 12 months. At 24 months, out of 66 tested infants, only 13 remained EBV-uninfected, while 53 (80.3 %) acquired EBV infection, rising the total proportion of EBV seroconversion to 88.7 % (102/115 infants). EBV seroconversion was significantly associated with a low maternal educational status but had no impact on infant growth or vulnerability to infections. Reduced HBsAb levels and accelerated waning of antibodies were associated with early EBV seroconversion. Conclusions: We found a heterogeneous timing of acquisition of EBV with the majority of infants born from HIV + mothers acquiring infection after 6 months. Anti-HBs levels were lower and appeared to wane faster in infants acquiring EBV infection

    Deficit of IgG2 in HIV-positive pregnant women is responsible of inadequate IgG2 levels in their HIV-uninfected children in Malawi

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    Background Transplacental passage of IgGs is impaired in HIV + pregnant women, possibly determining an inadequate immunological protection in their children. We aimed to determine the impact of maternal immunological IgG profile and immunoactivation status on the efficiency of transplacental passage of IgG subclasses in HIV + mothers. Methods 16 mother/infants pairs were studied in Malawi. Mothers received antiretroviral therapy (ART) from the third trimester of pregnancy. Determinations of pre-ART levels of maternal sCD14, of IgG subclasses in mothers at delivery and in their 1-month-old infants, were performed using commercial ELISA kits. Results At delivery, after a median of 10 weeks of ART, 12/16 mothers were hypergammaglobulinemic, with IgG levels (20.5 mg/ml, 95% CI:18.8–26.8) directly correlated to the plasmatic levels of sCD14 (r = 0.640, p = 0.014). IgG1 levels (17.9 mg/ml) accounted for 82% of IgG, IgG3 and IgG4 levels were in the normal range. A profound deficit of IgG2 was observed both in mothers (0.60 mg/ml) and in infants (0.14 mg/ml). Placental transfer ratio (range 0.16–0.42) did not show a selective impairment between the different IgG subclasses. The transplacental passage of all IgG subclasses was decreased in the presence of maternal IgG over 16 mg/ml (significantly for IgG1, p = 0.031) and of high levels of sCD14 (p = 0.063). Conclusions Transplacental passage was reduced for all IgG subclasses and inversely correlated to high levels of maternal IgGs and to the degree of immunoactivation. The profound depression of IgG2 in mothers suggests that IgG2 neonatal levels mostly reflect the maternal deficit rather than a selective impairment of IgG2 transfer

    Immune Activation and Microbial Translocation Markers in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Malawian Infants in the First Year of Life

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    Background: HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) infants show a high rate of morbidity. We aimed to investigate on biomarkers of immune activation/microbial translocation in HEU infants, evaluating the impact that infections/malnutrition can have on biomarker levels during the first year of life.Methods: Clinical data of 72 Malawian infants were recorded monthly and correlated with levels of soluble CD14 (sCD14), lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) and intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP), analyzed longitudinally.Results: Levels of sCD14 and LBP showed a significant age-related increase. Higher levels of LBP (19.4 vs. 15.2 mu g/ml) were associated with stunting, affecting 30% of the infants. The association remained statistically significant after adjusting for cytomegalovirus acquisition, malaria and respiratory infections (p = 0.031). I-FABP levels were significantly increased in infants experiencing gastrointestinal infections (1442.8 vs. 860.0 pg/ml, p = 0.018).Conclusion: We provide evidence that stunting is associated with an enhanced inflammatory response to microbial products in HEU children, suggesting that malnutrition status should be taken into consideration to better understand the alteration of the immune profile of HEU infants living in poor socioeconomic settings