68 research outputs found

    Revisited and Revised: Is RhoA Always a Villain in Cardiac Pathophysiology?

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    한국어와 이태리어의 비대격동사의 의미구조에 관한 고찰 : 사동기동교체를 중심으로

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :언어학과 언어학전공,2001.Maste


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    In questo lavoro di tesi si è studiato il processo generazionale nelle imprese familiari e la gestione del talent management, analizzando per ultimo il caso “De Cecco”. L’obiettivo dell’elaborato è proprio quello di mettere in luce i diversi aspetti che connotano la pianificazione della successione nelle aziende, in particolare quelle a conduzione familiare e la conseguente corsa ai talenti, mettendo in evidenza le diverse problematiche che possono scaturire. Per far emergere i talenti migliori, è indispensabile che i responsabili di tutte le funzioni e i manager acquisiscano un’ottica orientata al talento. Quest’ottica presuppone la convinzione che le aziende vadano a concorrere tra di loro cercando di avere a disposizione i talenti migliori a tutti livelli, proprio perché, sono i talenti migliori a contribuire al conseguimento di un vantaggio competitivo. La ricerca di soggetti talentuosi da inserire nel comparto aziendale per favorire lo sviluppo e l’innovazione rappresenta una problematica evidente, soprattutto se questi soggetti non fanno parte del comparto familiare, ma bisogna cercare all’esterno questi soggetti. Nel primo capitolo verrà analizzato in primis l’azienda familiare, in modo da fornire un quadro dei principali aspetti che la caratterizzano, in secundis si porrà attenzione sul fenomeno del passaggio generazionale e sulle problematiche inerenti la successione, analizzando la situazione in Italia. A seguire nel secondo capitolo verranno approfonditi gli aspetti riguardanti il talent management, le fasi che lo compongono, le sue caratteristiche e come il fenomeno viene adottato dalle imprese familiari. Infine sarà nel terzo capitolo che verrà presentato il caso dell’azienda De Cecco, partendo dalla storia e la sua evoluzione, ponendo l’attenzione sul sistema di governance, i loro valori e come questi hanno influito sul passaggio generazionale dell’azienda fino ad arrivare alla scelta, intrapresa negli ultimi anni, di aprirsi a manager esterni. This dissertation analyses the intergenerational transmission process in family businesses and the dynamics of talent management, focusing on the case of De Cecco. The aim of the present work is to shed light on the different aspects of succession planning in companies – specifically in family businesses –, on the consequent race for talent, and also on the potential issues. In order to bring out the best talents within a company, it is essential for all types of managers to acquire a talent-oriented perspective. According to this view, companies need to compete with each other in order to secure the best talents, as those talents are the key to obtain a competitive advantage. Needless to say, looking for talented individuals who are able to promote development and innovation within the company is a complex issue, in particular when those individuals are not part of the family, but must be found elewhere. The dissertation is structured as follows. The first chapter analyzes family businesses, providing an overview of their main features. It then investigates the intergenerational transmissions in those businesses and its limitations, with a focus on the Italian case. The second chapter examines talent management, its phases and characteristics, and how it can be adopted by family businesses. The third chapter provides a case study, that of the De Cecco company. Starting from the company’s history and evolution, it describes its governance, its values, and it explains how the latter have influenced the intergenerational transmission mechanism within the company, up to the recent opening towards external managers

    Thermoformed Retainer: An Effective Option for Long-Term Stability

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    Introduction. The concept of orthodontic retention is moving toward the idea that teeth will move unless retained indefinitely. However, permanent retention implies permanent supervision, and that is where reality clashes with stability. The cornerstone of Essix permanent retention is the complete delegation of responsibility to the patient. Essix retainers have nothing to adjust, but maximum collaboration of the patient is essential to achieve long-term stability. The purpose of this paper is to show the effectiveness of the thermoplastic appliance as a retainer, using a clinical case with a 10-year follow-up. Case Report. A 33-year-old male patient presented with a class II malocclusion division 2 and normal skeletal pattern. According to the patient’s desire, a treatment plan was proposed to obtain the aesthetic result of the smile, maintaining the molar and canine class II relationship. The orthodontic therapy was performed by using the Invisalign System. In this case, it was possible to appreciate a posterior occlusal stability after 10 years. Conclusion. Currently, among orthodontists, the use of removable plastic devices is gaining popularity thanks to their capability to encapsulate and retain both posterior and anterior teeth. In this article, the technical features of thermoformed retainers will be described and one clinical case with a 10-year follow-up will be presented to emphasize the effectiveness of these retainers