738 research outputs found

    Mid-infrared nanophotonics with hyperbolic phonon polaritons

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    125 p.El nitruro de boro hexagonal (h-BN) es un material especialmente interesante en óptica subdifracional en el infrarrojo medio. h-BN es un cristal polar que exhibe fonón-polaritones en sus dos bandas Reststrahlen en el infrarrojo medio. En estas bandas, debido a su estructura cristalina anisótropa, únicamente una de las componentes del tensor de permitividad (que es uniaxial) posee signo negativo. Como consecuencia, la propagación de luz a en nitruro de boro en forma de fonón-polaritones hiperbólicos. En esta tesis estudiamos dos de las nanoestructuras más fundamentales en fotónica: nanoantenas lineales y cristales polaritónicos. Las nanoantenas lineales pueden ser analizadas como guías de onda polaritónicas truncadas, que son resonantes cuando el modo polaritónico cumple la condición de Fabry-Pèrot. Las nanoantennas de h-BN son analizadas usando esta interpretación. Un cristal polaritónico, de manera análoga a un cristal fotónico, es una nanoestructura periódica que soporta polaritones, en la que el periodo del patrón es similar a la longitud de onda del polaritón. Estudiamos un cristal polaritónico bidimensional fabricado a partir de una capa fina de h-BN, cuyo modo polaritónico más relevante es un fonón-polariton hiperbólico confinado en la capa fina

    Mid-infrared nanophotonics with hyperbolic phonon polaritons

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    125 p.El nitruro de boro hexagonal (h-BN) es un material especialmente interesante en óptica subdifracional en el infrarrojo medio. h-BN es un cristal polar que exhibe fonón-polaritones en sus dos bandas Reststrahlen en el infrarrojo medio. En estas bandas, debido a su estructura cristalina anisótropa, únicamente una de las componentes del tensor de permitividad (que es uniaxial) posee signo negativo. Como consecuencia, la propagación de luz a en nitruro de boro en forma de fonón-polaritones hiperbólicos. En esta tesis estudiamos dos de las nanoestructuras más fundamentales en fotónica: nanoantenas lineales y cristales polaritónicos. Las nanoantenas lineales pueden ser analizadas como guías de onda polaritónicas truncadas, que son resonantes cuando el modo polaritónico cumple la condición de Fabry-Pèrot. Las nanoantennas de h-BN son analizadas usando esta interpretación. Un cristal polaritónico, de manera análoga a un cristal fotónico, es una nanoestructura periódica que soporta polaritones, en la que el periodo del patrón es similar a la longitud de onda del polaritón. Estudiamos un cristal polaritónico bidimensional fabricado a partir de una capa fina de h-BN, cuyo modo polaritónico más relevante es un fonón-polariton hiperbólico confinado en la capa fina

    Determination of steroid estrogens in wastewater by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    This paper discusses the requirement for, and presents an analytical procedure for, the determination of four unconjugated steroid hormones and a conjugated steroid (estrone-3-sulfate) in wastewaters. The method quantifies the steroids by LC/MS/MS following solid phase extraction and a two stage clean-up procedure. Samples were extracted using C18 cartridges and eluates were then purified by gel permeation chromatography, followed by a further clean-up step on an aminopropyl cartridge. The limits of detection achieved were 0.2 ng l-1 for estriol, 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol, and 0.1 ng l-1 for estrone and the conjugate. The robustness of the method was demonstrated by achieving recoveries of >83% for all steroids in settled sewage and final effluent samples with relative standard deviations of 0.5 - 12%. The method was used to analyse a range of samples from a wastewater treatment works in south east England which demonstrated a >80% removal for estrone, estradiol and estriol with little impact on concentrations of ethinylestradiol or the conjugate

    Spatial and temporal occurrence of pharmaceuticals in UK estuaries

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    There is a lack of data on the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in estuaries worldwide, with little understanding of their temporal and spatial variations globally. Ibuprofen, paracetamol, diclofenac, trimethoprim and citalopram were measured in twelve estuaries in the UK. Initially, these compounds were monitored in the Humber Estuary, where samples were taken every two months over a twelve month period in order to assess their spatial and temporal variations. Ibuprofen was found at some of the highest concentrations ever measured in an estuary globally (18–6297 ng l−1), with paracetamol also measured at relatively high concentrations (4–917 ng l−1) in comparison to the other compounds. In terms of spatial distribution, a pattern was observed where the highest concentrations were found at a site at which wastewater is discharged, whilst compound concentrations were often lower upstream and downstream of this site. The downstream profile of pharmaceuticals differed temporally with concentrations highest downstream when input from wastewater effluent was highest. Eleven further estuaries were sampled around the UK in order to put the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the Humber Estuary into a wider context. Pharmaceutical concentrations in the other estuaries sampled were <210 ng l−1 but, again, ibuprofen and paracetamol were found at concentrations higher than other compounds, whereas diclofenac and citalopram were absent in many estuaries. The Humber, which is the receiving environment for the sewage effluent of approximately 20% (13.6 million people) of the population of England, was observed to have the highest overall concentration of pharmaceuticals in contrast to the other estuaries sampled, thereby representing a worst case scenario for pharmaceutical pollution

    Meeting Report: Pharmaceuticals in Water—An Interdisciplinary Approach to a Public Health Challenge

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    BackgroundThe presence of pharmaceuticals in aquatic environments and in drinking water has prompted significant public interest regarding potential adverse ecological effects and risks to human health.ObjectivesThe Environmental Health Summit held in North Carolina, 10–11 November 2008, explored the issues associated with the presence and relative risk of trace levels of pharmaceuticals in water. More than 150 participants from government organizations and institutions, academia, industry, water utilities, and public interest groups participated in discussions aimed at evaluating the current knowledge on this issue and at identifying research gaps and innovative solution-oriented recommendations.DiscussionWe present different aspects related to the subject that were discussed at the summit, including the source, fate, and transport of pharmaceuticals, their exposure effects and potential risks to human and ecosystems, and the best management practices to address these issues. Recommendations placed emphasis on research needs as well as education, communication, prevention, and intervention programs, and other public health solutions and actions.ConclusionsDespite rising concerns about the presence of trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in drinking water, little evidence is currently available that associates these chemicals with adverse human health risks. In order to prioritize which pharmaceutical chemicals could potentially pose the highest risk to consumers and the environment, the summit participants concluded that more studies are needed to generate meaningful and accurate data