11 research outputs found

    Reducing NOx Emissions by Coal Reburning: Pilot Scale Process Studies

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    Reburning is a NOx reduction technique which is gaining wide interest for the control of NOx emissions from utility boilers. Unlike alternative control techniques such as low NOx burners and selective non-catalytic reduction, rebuming has been demonstrated to achieve high levels of control with no measurable by-produc t emissions. While natural gas has predominantly been used as the reburning fuel in full-scale demonstrations of reburning technology, oil and coal may also used. Coal is a nitrogen bearing fuel, and the extent to which this impacts the reburning process overall control efficiency depends primarily upon fuel nitrogen content and nitrogen reactivity. In reburning, complete combustion of the reburning fuel is always a concern because of the limited time and temperature for reactions to occur. Because coal does not burn as readily as natural gas, coal reburning has the potential to increase unburned carbon losses. Finally, coal ash can slag under fuel rich conditions leading to increased deposits on the boiler walls in the rebum lone . The use of some coals in specific boiler situations may be unacceptable from a boiler operability point of view. This paper describes the results of a pilot scale study supported by the Canadian Electrical Association of the process parameters influencing the coal reburning process. The goal of the project described in this paper was to identify the characteristics of Canadian utility coals that will result in low NOx emissions, low unburned carbon levels and have minimal impact on boiler performance. To accomplish this, selected Canadian utility coals were evaluated in a small pilot scale furnace over a range of operating conditions simulating full-scale utility boilers. The test results provide signifIcant insight into the impacts of coal type and properties on the reburning process and are provide critical information needed to optimize the application of the coal reburning process to Canadian utility boilers

    Application of Gas Reburning Technology to Glass Furnaces for NOx Emissions Control

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    Like many other high-temperature industrial processes, glass furnaces produce high concentrations of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) due to the high combustion temperatures required to process the glass batch raw materials. Since increasingly stringent air quality regulations are forcing the glass industry to reduce emissions of NOx, there is significant interest in technologies which can be applied to glass furnaces to achieve high levels of emissions control cost effectively. For glass furnaces, available options for NOx control are either very expensive or have the potential to negatively impact the process. Gas Reburning is a NOx control technology which has successfully been demonstrated on utility boilers to provide moderate to high NOx removal efficiencies at a moderate cost per ton of NOx abated. This paper describes the results of a study to assess the potential for and economics of applying gas reburning technology to industrial glass furnaces. Model furnaces were defined for glass furnaces employed in the manufacturing of flat, container, and fiber glass to permit a detailed evaluation of reburning technology. Conceptual reburning system designs for each model plant were developed to permit the process performance and costs to be established. Chemical kinetic and heat transfer models were used, respectively, to assess the potential reductions in NOx emissions achievable and to evaluate the impacts of the reburning process on the overall furnace thermal efficiency. Costs for application of reburning technology to glass furnaces were developed and compared to other available technologies for control of NOx emissions