2 research outputs found

    Research on the use of economies of scale in services industry

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    The research carried out in the present paper aims at carrying out researches on the use of scale ranges within the service providers with the following objectives: performing a synthetic diagnosis of the investigated units and determining the impact of the scale returns within the tourist services units. The obtained results verify the hypothesis of the application of the service efficiency principle so that a hostel with a capacity of 4 rooms records an average cost of 250 euro room-1 year-1 . This decreases significantly in such a way that a 6-room guesthouse receives a cost of 167.7 euro room-1 year-1 . The condition that the economical units surveyed benefit from the benefits of economies of scale is that they make every effort to ensure the highest possible capacity to serve. Otherwise, there are no economies of scale, but on the contrary, high service capacities have to bear large average costs

    Ethical behavior in the agrarian economy

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    Business ethics is not just a philosophical topic, not practical, but an effective way to support the company's long-term financial interests. In order to appreciate that there is a direct and reciprocal relationship between a company's profitability and moral values, a company that promotes moral values and guides by ethical behavior will be wellperceived by the public and will make considerable profits. The research presented in this paper aims to determine ethical behavior in the economic activity of agronomic managers in Iasi County. The purpose of the research has been derived from two objectives: determining the ethical level of agronomic managers within agricultural holdings in Iasi County; emphasizing the importance of ethical values in understanding ethical attitudes and behaviors of people in the economy. The results show that, although some fundamental values of sustainable development do not indicate a significant correlation with the economic indicators. It is noticed that the values related to the field of activity of the agronomic managers are important to them, which is reflected also by the economic performances