37 research outputs found

    Exploring undergraduates’ perceptions of and engagement in an AI-enhanced online course

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    In the age of globalization, an internet connection has become essential for enhancing various human activities across the economic, cultural, and defense sectors, among others. This is particularly true for online classrooms. Microsoft Teams, a widely used digital education platform, provides capabilities that allow online teachers to facilitate better interactions and create more effective learning environments in online settings. This study aimed to explore students’ perceptions of synchronous online learning that occurred in an AI-enhanced online course, delivered using MS Teams. As an explorative study that examines the educational intersection of engineering and artificial intelligence, it represents the convergence of these two branches of learning and thus enriches both fields. The research involved 35 online students at the Staffordshire University, with data collected via online questionnaires to gather information about students’ perceptions of online learning through Microsoft Teams. After completing the online course materials, the questionnaires were distributed to students via Google Forms. The data were then descriptively analyzed. The study’s findings revealed that although online learning through Microsoft Teams was a novel experience for the students, the platform’s interactive and engaging learning environment motivated them to participate more actively, ultimately leading to a better comprehension of the course materials. Incorporating AI-enhanced features within the Microsoft Teams platform further augmented the online learning experience, as students appreciated the personalized learning recommendations and real-time feedback, which showcases the synergistic potential of AI and education in the digital age

    Exploring undergraduates’ perceptions of and engagement in an AI-enhanced online course

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    In the age of globalization, an internet connection has become essential for enhancing various human activities across the economic, cultural, and defense sectors, among others. This is particularly true for online classrooms. Microsoft Teams, a widely used digital education platform, provides capabilities that allow online teachers to facilitate better interactions and create more effective learning environments in online settings. This study aimed to explore students’ perceptions of synchronous online learning that occurred in an AI-enhanced online course, delivered using MS Teams. As an explorative study that examines the educational intersection of engineering and artificial intelligence, it represents the convergence of these two branches of learning and thus enriches both fields. The research involved 35 online students at the Staffordshire University, with data collected via online questionnaires to gather information about students’ perceptions of online learning through Microsoft Teams. After completing the online course materials, the questionnaires were distributed to students via Google Forms. The data were then descriptively analyzed. The study’s findings revealed that although online learning through Microsoft Teams was a novel experience for the students, the platform’s interactive and engaging learning environment motivated them to participate more actively, ultimately leading to a better comprehension of the course materials. Incorporating AI-enhanced features within the Microsoft Teams platform further augmented the online learning experience, as students appreciated the personalized learning recommendations and real-time feedback, which showcases the synergistic potential of AI and education in the digital age

    Symboles des restes quadratiques des discriminants dans les extensions modérément ramifiées

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    1. Introduction. Soit L un corps de nombres de degré n sur le corps ℚ des nombres rationnels de discriminant D=DL/QD = D_{L/ℚ}. Si l'entier D n'est pas un carré, on note d le discriminant du corps quadratique ℚ(√D), sinon on pose d=1. Soit p un nombre premier non-ramifié dans L de sorte que le symbole des restes quadratiques (D/p) soit non-nul. Un théorème déjà ancien dû à A. Pellet ([3, page 245]), L. Stickelberger et G. Voronoï montre que la parité du nombre g d'idéaux premiers de L au-dessus de p est déterminée par ce symbole (D/p). En effet, nous avons (D/p)=(1)ng(D/p) = (-1)^{n-g}. Plus généralement, même si p est ramifié dans L, on aimerait pouvoir relier le symbole (d/p) à la décomposition (p)=P1e1...Pgeg(p) = P₁^{e₁} ... P_g^{e_g} de p en produit d'idéaux premiers PiP_i de L. Supposons que p n'est pas sauvagement ramifié dans L. Si fif_i désigne le degré résiduel de PiP_i dans l'extension L/ℚ, alors la valuation p-adique du discriminant D est donnée par vp(D)=i=1g(ei1)fiv_p(D) = ∑_{i=1}^{g} (e_i - 1)f_i [9, Chap. 3, Prop. 13]. Donc le symbole (d/p) est non-nul dès que tous les indices de ramification eie_i sont impairs. Dans ce dernier cas, généralisant une série de résultats (Wahlin [10], Hasse [5], Buhler [2], Dribin [4], Kientega [6],...), P. Barrucand et F. Laubie ont établi la formule suivante (également valable dans le cas relatif) [1]: (d/p) = (-1)^F (p/E) avec E = ∏_{2∤{f_i}} e_i et F = ∑_{2|f_i}1. Notre but est de donner une formule analogue sans aucune hypothèse sur la parité des indices de ramification eie_i. Cet article s'inscrit donc comme une suite logique de [1] et en est largement inspiré

    Effect of Nitrogen and Cycocel on Nitrogen Content, Remobilization and Use Efficiency in Safflower under Different Planting Densities

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    To study the effect of cycocel, nitrogen and planting density on nitrogen (N) content, remobilization and use efficiency of Esfahan 14 safflower cultivar, a field experiment was carried out as a factorial split-plot based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications at Research Farm of College of Agriculture, Yasouj University, in summer of 2010. Main plots were the factorial level of N (50, 100 and 150 kg/ha) and level of cycocel (0 and 10- 6 M ) and subplots were planting density (20, 25 and 33.3 plants / m2). Results showed that the highest N remobilization (1.21%) was gained from 10-6 M cycocel application and the highest amount of N and planting density. The highest N treatment, along with planting density of 25 plants/m 2, produced the highest seed protein (14%) and aerial N at flowering stage (2.15%). The highest grain yield (3146 kg/ha) and N use efficiency (62.9 kg/kg) was obtained from 10-6 M cycocel, lowest N level and 25 plants/m 2. In general, increasing N application and planting density, with cycocel application, increases shoot N content and remobilization. However, lower amount of N application is associated with higher N use efficiency and seed yield

    A System for Continuous Estimating and Monitoring Cardiac Output via Arterial Waveform Analysis

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    Background: Cardiac output (CO) is the total volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute and is a function of heart rate and stroke volume. CO is one of the most important parameters for monitoring cardiac function, estimating global oxygen delivery and understanding the causes of high blood pressure. Hence, measuring CO has always been a matter of interest to researchers and clinicians. Several methods have been developed for this purpose, but a majority of them are either invasive, too expensive or need special expertise and experience. Besides, they are not usually risk free and have consequences. Objective: Here, a semi-invasive system was designed and developed for continuous CO measurement via analyzing and processing arterial pulse waves. Results: Quantitative evaluation of developed CO estimation system was performed using 7 signals. It showed that it has an acceptable average error of (6.5%) in estimating CO. In addition, this system has the ability to consistently estimate this parameter and to provide a CO versus time curve that assists in tracking changes of CO. Moreover, the system provides such curve for systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, average blood pressure, heart rate and stroke volume. Conclusion: Evaluation of the results showed that the developed system is capable of accurately estimating CO. The curves which the system provides for important parameters may be valuable in monitoring hemodynamic status of high-risk surgical patients and critically ill patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU). Therefore, it could be a suitable system for monitoring hemodynamic status of critically ill patients

    Effect of Planting Date on Physiological and MorphologicalCharacteristics of Four Canola Cultivars in Yasouj

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    In order to study the physiological and morphological characteristics of canola cultivars at different planting dates, an experiment was carried out in 2008-2009 at the Agriculture Research Station of Yasouj. A factorial with Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications was conducted. Four planting dates (September 12, September 22, October 2 and October 12) and four cultivars (Zarfam, Okapi, Elite and SLM-046) were used in this study. Results showed that cultivars and planting dates had significant effects on more characteristics. In addition, interaction of planting date and cultivar was significant on plant height, height to lowest silique, number of branches, growth indices and grain yield. Zarfam and Elite cultivars had lower initial fluorescence (Fo) and higher maximum fluorescence (Fm) and photochemical capacity of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) than Okapi and SLM-046 cultivars. Elite cultivar at September 12 planting date had the highest plant height (173 cm) and height to lowest silique (87.5 cm) and Okapi cultivar at October 12 planting date showed the lowest plant height (91 cm) and height to lowest silique (43.7 cm). At September 12 planting date, Elite cultivar had the greatest leaf area index (5.21) and grain yield (5231 kg/ha). At other planting dates, Zarfam cultivar because of priority in leaf area index, crop growth rate and total dry matter have the greatest grain yield than other cultivars. In general, seems at September 12 planting date, Elite cultivar and for delayed sowing, Zarfam cultivar had better reaction than other cultivars