41 research outputs found

    Pathology of the new curriculum of electrotechnical field of the technical and vocational education branch (Case study:Yazd province)

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    Background and Objective:  One of the most important parts of the educational system of any country is its technical and vocational education, and this type of education is one of the basic policies of countries to train skilled and semi-skilled efficient manpower. Training of human resources in order to develop efficient and effective human resources is one of its important tasks. The role of technical and vocational education in comparison with theoretical education is very vital in the sense that it provides the manpower needed by countries at the pre-university level. Because the main core of technical and vocational education and skills training is the relationship between these trainings and the labor market. Since there is an increasing possibility of development in the sectors of industry, agriculture and services in the country, education and training of human resources in the technical and professional fields is one of the basic requirements of the country's development. As stated in the report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for sustainable development, human-centered development and the key to it is technical and vocational education. The purpose of this study was to pathology of the new curriculum of electrotechnical field of the technical and vocational education branch. Methods:  This research is practical in purpose and is done using the mixed-research method. The statistical population includes all of the educational managers, electrotechnical teachers and 11th grade students of electrotechnical field in Yazd province at the academic year 96-97. A census method was used to select the quantitative part sample and the qualitative part sample selected with a purposive sampling method. In order to gather data, three researcher-made questionnaires, observation and semi-structured interview was used. The questionnaires’s validity was confirmed by 4 professors. Theirs reliability was obtained by Cronbach’s alpha method and confirmed. data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings:The results showed that the electrotechnical new curriculum was estimated relatively desirable from the viewpoint of educational managers and students and relatively undesirable from the viewpoint of teachers. But the workshop equipment and educational facilities, the teachers’ awareness of the upper documents and guidances and in-service course educations was estimated relatively undesirable. Also the instructional time, students’learning activities and students’ readiness from the viewpoint of the teachers was estimated relatively undesirable. Conclusion: In the present study, the new curriculum of technical and vocational education of secondary school in the field of electrotechnics in Yazd province was studied both in terms of Klein curriculum elements and other influential elements. Then, based on qualitative observations and interviews, the current situation of each component was described and some of the most important causes of injury in each component were mentioned.   ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2019 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    Sur une classe d'extensions non ramifiées

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    Symboles des restes quadratiques des discriminants dans les extensions modérément ramifiées

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    1. Introduction. Soit L un corps de nombres de degré n sur le corps ℚ des nombres rationnels de discriminant D=DL/QD = D_{L/ℚ}. Si l'entier D n'est pas un carré, on note d le discriminant du corps quadratique ℚ(√D), sinon on pose d=1. Soit p un nombre premier non-ramifié dans L de sorte que le symbole des restes quadratiques (D/p) soit non-nul. Un théorème déjà ancien dû à A. Pellet ([3, page 245]), L. Stickelberger et G. Voronoï montre que la parité du nombre g d'idéaux premiers de L au-dessus de p est déterminée par ce symbole (D/p). En effet, nous avons (D/p)=(1)ng(D/p) = (-1)^{n-g}. Plus généralement, même si p est ramifié dans L, on aimerait pouvoir relier le symbole (d/p) à la décomposition (p)=P1e1...Pgeg(p) = P₁^{e₁} ... P_g^{e_g} de p en produit d'idéaux premiers PiP_i de L. Supposons que p n'est pas sauvagement ramifié dans L. Si fif_i désigne le degré résiduel de PiP_i dans l'extension L/ℚ, alors la valuation p-adique du discriminant D est donnée par vp(D)=i=1g(ei1)fiv_p(D) = ∑_{i=1}^{g} (e_i - 1)f_i [9, Chap. 3, Prop. 13]. Donc le symbole (d/p) est non-nul dès que tous les indices de ramification eie_i sont impairs. Dans ce dernier cas, généralisant une série de résultats (Wahlin [10], Hasse [5], Buhler [2], Dribin [4], Kientega [6],...), P. Barrucand et F. Laubie ont établi la formule suivante (également valable dans le cas relatif) [1]: (d/p) = (-1)^F (p/E) avec E = ∏_{2∤{f_i}} e_i et F = ∑_{2|f_i}1. Notre but est de donner une formule analogue sans aucune hypothèse sur la parité des indices de ramification eie_i. Cet article s'inscrit donc comme une suite logique de [1] et en est largement inspiré

    Multi-quadratic p-rational number fields

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    For each odd prime pp, we prove the existence of infinitely many real quadratic fields which are pp-rational. Explicit imaginary and real bi-quadratic pp-rational fields are also given for each prime pp. Using a recent method developed by Greenberg, we deduce the existence of Galois extensions of Q\mathbf{Q} with Galois group isomorphic to an open subgroup of GLn(Zp)GL_n(\mathbf{Z_p}), for n=4n =4 and n=5n =5 and at least for all the primes p<192.699.943p <192.699.943.Comment: 18 page

    Double transitivity of Galois groups of trinomials

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