2 research outputs found

    Preparing a class in the context of Computer Assisted Language Learning: addressing the critical aspect of syllabus design

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    This article discussed the place of syllabus design in CALL classes. It emphasized that designing a CALL syllabus is a complex process that requires careful consideration of students’ needs, learning objectives, materials and resources, learning activities, and evaluation methods. Through the steps presented, we have suggested a practical step-by-step process for designing a syllabus that is effective, engaging, and relevant to students when it comes to CALL. As a reminder, designing a CALL syllabus is not a one-time process, but rather an ongoing cycle of analysis, planning, and evaluation that can help continuously improve teaching practice.   Keywords: CALL, Syllabus, Design, technology, teaching, learnin

    Influence of Downward Tapping Delay on Agronomic Parameters of Upward Tapping Rubber Trees

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    The nine-year period of downward tapping prior to upward tapping is often considered too long and irrelevant. Thus, a study was carried out to determine the minimum time needed for downward tapping for which the agronomic parameters (rubber production, vegetative growth) of the rubber trees could best be expressed in upward tapping. Clones with slow (PB 217 and IRCA 41), moderate (GT 1) and fast (PB 260 and IRCA 18) metabolisms were used as plant material in the experiments carried out in Gagnoa, Bettié, Daoukro, San Pedro and Divo. The rubber trees were tapped in a half-spiral downward direction at different times followed by quarter-spiral upward or upward tapping. The experimental design was a Fisher block design with 9 treatments and 4 replications. The results showed that upward tapping preceded by downward tapping for 5 and/or 6 years was the best regardless of the metabolic activity class of the clone. Rubber production expressed in kg.ha-1. year-1 [Slow (5y-2675 ± 79) (6y-2488 ± 59) (T9y-2238 ± 45); Moderate ((5y-5417 ± 127) (6y-5094 ± 141) (T9y-3993 ± 58); Fast (5y-5210 ± 239) (6y-4733 ± 500) (T9y-3723 ± 245)] resulting from these upward tappings increased with an increasing gradient of clone metabolism without, however, detrimental to vegetative growth (cm. yr-1) [Slow (5 yr-3.90 ± 1.27) (6 yr-4.05 ± 1.48) (T9 yr-3.40 ± 1.13); Moderate ((5 yr-3.02 ± 0.25) (6 yr-2.80 ± 0.05) (T9 yr-2.39 ± 0.02); Fast (5 yr-4.27 ± 0.42) (6 yr-3.97 ± 0.28) (T9 yr-3.60 ± 0.05)]. These results show that upward tapping in year 6 is more advantageous than tapping in year 10