22 research outputs found

    Systematika pancířníků čeledí Damaeidae a Gymnodamaeidae (Acari:Oribatida), potravní ekologie vybraných druhů pancířníků

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    1 Systematics of oribatid mite families Damaeidae and Gymnodamaeidae (Acari: Oribatida), feeding ecology of selected oribatid species Mgr. Jan Mourek Abstract of Ph.D.- Thesis The presented thesis includes contributions on two relatively independent themes: (1) particular taxonomical problems of European members of the oribatid families Damaeidae Berlese, 1896 and Gymnodamaeidae Grandjean, 1954 based on morphological studies and (2) feeding preferences of selected oribatid mites and their interactions with saprotrophic fungi in pine litter. Both themes are linked mainly through some of the used model organisms- the predominantly mycophagous oribatid mites of the family Damaeidae. The thesis consists of general introduction, in which I review current state of knowledge in both fields of study followed by the synopsis of each contribution, agreements of co-authors and full-text versions contributions. In total, seven primary scientific contributions are included. Four of the contributions are already published-three in peer-reviewed journals and one in per-reviewed conference proceedings. The remaining three contributions are manuscripts submitted to peer- reviewed journals. The conception of the thesis has gradually changed during the study period. Originally, I intended to focus mainly on the morphology of...1 Systematika pancířníků čeledí Damaeidae a Gymnodamaeidae (Acari: Oribatida), potravní ekologie vybraných druhů pancířníků Mgr. Jan Mourek Abstrakt dizertační práce Předložená dizertační práce zahrnuje dvě poměrně nezávislá témata: 1. Dílčí problémy taxonomie evropských zástupců pancířníků čeledí Damaeidae Berlese, 1896 a Gymnodamaeidae Grandjean, 1954. 2. Potravní preference vybraných druhů pancířníků a jejich interakce se saprotrofními hubami v borovém opadu. Obě uvedená témata jsou propojena především modelovými organismy- pancířníky čeledi Damaeidae, kteří jsou převážně mykofágní. V obecném úvodu dizertační práce shrnuji současný stav poznání obou zahrnutých témat. Následují stručné souhrny jednotlivých prací, souhlasy spoluautorů s jejich zařazením do dizertační práce a plné verze prací. Tato dizertační práce je složena celkem ze sedmi původních vědeckých článků. Tři z nich byly publikovány v recenzovaných časopisech, jeden v recenzovaném sborníku z konference. Další tři články jsou ve stádiu dokončených rukopisů odeslaných do recenzovaných časopisů. Koncepce celé práce se v průběhu studia postupně měnila. Původně jsem se hodlal věnovat především morfologii juvenilních stádií v rámci rodového komplexu Damaeus sensu lato (Damaeidae). Předběžné výsledky však ukázaly, že studium morfologie juvenilních...Department of ZoologyKatedra zoologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Application problems of EU prospectus regulation in the Czech Republic

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    Aplikační problémy unijní regulace prospektu v České republice Abstrakt Předmětem této diplomové práce je analýza některých aplikačních problémů, které jsou spojeny s právní regulací prospektu cenných papírů na úrovni Evropské unie, představovanou především relativně nedávno přijatým takzvaným "Nařízením o prospektu". Práce si klade za cíl především identifikovat hlavní problémy, které z unijní úpravy prospektu mohou vyplývat v případě její aplikace v právním řádu České republiky. V návaznosti na identifikaci těchto problémů je pak předmětem této práce tyto problémy zanalyzovat z hlediska jejich závažnosti, důsledků pro účastniky kapitálového trhu, příčin a možného řešení. Tato práce se dělí na pět částí. První část se zabývá vymezením pojmu prospekt, jeho hlavními náležitostmi z praktického pohledu, dále krátkou historií právní úpravy cenných papírů a prospektu jako prostředku regulace nabízení cenných papírů veřejnosti a analýzou významu veřejné nabídky cenných papírů v současnosti. Druhá část je zaměřena na proces schvalování prospektu v České republice, včetně krátkého popisu tohoto procesu a analýzy aplikačních problémů s tímto procesem spojených. V rámci třetí části této práce jsou analyzovány problémy spojené s neurčitostí unijní právní úpravy týkající se povinnosti vyhotovit dodatek prospektu,...Application problems of EU prospectus regulation in the Czech Republic Abstract The subject matter of this thesis is the analysis of certain application problems that are associated with the regulation of the prospectus at EU level, represented mainly by the relatively recently adopted so-called "Prospectus Regulation". The thesis aims to identify the main problems that may arise from the EU regulation of the prospectus in the case of its application in the Czech Republic. Following the identification of these problems, the subject of this thesis is to analyze these problems in terms of their severity, consequences for capital market participants, causes and possible solutions. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first part defines the definition of the term prospectus, its main requirements from a practical point of view, a brief history of securities regulation and the prospectus as a means of regulating the offering of securities to the public and the analysis of the importance of public offering of securities today. The second part focuses on the prospectus approval process in the Czech Republic, including a brief description of this process and an analysis of the application problems associated with this process. The third part of this work analyzes the problems associated with the uncertainty...Department of Financial Law and FinancesKatedra finančního práva a finanční vědyPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Systematika panciřníků čeledí Damaeidae a Gymnodamaeidae (Acari: Oribatida), potravní ekologie vybraných druhů pancířníků

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    I Summary Thepresentedthesisincludescontributionsontworelativelyindependentthemes: (1)particularta,ronomicalproblemsof Europeanmembersof theoribatidfamilies DamaeidaeBerlese,1896andGymnodamaeidaeGrandjean,1954basedon morphologicalstudiesand(2) feedingpreferencesof selectedoribatidmitesand theirinteractionswith saprotrophicfungiin pinelitter. Boththemesarelinkedmainlythroughsomeofthe usedmodelorganisms- thepredominantlymycophagousoribatidmitesof thefamilyDamaeidae. Thethesisconsistsof generalintroduction,in whichI reviewcurrentstateof knowledgein bothfieldsof studyfollowedby the synopsisof eachcontribution, agreementsof co-authorsand full-text versionscontributions.In total, seven primaryscientificcontributionsareincluded.Fourof the contributionsarealready published-three in peer-reviewedjournals and one in per-reviewedconference proceedings.Theremainingthreecontributionsaremanuscriptssubmittedto peer- reviewedjournals. Theconceptionof thethesishasgraduallychangedduringthestudyperiod. Originally,I intendedto focusmainlyonthemorphologyof immaturestagesof the genuscomplexDamaeussensulato(Damaeidae)andon feedingpreferencesof its selectedspecies.Later,thereviewof preliminaryresultsrevealed,thatmorphology of immatureDamaeussensulatooffersonly a low numberof characters,whichare of limitedvaluein...Department of ZoologyKatedra zoologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Factors affecting the lateness of diagnosis ant treatment of acute myocardial infarction

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá faktory, které ovlivňují zpoždění v diagnostice a léčbě pacientů s akutním infarktem myokardu. Je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část popisuje anatomii a fyziologii lidského srdce, definuje typy ischemické choroby srdeční a popisuje patofyziologii infarktu myokardu. Dále popisuje i proces diagnostiky infarktu a jeho léčby jak v přednemocniční tak i nemocniční péči. V poslední kapitole teoretické části se zabýváme časovými intervaly od nástupu příznaků srdečního infarktu do jeho konečného ošetření. Praktická část studie využívá případových studií se zvláštním důrazem na specifika chování pacientů a následně záchranné služby po zjištění prvních příznaků infarktu. Včetně rozhodování o léčbě a následném předání pacienta do nemocnice. Dále jsme se pokusili rozebrat možné vlivy na sledované časové intervaly, a to buď ze strany pacienta, nebo zdravotnické záchranné služby.ObhájenoThis thesis examines the factors that influence delays in diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the anatomy and physiology of the human heart, defines the types of coronary heart disease and describes the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction. It also describes the process of diagnosing a heart attack and its treatment in both prehospital and hospital care. The last chapter of the theoretical part deals with the time intervals from the onset of symptoms of a heart attack to its final treatment. The practical part of the study uses case studies with particular emphasis on specific patient behavior and subsequent rescue services care after the detection of the first symptoms of a heart attack., Including decisions about treatment and subsequent transfer of the patient to the hospital. Next, we tried to analyze the potential impacts on the monitored time intervals, either by the patient or emergency medical services

    Application problems of EU prospectus regulation in the Czech Republic

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    Application problems of EU prospectus regulation in the Czech Republic Abstract The subject matter of this thesis is the analysis of certain application problems that are associated with the regulation of the prospectus at EU level, represented mainly by the relatively recently adopted so-called "Prospectus Regulation". The thesis aims to identify the main problems that may arise from the EU regulation of the prospectus in the case of its application in the Czech Republic. Following the identification of these problems, the subject of this thesis is to analyze these problems in terms of their severity, consequences for capital market participants, causes and possible solutions. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first part defines the definition of the term prospectus, its main requirements from a practical point of view, a brief history of securities regulation and the prospectus as a means of regulating the offering of securities to the public and the analysis of the importance of public offering of securities today. The second part focuses on the prospectus approval process in the Czech Republic, including a brief description of this process and an analysis of the application problems associated with this process. The third part of this work analyzes the problems associated with the uncertainty..

    Systematics of oribatid mite families Damaeidae and Gymnodamaeidae (Acari:Oribatida), feeding ecology of selected oribatid species

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    1 Systematics of oribatid mite families Damaeidae and Gymnodamaeidae (Acari: Oribatida), feeding ecology of selected oribatid species Mgr. Jan Mourek Abstract of Ph.D.- Thesis The presented thesis includes contributions on two relatively independent themes: (1) particular taxonomical problems of European members of the oribatid families Damaeidae Berlese, 1896 and Gymnodamaeidae Grandjean, 1954 based on morphological studies and (2) feeding preferences of selected oribatid mites and their interactions with saprotrophic fungi in pine litter. Both themes are linked mainly through some of the used model organisms- the predominantly mycophagous oribatid mites of the family Damaeidae. The thesis consists of general introduction, in which I review current state of knowledge in both fields of study followed by the synopsis of each contribution, agreements of co-authors and full-text versions contributions. In total, seven primary scientific contributions are included. Four of the contributions are already published-three in peer-reviewed journals and one in per-reviewed conference proceedings. The remaining three contributions are manuscripts submitted to peer- reviewed journals. The conception of the thesis has gradually changed during the study period. Originally, I intended to focus mainly on the morphology of..

    Kunstidamaeus Miko 2006

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    Kunstidamaeus Miko, 2006 Diagnosis. Propodolateral apophysis P developed as tubercle or tip perpendicular to body, rarely rounded. Typical set of 2 pairs of propodosomal tubercles (Ba, La) present, all other tubercles (Da, Dp, Bp, Lp) absent. Ventral tubercle Va present, usually strong. Interlamellar seta in much shorter than sensillus (usually less than ½). Spinae adnatae often strongly curved. Both tibial and genual setation 4 - 4 - 3 - 3 (solenidia not included), solenidia of genua I-III with companion seta d. Ventral accessory seta v 2 ´absent from tarsi I-IV. Genus Selected typical characters Setation of genua Subgenus Setation of genua Damaeus large size, rugged prodorsum with distinct usually 4 - 4 - 3 - 3 Adamaeus 3 - 3 - 2-3 ridges, apophysis P strong, pedotectum-like, in subgenera (d lost on much shorter than ss, tubercles Da, Ba and Bp with reductions genua I-III) present, spinae adnatae strong and straight Paradamaeus 4 - 4 - 2-3 (d lost on genu III) Damaeus s.str. 4 - 4 - 3 - 3 (d present on all genua) Description. Body of medium to large size (majority of species within 580-820 μm, one alpine species up to 1100 μm), colour of different shades of brown or yellow. Cuticle (observed with light microscope) smooth, rarely microtuberculate or finely dotted. Body covered by granular, columnar and partly filamentous cerotegument. Lateral part of prodorsum broadly rounded. Propodolateral apophysis P anteriorly developed as transverse tubercle or tip, perpendicular to body; rarely with blunt or rounded tip or whole apophysis almost absent (in this case thicker and darker cuticle may be recognized in the same position). Typical set of 2 pairs of prodorsal tubercles (Ba, La) always present, Da and all posterior tubercles (Bp, Lp, Dp) absent. Propodosomal tubercles E 2 a and E 2 p usually small, reduced to sclerotised ridge or absent, Va present and usually strong, well developed, Vp usually absent. Prodorsum triangular, sometimes with short costulae, interbothridial ridges or cuticular thickenings. Sensillus setiform or short and slightly clavate, interlamellar seta in much shorter than sensillus (usually less than ½), setiform, thin. Spinae adnatae spiniform or triangular, often very strongly curved laterad and ventrad. Notogastral setae of different length, usually setiform, with blunt or sharp tip, often finely barbed. First pair (c 1) always directed almost straight forward, usually longest of all notogastral setae; size of setae often diminishing from anterior to posterior part of notogaster; h 1 -h 3 sometimes shorter, finer and more lightly coloured, sometimes more curved than anterior setae. Adults often carrying exuvial scalps on notogaster, usually without or only with small amount of adherent dirt. Legs long, monodactylous, leg IV usually significantly longer than body. Solenidia of tibiae I-IV free, without companion seta d; tibial setation (solenidia not included) 4 - 4 - 3 - 3. Solenidia of genua I-III with companion seta d; genual setation (solenidia not included) 4 - 4 - 3 - 3. Ventral accessory seta v 2 ´absent from tarsi I-IV. Famulus in immature stages typical for Damaeus sensu lato: reduced, minute, sunken in a sclerotised cup. Typical setation of legs as follows (trochanter to femur; famulus included, solenidia not included): I: 1-7 - 4 - 4-20; II: 1-6 - 4 - 4-17; III: 2-4 - 3 - 3-17; IV: 1-4 - 3 - 3-14. Setation of ventral side as in other Damaeidae: g: 6, ag: 1, an: 2, ad: 3. Many species known from specific habitats (alpine, troglobiont, nidicole). Type species. Belba lengersdorfi Willmann, 1932 Other included European species. Belba diversipilis Willmann, 1951; Belba granulata Willmann, 1951; Belba longisetosa Willmann, 1953; Belba nidicola Willmann, 1936; Damaeus nivalis Kulczynski, 1902; Damaeus tecticola Michael, 1888; Damaeus tenuipes Michael, 1885 Remarks. Species of the genus, while forming a quite uniform and well-defined taxon, can be separated into smaller groups based on the form of sensillus and development of notogastral setae. The type species and four other species have a long setiform sensillus, and form two subgroups. One includes K. lengersdorfi, K. nidicola (Willmann, 1936) and K. diversipilis (Willmann, 1951) –collectively the “ lengersdorfi “ group, with medium long or short notogastral setae that are often heterotrichous (h 1 -h 3 being smaller or finer than anterior setae). Two other species, K. tecticola and K. longisetosus (the “ tecticola “ group), are characterized by long to very long notogastral setae, with each seta clearly longer than distance to the insertion of following seta. Three species belonging to “ tenuipes ” group— K. tenuipes (Michael, 1885), K. granulatus (Willmann, 1951) and K. nivalis (Kulczynski, 1902) —share a shortened and slightly clavate sensillus, which may or may not be covered by dense spinuli; this character is unique within Damaeus sensu lato, and rare even within the whole family. Redescriptions of the species will follow in another paper of the series.Published as part of Miko, Ladislav & Mourek, Jan, 2008, Taxonomy of European Damaeidae (Acari: Oribatida) I. Kunstidamaeus Miko, 2006, with comments on Damaeus sensu lato, pp. 1-26 in Zootaxa 1820 on pages 4-6, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.18297

    Assessment of structural condition of steel bridge in Brandýs nad Orlicí

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    This paper deals with structural condition assessment of historical steel through arch bridge in Brandýs nad Orlicí. Structure was dynamically tested to obtain mode shapes and eigenfrequencies on non-loaded structure and to estimate logarithmic damping decrement after traffic loading. Material properties were verified. Calculation model was created to validate its statical and dynamical behaviour. Article focuses on comparison of calculated results and properties of real structure upon excitation

    FIGURE 5. Main differences between genera Amiracarus Miko n in Oribatid mite fossils from pre-Quaternary sediments in Slovenian caves II. Amiracarus pliocennatus n.gen., n.sp. (Microzetidae) from Pliocene, with comments on the other species of the genus

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    FIGURE 5. Main differences between genera Amiracarus Miko n. gen. (A–C) and Miracarus Kunst 1959 (D–F), based on the type species (Amiracarus senensis—left, Miracarus hurkai—right, reconstructed from holotype figure, see Fig. 1). Dorsal view of whole body (A and D): proportion between length of prodorsum and length of notogaster (grey arrows); proportion of width of prodorsum and width of notogaster (black arrows); position of interlamellar setae; form of pteromorphs; position of seta e2—in relation to setae in row c2–cp–e2–f2; position of the seta h3—in relation to the seta in row h –h2–h3. Lateral view of anterior part of the body (B and E): form of pteromorph; development of tutoria and tutorial cusps; size and form of pedotectum I. Development of the sensilus (C and F).Published as part of <i>Miko, Ladislav, Mourek, Jan, Meleg, Ioana N. & Moldovan, Oana T., 2013, Oribatid mite fossils from pre-Quaternary sediments in Slovenian caves II. Amiracarus pliocennatus n.gen., n.sp. (Microzetidae) from Pliocene, with comments on the other species of the genus, pp. 557-578 in Zootaxa 3670 (4)</i> on page 571, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3670.4.8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10098155">http://zenodo.org/record/10098155</a&gt