3 research outputs found

    Software/hardware design of decision-making controllers for object navigation in horizontal plane

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    Cilj rada je istražiti mogućnosti orijentacije objekta u horizontalnoj ravnini, počevši od njegovog početnog kursa u zahtjevani rakurs, koristeći pojednostavljene metode navigacije. Usmjeravanje gibanja objekta koristi kontrolirane pogonske impulse neravnomjerno distribuirane u ograničenom vremenskom intervalu gibanja. Dizajnirane su tri metode logičkog odlučivanja za izračunavanje najbolje putanje, čije su greške na cilju minimalne. Računanje pogonskih impulsa, njihovih izvršnih instanci kao i tipova, prezentirani su u ovom radu. Razvijene kontrolne mjere su: modificirana višestruka shooting metoda, odnosno novi zakon upravljanja kako je nazvan u ovom radu, trenutna orijentacijska greška, kao i metoda fuzzy logike. Metode su projektirane kao softver za donošenje odluke implementiran u elektronski hardver kao predefinirani programabilni kontroler. To daje preliminarno programiranje usmjeravanja objekta na samom početku kursa gibanja prema ciljnoj točki smještenoj van početnog pravca. Metodama se optimiziraju raspodijele ukupno determiniranog vremena radi realiziranja odgovarajućih tipova i broja pogonskih impulsa u sekvencama. Simulacijski testovi ovih metoda, kao i projektirani hardver, također su prezentirani u radu kao doprinos razvojnom istraživanju upravljanja horizontalnim gibanjem.The paper aims to research the orientation possibilities of an object in the horizontal plane, from its start course into a required orientating recourse, by using simplified navigation methods. The object’s directed motion uses controlling powering impulses, variable distributed in time, during constrained motion time. Three logical decision-making methods are designed for calculating the best maneuvering trajectory with minimal error on the target. Computing the powering impulses, their execution instances, as well as their types, are ensured by the methods and presented in the paper. The developed controlling methods are: a modified multiple shooting method, a new control law, called in this paper, current error orientation, as well as a fuzzy logic method. These methods are designed as decision-making software implemented in an electronic hardware as a predefined programmable controller. This provides pre-programmable orientation of the object at the very beginning of course motion, towards a targeted point settled out of initial direction. The controlling methods use optimal diversification of full elapsed determining time to execute, in sequences, appropriate types and number of powering impulses. Simulation tests of the methods, as well as the designed hardware, are also presented in this paper as a contribution to the development researches of horizontal motion control


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    In this paper, the classification of the on-road obstacles based on the processing of a sequence of images obtained by a monocular camera embedded on a vehicle as well as the appropriate automatic guidance principle for obstacles avoidance are presented. The typical road scenarios have been used as a testing environment for the overall algorithm. Existing obstacles (vehicles) are classified into three classes: stationary, incoming, and outgoing. The first task in the algorithm consists of obstacles detection over the road background. This is followed by their tracking from one frame to another based on the appropriate selection of features using the SURF method. After that, the obstacles are recognized in a new frame, where it is possible to determine their position from the camera and the relative velocity using projection geometry principles. Then, the polynomial method is used in order to find the path that avoids the obstacles. Synthetic and realistic video sequences are used during the tests