78 research outputs found

    The importance of the regional development on the location of professional soccer teams. The Portuguese case 1970-1999

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    This work aims at testing the hypothesis “The economic development level of a region influences the presence of professional soccer teams in the country’s first league, which have their head offices in that region”. Using a rational choice model and working with binary time-series cross-section data, this work focuses on the Portuguese case, from 1970 to 1999. The results corroborate the main importance of three factors, which increase the probability that a municipality has the head office of a team that plays in the first league: the per capita revenue, the level of infrastructures and the demographic dimension.Regional development; Sports; BTSCS; logit models

    Elasticities of Regional and Local Administrations Expenditures - the Portuguese case

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    This work analyses the evolution of real public expenditures of local and regional administrations (LRA), in Portugsl, in the period after the Second World War. It also aims to estimate the elasticities associated to determinants, which explain the found growth. As most relevant results, it is focused that real public espenditures of LRA did not increase in a constant way - the most significant period of growth was between 1974 and 1990. A long-term relation was found among real public expenditures of LRA ( as a proportion of real Gross National Product), the Number of Employees in Public Administration, the Number of Unemployed and Public Revenues. These results are consistent with the bureaucracy being a source of discouragement referring to the decentralized public expenditures.Public Expenditures; Cointegration; Decentralization

    Local development and competitive soccer teams location. The Portuguese case

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    This work is focused on testing the following hypothesis: “The competitivenessof a Portuguese professional soccer team is influenced by the economicdevelopment level of the surrounding region.” Using a rational choice model andworking with binary time-series cross-sectional data, this work focuses on a Portugueseprofessional soccer team from 1970 to 1999. This is the first work on the teamsand economy of Portugal that tests this hypothesis. The results corroborate the mainimportance of three factors that increase the probability that a municipality willhouse the head office of a team that plays in the first league: 1) the per capita income,2) level of infrastructures, and 3) demographic dimension

    Port Wine, Brazil and the World Economy: A Time Series Analysis from 1756 to Brazilian Independence

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    The Douro Wine Company was one of the most emblematic mercantilist companies promoted by the Marquis of Pombal. It was established in 1756 and has played an unquestionably important role in the Port wine market since then. Port wine exports to Brazil were significantly lower than exports to England over time. Generally, the oscillation of Port wine exports to Brazil has been explained by particular episodes in the Douro Wine Company’s business. Employing structural break analysis and vector of error correction models to analyse data between 1756 and 1826, we concluded that Port wine exports to Brazil were robustly explained by the monetary dimensions of the world economy of the time.La «Companhia dos Vinhos do Douro» fue una de las empresas mercantilistas más emblemáticas del Marqués de Pombal. Se fundó en 1756y desempeñó un papel incuestionable en el mercado de vino de Oporto desde entonces. Las exportaciones de vino de Oporto a Brasil fueron significativamente menores que las exportaciones a Inglaterra a lo largo del tiempo. En general, la oscilación de las exportaciones de vino de Oporto a Brasil se ha explicado por episodios concretos en los negocios de la Compañía de Vinos del Duero. El empleo de análisis de ruptura estructural y de modelos de vectores de corrección de errores para analizar los datos entre 1756 y 1826 nos lleva a concluir que las exportaciones de vino de Oporto a Brasil se explican mejor por las dimensiones monetarias de la economía mundial en ese periodo.This work was carried out within the funding with COMPETE reference nº POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006683, with the FCT/MEC’s (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.) financial support through national funding and by the ERDF through the Operational Programme on Competitiveness and Internationalization – COMPETE 2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement

    As disparidades regionais em Portugal: uma sugestão a partir de índices sintéticos

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    O espaço regional português não é uma realidade homogénea. Compreender as diferenças das regiões é um passo essencial para esbater o que as afasta e aproveitar as potencialidades de cada uma. Nesse sentido, tem vindo a ser desenvolvido um esforço de definição de índices e indicadores como os que são apresentados. Ainda que, numa amostra estudada, confirmem a convergência em domínios sócio-económicos relevantes, os valores de alguns índices em particular revelam movimentos divergentes. Alguns desses valores que merecem reflexões mais aprofundadas identificam-se com os referentes às áreas estritamente económicas, como o são o perfil produtivo e a distribuição dos rendimentos. A partir dos índices de base, é oferecida uma gama mais extensa de indicadores compósitos que permitem sintetizar a realidade sócio-económica das NUT III do país.Indicadores Regionais; Índices Sintéticos; Medidas de convergência

    Factores de alteração da composição da Despesa Pública: o caso norte-americano

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    O presente texto vai centrar a atenção sobre o estudo das principais rubricas componentes da Despesa Pública norte-americana, inscrita no Orçamento de Estado. O conjunto de rubricas analisadas prolongar-se-á entre 1940 e 2002. Através da sugestão das elasticidades rendimento de cada outlay e da sensibilidade das rubricas (em percentagem do total orçamentado) face a tendência partidária da Administração da Casa Branca, comprovar-se-á a heterogeneidade de sensibilidades, face a variações nos agregados reais de produção e a ausência da influência partidária na composição orçamental, corroborando as teses de que democracias amadurecidas reflectem uma composição dos gastos influenciada sobretudo pelas grandes tendências do eleitor mediano, em detrimento das preferências partidárias.

    "Que critérios redistributivos na Lei das Finanças Locais?"

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    This work aims the set of redistributive policies (Factor endowments, Utilitarianism or Rawlsians) that is more significant in the Portugues Law of Local Finances. For this purpose, it starts from a model, which tries to relate the partition of a budget (that is distributed by decentralised instances) with the variance of the last sharing. For testing the model with Portuguese data (since 1979), I used Johansen (1991) procedures. As a synthesis from the conclusions, it is recognized that utilitarian criteria is most significant.Public Finances; Redistribution; Decentralization

    Incentivos à localização em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (os séculos XII-XVI)

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    This work focus on the importance of local incentives, in the region of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal), during the 12th and the 16th centuries. It aims to test the hipothesis that actualised incentives are factors of of municipal attractivity. For this purpose, a model is enunciated; this model is inspired by the usual context of industrial location. As results from the documental evidence this work concludes that the presence of actualised incentives were important in the decentralized decisions from the "Forais", in the considered period.Incentives to locate people; Forais; Portuguese Middle Age

    Elections, Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Illusion

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    This paper tests the joint hypotheses that policymakers engage in fiscal policy opportunism and that voters respond by rewarding that opportunism with higher vote margins. Furthermore, it investigates the impact of fiscal illusion on the previous two dimensions. Empirical results, obtained with a sample of 68 countries from 1960 to 2006, reveal that opportunistic measures of expenditures and revenues generate larger winning margins for the incumbent and that the opportunistic manipulation of fiscal policy instruments is larger when the current government is less likely to be reelected. Furthermore, fiscal illusion contributes to the entrenchment of incumbent policymakers in office and promotes opportunistic behaviour.fiscal policy, voting, opportunism, fiscal illusion