3 research outputs found

    Boundary Stabilization of Memory Type for the Porous-Thermo-Elasticity System

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    We consider the one-dimensional viscoelastic Porous-Thermo-Elastic system. We establish a general decay results. The usual exponential and polynomial decay rates are only special cases

    SCMA Codebook Design Based on a 16 Star-QAM with MED Maximization

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    The SCMA codebook design is based on star-QAM signalling constellations with operating several segmentations to generate the different user’s codebook while considering the MED maximization as the criterion design. In addition, we constructed the mapping matrix F using Progressive Edge Growth (PEG) algorithm which facilitate iterative decoding performance of the message passing algorithm (MPA). At the end, a comparison with similar studies is conducted on the MEDs of the designed codebooks