143 research outputs found

    Isostaticity in two dimensional pile of rigid disks

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    We study the static structure of piles made of polydisperse disks in the rigid limit with and without friction using molecular dynamic simulations for various elasticities of the disks and pile preparation procedures. The coordination numbers are calculated to examine the isostaticity of the pile structure. For the frictionless pile, it is demonstrated that the coordination number converges to 4 in the rigid limit, which implies that the structure of rigid disk pile is isostatic. On the other hand, for the frictional case with the infinite friction constant, the coordination number depends on the preparation procedure of the pile, but we find that the structure becomes very close to isostatic with the coordination number close to 3 in the rigid limit when the pile is formed through the process that tends to make a pile of random configuration.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Sliding Blocks Revisited: A simulational Study

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    A computational study of sliding blocks on inclined surfaces is presented. Assuming that the friction coefficient μ\mu is a function of position, the probability P(λ)P(\lambda) for the block to slide down over a length λ\lambda is numerically calculated. Our results are consistent with recent experimental data suggesting a power-law distribution of events over a wide range of displacements when the chute angle is close to the critical one, and suggest that the variation of μ\mu along the surface is responsible for this.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. submitted to Int. J. Mod. Phys. (Proc. Brazilian Wokshop on Simulational Physics

    Yard-Sale exchange on networks: Wealth sharing and wealth appropriation

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    Yard-Sale (YS) is a stochastic multiplicative wealth-exchange model with two phases: a stable one where wealth is shared, and an unstable one where wealth condenses onto one agent. YS is here studied numerically on 1d rings, 2d square lattices, and random graphs with variable average coordination, comparing its properties with those in mean field (MF). Equilibrium properties in the stable phase are almost unaffected by the introduction of a network. Measurement of decorrelation times in the stable phase allow us to determine the critical interface with very good precision, and it turns out to be the same, for all networks analyzed, as the one that can be analytically derived in MF. In the unstable phase, on the other hand, dynamical as well as asymptotic properties are strongly network-dependent. Wealth no longer condenses on a single agent, as in MF, but onto an extensive set of agents, the properties of which depend on the network. Connections with previous studies of coalescence of immobile reactants are discussed, and their analytic predictions are successfully compared with our numerical results.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to JSTA

    Infinite-cluster geometry in central-force networks

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    We show that the infinite percolating cluster (with density P_inf) of central-force networks is composed of: a fractal stress-bearing backbone (Pb) and; rigid but unstressed ``dangling ends'' which occupy a finite volume-fraction of the lattice (Pd). Near the rigidity threshold pc, there is then a first-order transition in P_inf = Pd + Pb, while Pb is second-order with exponent Beta'. A new mean field theory shows Beta'(mf)=1/2, while simulations of triangular lattices give Beta'_tr = 0.255 +/- 0.03.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, uses epsfig. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Social games in a social network

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    We study an evolutionary version of the Prisoner's Dilemma game, played by agents placed in a small-world network. Agents are able to change their strategy, imitating that of the most successful neighbor. We observe that different topologies, ranging from regular lattices to random graphs, produce a variety of emergent behaviors. This is a contribution towards the study of social phenomena and transitions governed by the topology of the community

    Exact results and scaling properties of small-world networks

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    We study the distribution function for minimal paths in small-world networks. Using properties of this distribution function, we derive analytic results which greatly simplify the numerical calculation of the average minimal distance, ˉ\bar{\ell}, and its variance, σ2\sigma^2. We also discuss the scaling properties of the distribution function. Finally, we study the limit of large system sizes and obtain some analytic results.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 5 figures included. Minor corrections and addition

    Multiplicative noise: A mechanism leading to nonextensive statistical mechanics

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    A large variety of microscopic or mesoscopic models lead to generic results that accommodate naturally within Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics (based on S1kdup(u)lnp(u)S_1\equiv -k \int du p(u) \ln p(u)). Similarly, other classes of models point toward nonextensive statistical mechanics (based on Sqk[1du[p(u)]q]/[q1]S_q \equiv k [1-\int du [p(u)]^q]/[q-1], where the value of the entropic index qq\in\Re depends on the specific model). We show here a family of models, with multiplicative noise, which belongs to the nonextensive class. More specifically, we consider Langevin equations of the type u˙=f(u)+g(u)ξ(t)+η(t)\dot{u}=f(u)+g(u)\xi(t)+\eta(t), where ξ(t)\xi(t) and η(t)\eta(t) are independent zero-mean Gaussian white noises with respective amplitudes MM and AA. This leads to the Fokker-Planck equation tP(u,t)=u[f(u)P(u,t)]+Mu{g(u)u[g(u)P(u,t)]}+AuuP(u,t)\partial_t P(u,t) = -\partial_u[f(u) P(u,t)] + M\partial_u\{g(u)\partial_u[g(u)P(u,t)]\} + A\partial_{uu}P(u,t). Whenever the deterministic drift is proportional to the noise induced one, i.e., f(u)=τg(u)g(u)f(u) =-\tau g(u) g'(u), the stationary solution is shown to be P(u,){1(1q)β[g(u)]2}11qP(u, \infty) \propto \bigl\{1-(1-q) \beta [g(u)]^2 \bigr\}^{\frac{1}{1-q}} (with qτ+3Mτ+Mq \equiv \frac{\tau + 3M}{\tau+M} and β=τ+M2A\beta=\frac{\tau+M}{2A}). This distribution is precisely the one optimizing SqS_q with the constraint q{du[g(u)]2[P(u)]q}/{du[P(u)]q}=_q \equiv \{\int du [g(u)]^2[P(u)]^q \}/ \{\int du [P(u)]^q \}= constant. We also introduce and discuss various characterizations of the width of the distributions.Comment: 3 PS figure

    Cluster counting: The Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm vs. spanning tree approaches

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    Two basic approaches to the cluster counting task in the percolation and related models are discussed. The Hoshen-Kopelman multiple labeling technique for cluster statistics is redescribed. Modifications for random and aperiodic lattices are sketched as well as some parallelised versions of the algorithm are mentioned. The graph-theoretical basis for the spanning tree approaches is given by describing the "breadth-first search" and "depth-first search" procedures. Examples are given for extracting the elastic and geometric "backbone" of a percolation cluster. An implementation of the "pebble game" algorithm using a depth-first search method is also described.Comment: LaTeX, uses ijmpc1.sty(included), 18 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Intern. J. of Modern Physics