4 research outputs found

    Alex MUCCHIELLI (2000), La nouvelle communication

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    Voilà près d’un siècle que des chercheurs américains ont mis en évidence l’impact de la communication sur le public, donnant naissance à des notions qu’illustre cette relation cabalistique entre destinateur et destinataire au travers d’un moyen appelé média. Beaucoup d’auteurs ont par la suite tenté d’élaborer des théories à partir d’enquêtes empiriques, souvent séduisantes, sur le degré d’aptitude d’un média, comme la presse écrite, la radio ou le cinéma à influencer le public (Lasswell, 192..

    Essai sur la communication politique au Maroc

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    In traditional Moroccan society vectors of communication were descending, emanating from the Sultan authority, or ascending, from the tribal or fraternal substratum. It was once these forms of communication were exhausted or depleted, that other modes of expression, sometimes violent, came to pass. In a general way, in spite of the many flaws that continue to persist in the modernization of the Moroccan State, we can none-the-less affirm that the process of democratization has gained force in the last several years. The integration of larger portions of society into the management of public affairs and the recruitment of new elites have had the effect of reinforcing the internal cohesion of the system and of reducing the mutual attitudes of incomprehension and suspicion. Will democracy manage to establish the rules of a veritable political communication and overthrow the system laced with the remnants of its traditional heritage 