8 research outputs found

    Usefulness of Syndromic Surveillance during Ultra-endurance Running Races: Example with the “Grand Raid de la RĂ©union” Ultra Trail

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    The "Grand Raid de la RĂ©union" is one of the hardest ultra trails in the world. This endurance running race has consequences on health's runners. We used syndromic surveillance to estimate the health impact of this sporting event on the Emergency Departments (ED) of Reunion Island. During the race's period, a global increase of the ED visits all causes was observed. The syndromic surveillance system detected a significant ED visits' increase for hydro-electrolytic disorders. These results highlight the usefulness of syndromic surveillance to estimate the impact on health of a mass gathering on a sporting event of great magnitude

    Flexibility of ED surveillance system to monitor dengue outbreak in Reunion Island

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    ObjectiveTo describe the characteristics of ED vitis related to dengue fever and to show how the syndromic surveillance system can be flexible for the monitoring of this outbreak.IntroductionIn Reunion Island, a French overseas territory located in the southwestern of Indian Ocean, the dengue virus circulation is sporadic. Since 2004, between 10 and 221 probable and confirmed autochthonous dengue fever cases have been reported annually. Since January 2018, the island has experienced a large epidemic of DENV serotype 2. As of 4 September 2018, 6,538 confirmed and probable autochthonous cases have been notified1. From the beginning of the epidemic, the regional office of National Public Health Agency (ANSP) in Indian Ocean enhanced the syndromic surveillance system in order to monitor the outbreak and to provide hospital morbidity data to public health authorities.MethodsIn Reunion Island, the syndromic surveillance system called OSCOURÂź network (Organisation de la Surveillance CoordonnĂ©e des Urgences) is based on all emergency departments (ED)2. Anonymous data are collected daily directly from the patients’ computerized medical files completed during medical consultations. Every day, data files are sent to the ANSP via a regional server over the internet using a file transfer protocol. Each file transmitted to ANSP includes all patient visits to the ED logged during the previous 24 hours (midnight to midnight). Finally, data are integrated in a national database (including control of data quality regarding authorized thesauri) and are made available to the regional office through an online application3.Following the start of dengue outbreak in week 4 of 2018, the regional office organized meetings with physicians in each ED to present the dengue epidemiological update and to recommend the coding of ED visit related to dengue for any suspect case (acute fever disease and two or more of the following signs or symptoms: nausea, vomiting, rash, headache, retro-orbital pain, myalgia). During these meetings, it was found that the version of ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) was different from one ED to another. Indeed, some ED used A90, A91 (ICD-10 version: 2015) for visit related to dengue and others used A97 and subdivisions (ICD-10 version: 2016). As the ICD-10 version: 2015 was implemented at the national server, some passages could be excluded. In this context, the thesaurus of medical diagnosis implemented in the national database has been updated so that all codes can be accepted. ED visits related to dengue fever has been then described according to age group, gender and hospitalization.ResultsFrom week 9 of 2018, the syndromic surveillance system was operational to monitor dengue outbreak. The regional office has provided each week, an epidemic curve of ED visits for dengue and a dashboard on descriptive characteristic of these visits. In total, 441 ED visits for dengue were identified from week 9 to week 34 of 2018 (Figure 1). On this period, the weekly number of ED visits for dengue was correlated with the weekly number of probable and confirmed autochthonous cases (rho=0.86, p<0.001). Among these visits, the male/female ratio was 0.92 and median (min-max) age was 44 (2-98) years. The distribution by age group showed that 15-64 year-old (72.1%, n=127) were most affected. Age groups 65 years and more and 0-14 year-old represented respectively 21.8% (n=96) and 6.1% (n=27) of dengue visits. About 30% of dengue visits were hospitalized.ConclusionsAccording Buehler et al., “the flexibility of a surveillance system refers to the system's ability to change as needs change. The adaptation to changing detection needs or operating conditions should occur with minimal additional time, personnel, or other resources. Flexibility generally improves the more data processing is handled centrally rather than distributed to individual data-providing facilities because fewer system and operator behavior changes are needed...” 4.During this dengue outbreak, the syndromic surveillance system seems to have met this purpose. In four weeks (from week 5 to week 9 of 2018), the system was able to adapt to the epidemiological situation with minimal additional resources and personnel. Indeed, updates were not made in the IT systems of each EDs’ but at the level of the national ANSP server (by one person). This surveillance system was also flexible thank to the reactivity of ED physicians who timely implemented coding of visits related to dengue fever.In conclusion, ED surveillance system constitutes an added-value for the dengue outbreak monitoring in Reunion Island. The automated collection and analysis data allowed to provide hospital morbidity (severe dengue) data to public health authorities. Although the epidemic has decreased, this system also allows to continue a routine active surveillance in order to quickly identify a new increase.References1SantĂ© publique France. Surveillance de la dengue Ă  la RĂ©union. Point Ă©pidĂ©miologique au 4 septembre 2018. http://invs.santepubliquefrance.fr/fr/Publications-et-outils/Points-epidemiologiques/Tous-les-numeros/Ocean-Indien/2018/Surveillance-de-la-dengue-a-la-Reunion.-Point-epidemiologique-au-4-septembre-2018. [Accessed September 8, 2018].2Vilain P, Filleul F. La surveillance syndromique Ă  la RĂ©union : un systĂšme de surveillance intĂ©grĂ©. [Syndromic surveillance in Reunion Island: integrated surveillance system]. Bulletin de Veille Sanitaire. 2013;(21):9-12. http://invs.santepubliquefrance.fr/fr/Publications-et-outils/Bulletin-de-veille-sanitaire/Tous-les-numeros/Ocean-indien-Reunion-Mayotte/Bulletin-de-veille-sanitaire-ocean-Indien.-N-21-Septembre-2013. [Accessed September 4, 2018].3Fouillet A, Fournet N, CaillĂšre N et al. SurSaUDÂź Software: A Tool to Support the Data Management, the Analysis and the Dissemination of Results from the French Syndromic Surveillance System. OJPHI. 2013; 5(1): e118.4Buehler JW, Hopkins RS, Overhage JM, Sosin DM, Tong V; CDC Working Group. Framework for evaluating public health surveillance systems for early detection of outbreaks: recommendations from the CDC Working Group. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2004;53(RR-5):1-11

    Enhanced syndromic surveillance during the 9 th Indian Ocean Island Games, 2015

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    ObjectiveTo describe how syndromic surveillance was enhanced to detecthealth events during the 9thIndian Ocean Island Games (IOIG) inReunion Island.IntroductionThe 9thIOIG took place in Reunion Island from July 31 to August9, 2015. This sport event gathered approximatively 1 640 athletes,2 000 volunteers and several thousand spectators from seven islands:Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Mayotte, Seychelles andReunion.In response to the import risk of infectious diseases from thesecountries where some of them are endemics, the syndromicsurveillance system, which captures 100% of all EmergencyDepartment visits, was enhanced in order to detect any health event.MethodsIn Reunion Island, syndromic surveillance system is based onOSCOURÂź network (Organisation de la surveillance coordonnĂ©edes urgences) that collects data from all emergency departments ofthe island. Data are daily transmitted to the French national publichealth agency then are available to the regional office. At the regionallevel, data are integrated into an application that allows the built ofpredefined syndromic groups according to the health risks related tomass gatherings (Table 1, parts 1 to 3) and complemented by specificsyndromic groups (table 1, part 4). Daily analyses with temporal[1] and spatial-temporal [2] algorithms were performed during thesurveillance period of July 27 to August 13, 2015. In addition to thismonitoring, ED physicians were requested to proactively tag Y33(ICD-10) as secondary diagnosis, each ED visits related to IOIG. Linelists were reviewed daily. Each day, an epidemiological report wassend to public health authorities.ResultsFrom July 31 to August 9, 2015, the activity of EDs was inaccordance with that expected. No health events were detected bythe syndromic surveillance system except for the syndrome “alcoholintoxication” for which consecutive signals were observed fromAugust 6 to 9, 2015. This increase occurs commonly at the beginningof each month (due to the social benefits payday) [3] nevertheless thisevent has probably been increased by IOIG (finals for team sportsand games closing ceremony). In total, 8 ED visits were tagged Y33as secondary diagnosis. In over half the cases, visits were related totrauma.ConclusionsThe syndromic surveillance system proved to be useful for thesurveillance of mass gathering events due to its capacity to detecthealth events but also to provide reassurance public health authorities[4]. As described in literature [5], few ED visits were tagged in relationto IOIG. Indeed, the tag of ED visits was implemented two weeksbefore the games, and given the shifts of ED physicians, some of themmay have not been informed. In the future, preparation meetings withphysicians will have to be planned several months before in order toimprove the response rate for mass gathering events

    Enhanced syndromic surveillance during the 9 th Indian Ocean Island Games, 2015

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    ObjectiveTo describe how syndromic surveillance was enhanced to detecthealth events during the 9thIndian Ocean Island Games (IOIG) inReunion Island.IntroductionThe 9thIOIG took place in Reunion Island from July 31 to August9, 2015. This sport event gathered approximatively 1 640 athletes,2 000 volunteers and several thousand spectators from seven islands:Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Mayotte, Seychelles andReunion.In response to the import risk of infectious diseases from thesecountries where some of them are endemics, the syndromicsurveillance system, which captures 100% of all EmergencyDepartment visits, was enhanced in order to detect any health event.MethodsIn Reunion Island, syndromic surveillance system is based onOSCOURÂź network (Organisation de la surveillance coordonnĂ©edes urgences) that collects data from all emergency departments ofthe island. Data are daily transmitted to the French national publichealth agency then are available to the regional office. At the regionallevel, data are integrated into an application that allows the built ofpredefined syndromic groups according to the health risks related tomass gatherings (Table 1, parts 1 to 3) and complemented by specificsyndromic groups (table 1, part 4). Daily analyses with temporal[1] and spatial-temporal [2] algorithms were performed during thesurveillance period of July 27 to August 13, 2015. In addition to thismonitoring, ED physicians were requested to proactively tag Y33(ICD-10) as secondary diagnosis, each ED visits related to IOIG. Linelists were reviewed daily. Each day, an epidemiological report wassend to public health authorities.ResultsFrom July 31 to August 9, 2015, the activity of EDs was inaccordance with that expected. No health events were detected bythe syndromic surveillance system except for the syndrome “alcoholintoxication” for which consecutive signals were observed fromAugust 6 to 9, 2015. This increase occurs commonly at the beginningof each month (due to the social benefits payday) [3] nevertheless thisevent has probably been increased by IOIG (finals for team sportsand games closing ceremony). In total, 8 ED visits were tagged Y33as secondary diagnosis. In over half the cases, visits were related totrauma.ConclusionsThe syndromic surveillance system proved to be useful for thesurveillance of mass gathering events due to its capacity to detecthealth events but also to provide reassurance public health authorities[4]. As described in literature [5], few ED visits were tagged in relationto IOIG. Indeed, the tag of ED visits was implemented two weeksbefore the games, and given the shifts of ED physicians, some of themmay have not been informed. In the future, preparation meetings withphysicians will have to be planned several months before in order toimprove the response rate for mass gathering events

    Using an Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance System to Assess the Impact of Cyclone Bejisa, Reunion Island

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    On January 2, 2014 the cyclone Bejisa struck Reunion Island. In anticipation, an epidemiological surveillance was set up in order to assess the impact in the aftermath of the cyclone. Short-term health effects were assessed using a syndromic surveillance system based on data of EDs and EMS. A peak of calls to the EMS was observed the day of the cyclone and an increase of ED visits over the next two days. At the same time, a significant increase of visits for trauma, burns, conjunctivitis was detected. The reactivity and the flexibility of the syndromic surveillance system allowed to rapidly assess the health impact of the cyclone

    Using a Syndromic Approach to Study Health Impact and Risk Factors of Alcohol Intoxication in Reunion Island

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    In Reunion Island, alcohol is a major public health problem. Syndromic surveillance system based on ED data was used for describe alcohol intoxication visits between 2010-2012 and factors associated with their variations. During the study period, alcohol intoxication was the second leading cause of all visits in ED. Time-series models showed a robust association between ED visits and days of minimum social benefits payment, weekends, public holidays. These results will be transmitted to health authorities in order to orient the public health policies

    Usefulness of Syndromic Surveillance during Ultra-endurance Running Races: Example with the “Grand Raid de la RĂ©union” Ultra Trail

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    The "Grand Raid de la RĂ©union" is one of the hardest ultra trails in the world. This endurance running race has consequences on health's runners. We used syndromic surveillance to estimate the health impact of this sporting event on the Emergency Departments (ED) of Reunion Island. During the race's period, a global increase of the ED visits all causes was observed. The syndromic surveillance system detected a significant ED visits' increase for hydro-electrolytic disorders. These results highlight the usefulness of syndromic surveillance to estimate the impact on health of a mass gathering on a sporting event of great magnitude

    Using a Syndromic Approach to Study Health Impact and Risk Factors of Alcohol Intoxication in Reunion Island

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    In Reunion Island, alcohol is a major public health problem. Syndromic surveillance system based on ED data was used for describe alcohol intoxication visits between 2010-2012 and factors associated with their variations. During the study period, alcohol intoxication was the second leading cause of all visits in ED. Time-series models showed a robust association between ED visits and days of minimum social benefits payment, weekends, public holidays. These results will be transmitted to health authorities in order to orient the public health policies