4 research outputs found

    Étude par la mĂ©thode d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation des effets combinĂ©s de la rugositĂ© de surface et de la rhĂ©ologie du lubrifiant sur le comportement d’un contact hydrodynamique

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    Dans cet article, les effets combinĂ©s de la rugositĂ© de surface et de la rhĂ©ologie du lubrifiant additivĂ© sur les performances hydrodynamiques d’un patin plan inclinĂ© sont Ă©tudiĂ©s au moyen de la mĂ©thode d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation. La surface du patin contiguĂ« au film est supposĂ©e fixe et rugueuse tandis que la surface infĂ©rieure mobile est parfaitement lisse. Le modĂšle de fluide polaire ou Ă  couple de contrainte de V.K. Stokes est adoptĂ© pour dĂ©crire le comportement rhĂ©ologique du lubrifiant s’écoulant entre les deux surfaces. Les Ă©tudes de simulation sont effectuĂ©es en considĂ©rant trois formes de rugositĂ©s (transversales, longitudinales et anisotropes) et diffĂ©rentes valeurs du paramĂštre de couple de contrainte. La comparaison des solutions obtenues par les mĂ©thodes dĂ©terministe et d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation a permis de conclure que la mĂ©thode d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation est efficace pour les trois formes de rugositĂ© envisagĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude paramĂ©trique effectuĂ©e montrent que les rugositĂ©s de surface et les couples de contraintes dus Ă  la prĂ©sence des additifs polymĂ©riques dans le lubrifiant ont des effets non nĂ©gligeables sur les performances hydrodynamiques du contact, Ă  savoir : le champ de pression, la capacitĂ© de charge, le nombre de frottement et la puissance dissipĂ©e

    Free vibration analysis of multi-span orthotropic bridge deck with rubber bearings

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    In this paper, a semi-analytical approach is proposed for free vibration analysis of a multi-span, orthotropic bridge deck with rubber bearings. This allows more realistic modeling of vibration transmission from a bridge’s deck to its supports. The approach is based on modal superposition incorporating intermodal coupling. The bridge deck was modeled as a continuous, multi-span, orthotropic rectangular plate with equivalent rigidities. The rubber bearings were inserted between the girders and rigid supports to absorb traffic induced vibrations. The rubber bearing was modeled by linear elastic, vertical supports as very flexible in rotation and highly rigid in the vertical direction. The method’s efficacy was validated against two numerical examples. The absolute error was less than 10%

    Analysis of couple-stresses and piezo-viscous effects in a layered connecting-rod bearing

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    International audienceIn this work, the combined effects of couple-stresses and piezo-viscosity on the dynamic behavior of a compression ignition engine big-end connecting-rod bearing with elastic layer are investigated using the V. K. Stokes micro-continuum theory. It is assumed that the journal (crankpin) is rigid and the big-end bearing consists of a thin compressible elastic liner fixed in an infinitely stiff housing. The governing Reynolds' equation and the viscous dissipation term appearing on the RHS of energy equation are modified using the V. K. Stokes micro-continuum theory. The non-Newtonian effect is introduced by a new material constant η, which is responsible for couple-stress property, and the piezo-viscosity effect by the pressure–viscosity coefficient α appearing in the well-known Barus' law. In the proposed model, the nonlinear transient modified Reynolds equation is discretized by the finite difference method, and the resulting system of algebraic equations is solved by means of the subrelaxed successive substitutions method to obtain the fluid-film pressure field as well as the film thickness distribution. The crankpin center trajectories for a given load diagram are determined iteratively by solving the nonlinear equilibrium equations of the journal bearing system with the improved and damped Newton–Raphson method for each time step or crankshaft rotation angle. According to the obtained results, the effects of couple-stresses and piezo-viscosity on the nonlinear dynamic behavior of dynamically loaded bearings with either stiff or compliant liners are significant and cannot be overlooked

    Steady-state behavior of finite compliant journal bearing using a piezoviscous polar fluid as lubricant

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    The proposed work is concerned with the theoretical and numerical investigation of the lubricant rheology effects on the steady-state behavior of a plain finite compliant journal bearing operating under isothermal conditions. In the present investigation, the couple-stresses due to the presence of improving viscosity index (VI) additives, the viscosity-pressure (piezoviscosity effect) as well as the density-pressure (compressibility effect) variations are considered. The hydrodynamic lubrication theory is based on the V.K. Stokes micro-continuum mechanics which takes into account the size of macro-molecular chains added to the basic oil. The Barus and Dowson-Higginson laws were used to express the viscosity-pressure and density-pressure variations. Using the classical assumptions of lubrication, a modified Reynolds’ equation is derived and solved numerically by the finite difference method. The displacement field at the fluid film bearing liner interface due to pressure forces is determined using the elastic thin liner model. The proposed work is concerned with the theoretical and numerical investigation of the lubricant rheology effects on the steady-state behavior of a plain finite compliant (elastic liner) journal bearing operating under isothermal conditions and laminar flow. The obtained results show that the couple-stresses have significant effects on the hydrodynamic performance characteristics such as the pressure field, the carrying capacity, the attitude angle and friction number especially when the viscosity-pressure variation is considered. Moreover, it is also shown that the compressibility of lubricant doesn’t affect the hydrodynamic characteristics