11 research outputs found

    Lagrangian Data-Driven Reduced Order Modeling of Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents

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    There are two main strategies for improving the projection-based reduced order model (ROM) accuracy: (i) improving the ROM, i.e., adding new terms to the standard ROM; and (ii) improving the ROM basis, i.e., constructing ROM bases that yield more accurate ROMs. In this paper, we use the latter. We propose new Lagrangian inner products that we use together with Eulerian and Lagrangian data to construct new Lagrangian ROMs. We show that the new Lagrangian ROMs are orders of magnitude more accurate than the standard Eulerian ROMs, i.e., ROMs that use standard Eulerian inner product and data to construct the ROM basis. Specifically, for the quasi-geostrophic equations, we show that the new Lagrangian ROMs are more accurate than the standard Eulerian ROMs in approximating not only Lagrangian fields (e.g., the finite time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE)), but also Eulerian fields (e.g., the streamfunction). We emphasize that the new Lagrangian ROMs do not employ any closure modeling to model the effect of discarded modes (which is standard procedure for low-dimensional ROMs of complex nonlinear systems). Thus, the dramatic increase in the new Lagrangian ROMs' accuracy is entirely due to the novel Lagrangian inner products used to build the Lagrangian ROM basis

    Combining Stochastic Parameterized Reduced-Order Models with Machine Learning for Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification with Partial Observations

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    A hybrid data assimilation algorithm is developed for complex dynamical systems with partial observations. The method starts with applying a spectral decomposition to the entire spatiotemporal fields, followed by creating a machine learning model that builds a nonlinear map between the coefficients of observed and unobserved state variables for each spectral mode. A cheap low-order nonlinear stochastic parameterized extended Kalman filter (SPEKF) model is employed as the forecast model in the ensemble Kalman filter to deal with each mode associated with the observed variables. The resulting ensemble members are then fed into the machine learning model to create an ensemble of the corresponding unobserved variables. In addition to the ensemble spread, the training residual in the machine learning-induced nonlinear map is further incorporated into the state estimation that advances the quantification of the posterior uncertainty. The hybrid data assimilation algorithm is applied to a precipitating quasi-geostrophic (PQG) model, which includes the effects of water vapor, clouds, and rainfall beyond the classical two-level QG model. The complicated nonlinearities in the PQG equations prevent traditional methods from building simple and accurate reduced-order forecast models. In contrast, the SPEKF model is skillful in recovering the intermittent observed states, and the machine learning model effectively estimates the chaotic unobserved signals. Utilizing the calibrated SPEKF and machine learning models under a moderate cloud fraction, the resulting hybrid data assimilation remains reasonably accurate when applied to other geophysical scenarios with nearly clear skies or relatively heavy rainfall, implying the robustness of the algorithm for extrapolation

    An Energy-Based Lengthscale for Reduced Order Models of Turbulent Flows

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    In this paper, we propose a novel reduced order model (ROM) lengthscale that is constructed by using energy distribution arguments. The new energy-based ROM lengthscale is fundamentally different from the current ROM lengthscales, which are built by using dimensional arguments. To assess the novel, energy-based ROM lengthscale, we compare it with a standard, dimensionality-based ROM lengthscale in two fundamentally different types of models: (i) the mixing-length ROM (ML-ROM), which is a ROM closure model; and (ii) the evolve-filter-relax ROM (EFR-ROM), which is a regularized ROM. We test the four combinations (i.e., ML-ROM and EFR-ROM equipped with the energy-based and dimensionality-based lengthscales) in the numerical simulation of the turbulent channel flow at Reτ=395Re_{\tau} = 395. The numerical investigation yields the following conclusions: (i) The new energy-based ROM lengthscale is significantly (almost two orders of magnitude) larger than the standard dimensionality-based ROM lengthscale. As a result, the energy-based lengthscale yields more stable ML-ROMs and EFR-ROMs than the dimensionality-based lengthscale. (ii) The energy-based lengthscale displays the correct asymptotic behavior with respect to the ROM dimension, whereas the dimensionality-based lengthscale does not. (iii) The energy-based lengthscale yields ML-ROMs and (when significant filtering is effected) EFR-ROMs whose parameters are less sensitive (i.e., more robust) than the parameters of the ML-ROMs and EFR-ROMs based on the dimensionality-based lengthscale. The novel energy-based lengthscale could enable the development of better scale-aware ROM strategies for flow-specific applications and is expected to have long term applications in nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2108.0225

    Commutation error in reduced order modeling of fluid flows

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    For reduced order models (ROMs) of fluid flows, we investigate theoretically and computationally whether differentiation and ROM spatial filtering commute, i.e., whether the commutation error (CE) is nonzero. We study the CE for the Laplacian and two ROM filters: the ROM projection and the ROM differential filter. Furthermore, when the CE is nonzero, we investigate whether it has any significant effect on ROMs that are constructed by using spatial filtering. As numerical tests, we use the Burgers equation with viscosities ν = 10− 1 and ν = 10− 3 and a 2D flow past a circular cylinder at Reynolds numbers Re = 100 and Re = 500. Our investigation (i) measures the size of the CE in these test problems and (ii) shows that the CE has a significant effect on ROM development for high viscosities, but not so much for low viscosities

    Verifiability of the Data-Driven Variational Multiscale Reduced Order Model

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    International audienceIn this paper, we focus on the mathematical foundations of reduced order model (ROM) closures. First, we extend the verifiability concept from large eddy simulation to the ROM setting. Specifically, we call a ROM closure model verifiable if a small ROM closure model error (i.e., a small difference between the true ROM closure and the modeled ROM closure) implies a small ROM error. Second, we prove that the data-driven ROM closure studied here (i.e., the data-driven variational multiscale ROM) is verifiable. Finally, we investigate the verifiability of the data-driven variational multiscale ROM in the numerical simulation of the one-dimensional Burgers equation and a two-dimensional flow past a circular cylinder at Reynolds numbers Re=100 and Re=1000

    A randomized controlled trial protocol comparing the feeds of fresh versus frozen mother’s own milk for preterm infants in the NICU

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    Abstract Background Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the leading cause of death among preterm infants born at < 30 weeks’ gestation. The incidence of NEC is reduced when infants are fed human milk. However, in many neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), it is standard practice to freeze and/or pasteurize human milk, which deactivates bioactive components that may offer additional protective benefits. Indeed, our pilot study showed that one feed of fresh mother’s own milk per day was safe, feasible, and can reduce morbidity in preterm infants. To further evaluate the benefits of fresh human milk in the NICU, a randomized controlled trial is needed. Methods Our prospective multicenter, double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial will include infants born at < 30 weeks’ gestation and admitted to one of 29 tertiary NICUs in China. Infants in the intervention (fresh human milk) group (n = 1549) will receive at least two feeds of fresh human milk (i.e., within 4 h of expression) per day from the time of enrollment until 32 weeks’ corrected age or discharge to home. Infants in the control group (n = 1549) will receive previously frozen human milk following the current standard protocols. Following informed consent, enrolled infants will be randomly allocated to the control or fresh human milk groups. The primary outcome is the composite outcome mortality or NEC ≥ stage 2 at 32 weeks’ corrected age, and the secondary outcomes are mortality, NEC ≥ stage 2, NEC needing surgery, late-onset sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), weight gain, change in weight, increase in length, increase in head circumference, time to full enteral feeds, and finally, the number and type of critical incident reports, including feeding errors. Discussion Our double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial aims to examine whether fresh human milk can improve infant outcomes. The results of this study will impact both Chinese and international medical practice and feeding policy for preterm infants. In addition, data from our study will inform changes in health policy in NICUs across China, such that mothers are encouraged to enter the NICU and express fresh milk for their infants. Trial registration Chinese Clinical Trial Registry; #ChiCTR1900020577; registered January 1, 2019; http://www.chictr.org.cn/showprojen.aspx?proj=3427